Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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you won’t believe this.. actually if you know me, you will!

[photopress image=”grout_box_002.jpg”]

 no more “fab 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1”.. we have MOVED ON.. We are now considered (and please spread the word), the addictabella sistahood…n’k?  I AM LOVING that term and actually one of my readers, Angela, will be signing her blog that way.. and so will I.. this way I really don’t have to tell you how many people read my blog (*giggles*).

Before I tell you what the above picture is about, I first want to thank ALL OF YOU for the support on SCS, on your proper blogs, on your sweet words about me etc.  I have had great success over the last few days and my family has not really seen me as I have been hiding under rubbAH and papAH.. but I am loving every minute of it.. so DON”T STOP!! I am gonna say it again.. thank you thank you thank you thank you… Thank you for devoting blog entries to me, thank you for saying nice words, but most of all, thank you for loving the bellas…!

Ok, now that that is said (phew!), here goes..

My DH decided that we should change our floors on our main floor.. not much of a job, just get someone to SLEDGEHAMMER and CRACK white tiles and simply place a new set of beautiful chocolate brown tiles..  Doesn’t that sound easy with 2 kids in the house?  I think so (NOT).  Anyway, my friend Shari is a decorator and I decided to use her services (for free of course.. I woulda given her RUBBAH, but that is the furthest thing down her list.. CAN YOU BELIEVEEEEEE?? There is nothing I would want more!).. Ok, so we go to the tile place.. this huge empire where I musta walked 5 miles.  My DH kept on giving his opinion (since when did HE have one in the decorating process?).. We ended up deciding on a beautiful color.. ok.. boring for you no?  This is the clincher and what makes my non-stamping friends think that I am absolutely nuts..

We get to the customer service desk as Shari asks for samples so we can lay it out on our floor and see if the colours are good (I have no patience for this.. brought it home… left it in the bag and Shari called me to see how it looked and I said “PHENOMENAL”.. shhhh don’t tell her that I didn’t have the patience to let it leave the bag..).. she says to me “place it on your floor in the hallway, make sure it matches the carpet and the wall.. see if you are ‘comfortable’ with it”.. then she says “place it on the kitchen wall with the new backsplash tile and see if you like it and can live with it”… does she realize that all I wanna do is STAMP and COLOR????? people just don’t understand.. SHEESH..

Ok, so you are probably saying “get to the point, woman”.. I am getting there right now.

We get to the customer service desk and I spot something.  Something colorful.  Something in a case.. you tell me colourful and in a case and I absolutely NEED IT.  I say to shari.. “I want that (pointing to this case of colourful sticks)”.. she says “what do you need it for?” ” I say I JUST WANT IT AND NEED IT so please get it for me”.  She says “do you know what it is for?”.. I say “STOP ASKING QUESTIONS, just get it for me pronto”.. so she gets it for me (IT WAS FREEE!).. I had it in my lovely hands.. had no idea what to do with it and she tells me that they are grout colours.  Can you believe I got excited over GROUT COLOURS??? What is wrong with me??? WHAT???????  She thinks I am nuts, my D D D D H thinks I have lost my marbles.. but you know what?  I have a little box, with sticks of colours and I am happy.

 Have a marvelous, phenomenal, spectacular Tuesday and I love you all

Chief Sista Addictabella


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  1. Too funny! Love the photo of the grout sticks! I can’t wait to see what you create with them!

    You’re definately not insane either. Do you know how many paint samples I have at home. My DH and DD think I’m crazy because I always pause at the paint samples to pick out a few yet I can’t tell you the last time I used one. But, you never know! Happy Stamping!

  2. I think it should be a prerequisite to be a little nuts to belong to your sistahood!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL creative people are a little off their meds, so don’t feel alone and besides who doesn’t like colorful sticks in a neat package? I’m sure you will find some way to make use of the grout colors and I look forward to seeing them incorporated onto a card. I love you, and I am not only an addictabella, but also an addictaemma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. You are too funny. (And I’m a little jealous that I don’t have little colorful sticks…but, such is life right?) Sounds like you’ve got your plate full of wonderful things, and are about to have your kitchen turned up-side-down. You’ll have to post pics of the area once your rennovation is complete.

    I’m at WORK today, and HAD to check in to see if there was a new post today…(a true addictabella,) and now I have enough in my system to get me through the rest of the day.

    Have fun with you FREE Colorful Sticks!!!!

    In sistahood…

    ~Addictabella Angela

  4. LOL You were right, I did laugh at this post!! Only you, Em would want a block of coloured sticks. But… now that I look at them more closely… I kinda want some too! hahahaha. All the best, one of your Addictabella sisters.

  5. That’s ok Em. To the world they are grout sticks but to you there….well at least you know what they are. But we’ve all been there. Shortly after Christmas our local MP sent out her calendars that had little 2×2 individual month squares for 2008 on the back page. When I saw one in my mail box a light bulb went off and I was already thinking xmas gifts for next year. I walked by the garbage can and what did I see…..a whole bunch of these calendars in the garbage. Of course I scooped em and walked out of there with enough to do several gifts for next xmas. Man…even the garbage isn’t safe from us crafters. LOL

  6. Em,
    I most definitely am a charter member of the Sisterhood of the Addictabella’s!!! I’m wondering….what does one do with grout sticks? Are they mallable? (I think that’s a word…) Stop packing orders and make something with them! By the way, did you see my Janeabella icon on my blog? A girl can dream, right? I’m off to the hospital early Friday morning for the blessed event…dont do anything too amazing until I get back!!! Love ya, Moi!

  7. love your blog and the card. of course the adorable bella stamps. but you need a subscribe button on your blog so we get notified when you make a new post. that way I remember to come back and visit.

  8. I just left Amy R.’s blog where she posted these new stamps she purchased (3 of ’em) called, “Bella’s” and directed blog readers to this site! Oh my gawd! I am in LOVE with these images! Where to begin?? ::bounces off to get calculator::

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