Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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you bugged and bugged and bugged (free shipping code 133155 til Monday)

so here she is.  Ohsoprettybella.. I am in LOVE with her.


mwah to da sistahs who also love DA bellas 🙂


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  1. You’ve got some nice new stuff. Like the fairies in particular and the frosted flat-backs. Very happy to see another Bella. What are the chances that there will be an Easter/Springtini?

  2. I was telling em that I was in the Dr. Phil house for women addicted to Bellas. lol
    Yes it may tide us over for a week but then……. well, we will just have to have a new bella again.

    Bellas Bellas we want Bellas…

  3. Dang it! I just placed my order!!! Please tell me there is a way I can add her?! Before someone else gets her hands on her!!! This is cruel and unusual punishment to be sure. She is AWESOME!!!

  4. Em, you are too good to us! I love that she is sitting at her vanity after all of the make-up talk on Friday. She is just beautiful!

  5. She is FAB Em!! Am saving up for a huuuuuge order…it might take me a while, but then…fasten your seatbelts 😉 I love all the stamps ‘n’ stuff you’ve come up with in the last few weeks, but please, no more…my bankaccount can’t take it 😉

  6. Love her. I can’t get enough bellas. I know every time I post I bug you about new bellas, but are you going to have any more “bellas from behind” like ipodabella and mwah bella?

  7. Love, love, love all the new stuff. Ordered my goodies, can’t wait to get my hands on them.

    BTW, coupon code says it expired…it’s still Sunday! Wahhhhh!

  8. I’m new to bellas, but im completely sold!! just spent a fortune on bella.
    I dont know whether to thank you or not!

  9. I’m totally loving her!! She is just too adorable!!

    (and btw, I’m no longer just a Lurk-a-Bella…aren’t you totally proud?!?!?!)

  10. I’m sure someone else has already thought of this, but you could use Blingabella with the new “No Ringy Dingy” sentiment but ink & stamp the words seperately to read “No Dingy Ringy!” Bwahahaha! So corny I’m killin’ myself!

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