Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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YA GOTS MORE sistahs!!!! (don’t laugh at their names as Dena and I thought long and hard about them and a TREMENDOUS amount of thinking and coffee drinking occurred to find the special name)

Here are my 2 fave non-bella stamps.. actually do I really have a fave?? not really… I really love them all (I know it sounds cheesy but REALLY I DOOOOOOO LOVEEEEYYYY THEM!!)

So here is “dare to be different” flower.. here is a card I made with it.. Nicky has another variation where she popped one of the petals.. but I LOOOVE the different petal.. sometimes I FEEL like that different petal..LOL  DO YOU EVAH feel that way? I have introduced a new sentiment as well ! A Big Thank You

[photopress image=”kristaflowerabigthankyou.jpg”]

 And NOOOOWWWW here is the craziest and most AMAZING border you will ever meet.  It’s called the NOT SO BORED BORDER.. LOL.. SEEE  I toldja that we spent a lot of time thinking about this!!  This border is FANTAB.. you can cut it up and use pieces, you can use it whole

here are a couple of samples I did with them a while ago.. I LOOOOVEY THEM!!


[photopress image=”bordercard2.jpg”]


also, wanted to know what you think of the scallopy card??? that may be one of my other surprises soon….


Mwah to the SISTAHS who DARE to be DIFFERENT


[photopress image=”crazyborder.jpg”]

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  1. Hey Em … the new Flower is really neat and certainly unique. And the new Sweetabellas are adorable 🙂 Love the branding on their shopping bag. You just get better and better, and I just keep spending more and more :))


  2. i lovey them to pieces TOO!!!

    you are such a hoot!

    every bella needs a friend like you!

    hugs, chella

  3. Never mind, found them!! they’re absolutely A DO RA BLE!!!! I love them, a must have for any bella-holic!! They’re truley sweet!!! (unless they were there before and I missed the announcement…)
    You are the BEST!!! MWAH!!!! Monster fed… will be hungry again tomorrow though… 😉

  4. LOVEY the scallop card. Are you going to be adding cardstock to the otherwise already magnificent Bella line??? If you do, make them in LOTSA COLORS 🙂 N’K?

    The not-so-bored- border is simply fantastic!

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