Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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you know the shoemaker and the shoe story?

That the shoemaker never has a pair of shoes.. well.. I am a little embarassed to tell you this story but Nicky CONVINCED me that I can’t get more embarassed than I have already been.  I am totally ashamed.  I went to mail my sistabellas packages today and guess what?  I passed by the Hallmark section at the pharmacy and YES, I did it.  I BOUGHT A $6.49 VALENTINE CARD FOR MY HUB.  can you believe it??  I have no time to make him one and I feel so guilty (that moolah coulda gone for craft use)!!!

Oh well, I feel better now.  My name is Emily, and I BUY cards.  hmph.  Now even better.. Nicky will MAKE a card for her family member.  DIG this (I don’t know what comes over me with this lingo.. holy kaboly).. she makes the card, and then she inserts a liner with repositionable tape.. writes her message inside and then once the family member reads it, she yanks out the insert, hands it to the family member and keeps the card.. IS THAT NOT HILARIOUS?

do any of you sistahs have stoooopid (“mommy that is a bad word”-says Tyler) stories to share?  Come on, tell us.. TRUST me.. you cannot humiliate yourselves as much as I do on a daily basis *LOL*


p.s. 15 minutes til VALENTINES DAY!! i am such a suck.

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  1. Hey Em! Oh my Lord!! LOL!! I hear you on the not having time– but I feel guilty just for going into hallmark to look when I have a $5000 stamp room at home! Shhhh… don’t tell my hubby! LOL! My Nana called me yesterday to tell me about the cutest cards they had that played music… I said… “hmmmm… do you think I could buy one and rip the music box out and put it in one of my cards?” She just sat there on the phone in silence… I think I shocked her. LOL! I don’t think she knew how serious the obsession is! LOL! I sent her one of those Bella Valentine cards I emailed you and she LOVE IT!! She couldn’t believe how pretty Bellas are!! hehehehe!! 🙂 Okay– Nicky– I don’t know what we are going to do with her. LOL! Oh– I had to read what she does 3 times to fully grasp it. LOL!!! That is hysterical. I told my hubby about it… and he said, “Oh– I’d be mad if someone took my card away.” I think I’ve made him protective since I’m always making him stuff… he loves it!

    We celebrated Valentine’s Day today since we have Physiology class until late tomorrow night. FUN FUN FUN!! It was nice! 🙂 I got a beautiful pink mini rose bush, a paraffin wax kit for my hands and feet (LOVE IT)… and OKAY DON”T Laugh– Grapes. LOL!! I love grapes. I eat them CONSTANTLY. It made me smile! He is great! 🙂 Whelp, Happy Valentine’s Day!!

  2. My husband is not getting a hand-stamped card from me…..I don’t have time! Usually, he will say, “You are not getting me anything for V-day are you?” I say, “Nope – I thought about making you a card, but I didn’t- good thing it is the thought that counts!” I use that one on B-days too! I did, however, get him a gift this year – got him the same thing last year too. My husband LOVES those FunDip candy packs… hates the sugar dip part, but loves the sticks! He usually just tears off the stick part and throws the rest in the garbage. Well, last year, I found that they had those little packs in Valentine packs, one stick/one dip, I’m sure for little kids to pass out at school, but it was like 2.99 for 24 sticks! Well, he is getting a box of sticks this year for V-day! I’m sure I won’t even get a box – but I don’t really care. After 15 V-day’s together… it is sort of just another Wednesday for us… it is however my parent’s wedding anniversary, so maybe I will make them a card in the morning!

    I don’t think I could spent $6 on a card! I could buy a new bella for that!

  3. Oh! I just wanted to share a funny thought I just had… I finished typing my last comment and thought to myself…

    Oh I think I ate too many sunchips and I think I have a bella-ache! I laughed at how dorky I was for really thinking that! Bella-addict!

    Maybe You need to make a Get well bella for those of us with BellaAches!


    I’m a really good v-day gift giver. So good, in fact, that others love to emulate me. I got my ex-boyfriend 4th row blue line hockey tickets for v-day one year. He turned around and gave *ME* hockey tickets for my BIRTHDAY, since he thought they were such a great gift. That did not go over well. I told him that the following year for valentines day, he was getting a dozen roses and a diamond ring. DID I MENTION HE’S MY EX-BOYFRIEND?

  5. Em – you and the other ladies have me laughing so hard!! I hardly ever make my husband cards – not only do we not do V-Day but just because I don’t have time – I’m too busy making them for swaps and raks. But when I do – I take them back after he’s read them and put them in my *portfolio* basket.

  6. *giggle* I too went to Hallmark…I didn’t have time to write a love letter so instead I bought a card that said it all for me!

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