Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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where’s bella?

This should be said like “where’s waldo” a famous children’s book where there are pages of mumbojumbo characters populating a page and the point of this is to find “waldo” a jovial little character dressed in a red and white striped shirt, a tuque and a pair of pants amidst this chaos of people.. sounds like fun, no? Well my son takes his little “fingie” (what we call fingers in this household) and immediately points to Waldo.  While I.. completely myopic, am squinting and staring at a pirate thinking that HE is waldo.. hmph.. not so good at this game.. but what I AM good at is telling you about Bellas travels!  Where has bella been so far you ask?  Well, she is in the Netherlands, in Norway, in China, all over the U.S., in Canada, in Belgium, in England, in Australia, in the Phillipines.. Let me think of where else?  I think that’s it for now.. Oh there are some soaking up the rays in Hawaii….

I think I wanna be a bella.  Beachabella por favor.  I wanna wear a ‘kini and carry a cute tote (at least I can do HALF of that equation–I’ll let you guess which one).

 Isn’t it so much fun watching her travel?? And KNOWING that the sistahs have helped them in their travels?  I LOVE IT.

Can’t wait to see where they are off to next.  All I can tell you is THIS Bella is taking off to Niagara falls.. not so exotic but good enough for me!!

Love to the sistahs



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  1. I hope you enjoy your trip to the falls. I had to let you know that I went to a stamp store I had never been in before and to my surprise I see Bella’s for sale!! Alas, I didn’t buy any, since I have 7 coming and coudn’t remember which ones. Maybe next time. But I was excitabella to see them and will be going back!

  2. Enjoy your R & R EM, you certainly deserve it! BTW, all those bellas that made it to the middle of the Pacific are surely having some fun in the sun!! I have a few more on order that will soon be joining all their “sistas” (that’s how we spell it in Pidgin English) here in the islands.

    Much aloha,
    Erin aka efromhawaii

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