Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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LOL.. I am already beginning to giggle thinking about this moment.. Nicky and I were walking the show and low and behold I see something lime green at the corner of my eye.  Well sistahs you know that me and lime green?  we get along REAL good.  So I immediately LEAP (picture me as a bellarina..NOT A CHANCE) towards this color.  I nearly fainted.  HONESTLY. I whip out my camera and start chatting with the owners of the booth.. they look at me as if I am on CRACK (I know yet another shocker) as I was SO excited about their product.  They start demoing and showing me how AMAZING this thing was.. and I agreed and told him I had one already….

[photopress image=”smartcart.jpg”]


Yup, you got it.. it’s the SMARRRRRTTTTT   CARTTTTTTTTTT.. yet mine has blue yucky baskets.  hmph.  If I woulda known that there was green out there.. who woulda THUNK IT???  Are you sistahs laughing your heads off yet?  So I had to ‘splain to the guy that I was in love with his product and actually wanted to marry it.  so this is me IN HEAVEN with these 2 guys.. they thought I was in love with them but little did they know that that baby sitting in front of us was the object of my obssession….

[photopress image=”smartcartwithdudes.jpg”]

 well that’s my story for the night


love love love the sistahs



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  1. FINALLY! YIPEEEE ! We get to see the actual “Smart-Cart” that left your DH’s “Man-Dolly” in ‘da dust when you were moving into your new office space 🙂 Has DH ever challenged you to another race? Haaaa I still laugh when I picture that *vision* you painted for all of us .
    You could purchase some of that Tremclad paint that is used on exterior patio chairs and tables (metal or plastic) ~ s’pose to work really well and you might just find your favorite lime-pickle green too.

    And PLEASSSSEE PLEASSSEEE Em, release some stuff before Friday … as I’m leaving for two weeks to “Northern” country where we have no internet, let alone electricity (we use propane and solar panels for a bit of light for about 2 hrs per night and it also runs a portable DVD/VHS player for movies we bring).

    I’m BEGG’in you Em … I’m on my knees … don’t make me wait ’til I come back to see your new releases. At least give me one to see before …. tears are now filling my eyes … sniff .. sniff ….nose running now … sniff..

    Ohh and thanks for the heads-up (literally ! haaa) on the headbands … they really look great on you and yes, I am sucking up ! haaaa

  2. I have to agree…that really is a smart cart! Love it. AND…the lime green baskets are definitely MUCH nicer and prettier than blue. Too bad they were so expensive 🙁

  3. Great CHA-necdote Em!
    I didn’t picture the smart cart to be SOOOOO CUTE!!! I honestly dunno what I’d use it for, but.. still, appreciate the cuteness.. Plus, personally, I love the pink baskets 😉
    I also agree with Robb_eeie, that you’re the bestest bella ever, and would be SO wonderful to see a release this week.. Of course, I’m also sucking up 😉

  4. Oooh, looks like you’ve pulled there! And, whaddya know? The smart card has room for two! 😉

  5. So…does this story have a happy end, and did they give you the green baskets? If only to get rid of you? 😉

  6. my grocery store has those smart carts with those lime green baskets. Sounds like you need to place an order for another one with lime green baskets!

  7. I’m with Debbie…. Where can i get one of these Smart Carts? Probably outta my price range, but a girlly has to ask, just in cases.

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