Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Ok, back to the stamping theme.. lol (NOT for this paragraph)…. ARGHHH clothes.   Why is it that when you go up a size in shoes you don’t care?  EVEN 2 sizes..  How about a bra.. you can go up a size and, I mean, it isn’t DETRIMENTAL.. you don’t freak out and cry?  WHY is it that wallets ALWAYS fit and PURSES ALWAYS fit.. you don’t care if they are “too small” or “too large”?  These are intriguing, earth-shattering questions, no?   So this is what I did.  I went to Old Navy and found the most LUSCIOUS, SOFT, cashmere sweater EVAH… long and hooded and cute.. So I bought all 4 colours.  So I look the same every day but a different colour..LOL.  So the eyeshadow may change a little (as if I have time to put eyeshadow on)… Why do I do that?  Nicky does that too!  We see something that fits properly.. we try it on and buy 100 million of the same thing.. hmm… So I put on the most luxurious Charcoal Grey colour of my sweater collection and it ripped.. I have not been the same since.. must goooo return it.. but you know what the good news is?  I have THE SAME SWEATER IN A LIGHTER GREY! (ROFLMAO).. I am one sick stampin’ chick.. (oh that would be so cute to name someone’s blog!!)

So that is my deep thought for the day.

 Now, let’s talk DOODLES.  I think I am gonna have a little teeny tiny winy weeny woony moony toony loony reveal on Friday.. whaddya think?  There is a story with this collection.  The name of the collection will be called “Doodles for Daniel”.. it is going to be Phenom…..!  I plomise (as my daughter would say)

So off I go.. back to work in my PINK version of DA sweatah dat fits.

Mwah to da sistahs whose bags and shoes fit without a hitch



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  1. UGH!!!…..clothes that do NOT fit…..Let’s NOT go THERE!!!!! Stamping…i.e. BELLAS…is a much bettah conversation to with 😉 Reveal away…..

  2. Hi Em,

    I have added you to my blog; can I be on your blog roll – PUHLEAZE (as my kids with say with GREAT exaggeration)… 😀

    OK, we’ve waited, we’re ready to see the new bellas!!

  3. That is why I don’t buy much clothes and save it for stamps. I find a shirt I like and buy it in every color :). Must go look and see if I can find these sweaters you speak of ;).

    Can’t wait to see the new collection!!

  4. Ya know, I do the exact same thing!! well I used to anyway, I stopped buying clothes for THE LONGEST time (since I started to put on about 40lbs that is!!) anyway, my old sick self is coming back, so far I’ve lost around 25lbs, and there’s another 20 more to go!! My DH and I are working on getting pregnant early next year, I thought I might as well go on a diet and start loosing a few pounds before I have the baby to blame for being over weight… So far there’s no one to blame but myself and chocolate.. I BLAME IT ALL ON CHOCOLATE!!!! and cupcakes, and pies, and cakes… OH MY!!!! LOL
    So as a good sistah, I totally get what you’re feeling, I used to cry on my way to work when I could not fit into outfits I liked, or had to wear the same pair of pants over and over again… So I started buying stamps instead of clothes.. THOSE ALWAYS FIT!!!
    PS: I WOULD mind if my shoe or bra size changed too!! LOL I’m 34C as it is, I don’t want to go any higher than that!!! (although DH probably wouldn’t mind!)

  5. I was wondering if any new fellas will be coming out soon? I am looking to make another purchase in December, and didn’t want to stock up on bellas if more fellas were coming. Thanks. And I understand if you can’t/don’t want to say anything. I just thought I might check. 🙂

  6. Clothes suck sometimes!
    which reminds me i got to lose weight!!!!
    Thank you so much for the bellas!
    you spoil us so much. No doubt We love you!
    i also been hoping for a fella so bad…
    I know i might have asked you before but
    Please tell me…. tell me… tell me…

  7. LOL OH that would be my 4 same pair of jeans and my Gabi sweat shirts! LOL!! I love them and you will always find me wearing them! LOL!!
    Oh before I forget I added you to my blog I finally have figured how to add things on my blog besides reg. posts! LOL…


  8. Guess what!?! My Bellas always fit most occasions!
    My daughter yells at me because I do the same thing! If I love it and it fits, I buy all of the colors available! I just bought 4 new babydoll sweaters from in blue, melon, tan and pink-though I won’t say what size!
    Love your stamps!

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