Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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ya wanna LAFF? (luv that spelling)

Ok, I am back.. the attack is over.. feeling groovy.. worked all day… got lots accomplished.. just a *GOOD* day overall.. I booked Sunday off and Ryan and I are off to Niagara falls for a little break.. recoup.. etc.. we try to do that every coupla months.. SO SO SO SO SO excited!!! Luv to gamble, Luv to eat, Luv to shop.. I think I will be able to cross over the border and go craft shopping too!!  Anyone have any goodies they would like to share with me that I need to have that is available at Target, Michaels, Joann’s or ACMOORE? (was that the longest run on sentence you have ever read???-I am still trying to catch my breath from WRITING that- HUMONGOUS giggles  over here) .. You ladies have 1 day.. count ’em 1 DAY to give me the scoop of what I *NEED*  n’k? n’k.

Ok, so here’s the scoop.. I have been reading the posts on SCS and I have to say that I love everything everyone is talking about.. just the recommendations, dream bellas etc.  I also saw a thread talking about having plus sizabellas, hotflashabellas etc.. LOLOL.  This is the story.. Being a little “plussy” (that’s PLUS size in a cute way) myself, I was getting irritated that all my artist was coming up with were skinny minis… so I  told her to draw ME.  Anyway, she cannot, for the life of her draw an overweightabella.. either she looks like a potato sack or pregnant… if you would see her, you would understand why.. the girl has no idea what being overweight means.. *giggles*.. She is a sticklet, picklet bella.  So.. it is in the works.. need to sit down and model for her..LOL and maybe we will have a cute frizzybellachubbabella… Oh but I am TALL which compensates for the plussiness..LOLOL..

So, it’s not that I am a barbie lover.. TRUST me, I SO am not.. but since I knew that was not my artist’s forte, I decided to settle for the skinny beauties but I couldn’t make them dumb.. at least make them GORGEOUS, SKINNY, and BRILLIANT.. shoot.. a really perfect woman.. maybe I should create one with a mole, no?



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  1. Great idea Em :D! That one’s definitely going on my list (my list is about as long as my arm now…). Being a little too short for my weight myself :p I could totally identify with a funfabflabbabella ;)!

  2. Stick with the stick-thin girls – we can always dream that we look like that and they’re so easy to colour! BTW, I always thought YOU were the artist.

  3. A couple of things that pop into my head about the stores you may visit. Target = they have some of their scrapbooking stuff on clearence. There is a thread on SCS about it. I bought some nice ribbon. Michaels= Can always see if they have any new $1 stamps. Also- they have DCWV cards that are really pretty in a 5 1/2 x 5 1/2, 8 per pack @ about$5. ACMoore= my store anyway has a pretty good selecton of Cuttlebug accessories. Do you have any coupons? If I can find a link to an online one, I’ll forward it along.
    p.s. I love the Bella’s as they are but of course want more, more, more!! I really enjoy your humor/banter!!

  4. WHAAAAAAAAT?!?! EmmyBella is NOT the ArtistaBella? WHOOOOOOAH! So who is the arteeeeest of all these little girlies? I thought it was YOU, Em! Maybe you need to do an introduction of the drawer (no, not the thing you put clothes in!) of the Bellas! I know you’re the CREATOR, but the drawer should be introduced!

  5. Glad that you’re feeling better. Have a great time shopping, I can’t wait to see what I’ll have to run out and buy this time 😉

  6. Em,
    I LOVE the Bella’s the way they are! Don’t change a thing (except introduce MORE) I can’t get enough of them. I would love to see a NASCAR Bella.

  7. Have fun!! I 2nd wHat Kirsten says. I love your blog and think it is so fun! I appreciate all.

  8. Hey there! I just love your bellas and am looking forward to seeing what customers think when I bring them into my store!

    I had a thought on getting your artist to figure out a ‘plus size’ bella… you should be able to take a digital image of one of them and just make it wider… then at least she could get that visual so they wouldn’t look like pregnant bellas 🙂 Much as I love them as they are, I think some of us ‘plussy’ chicks would get a kick out of her drawing one or two!

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