Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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What’s a Pocket Letter you ask?

Oh Sistahs.. how much do I love stationery, papers, pens, agendas.. planners.. you have no ideaR.  Once thing I love even more, is receiving mail.  Sometimes I order goodies just so that I can get that jittery excitement when I go to my mailbox and see a package addressed to me! I then proceed to hyperventilate a little.. and carefully open my package to see the goodies I ordered.  Even though  I KNOW what is inside the package, it is still so nice to open.. spread the goodies out.. sniff them a little (DONT JUDGE ME)… and then stare at them for a while.  LOL.  Yes I know I am strange.  But I ALSO know that some of my sistahs are as much into this as I am.. (I AM NOT JUDGING LOL)

So every night, I review my YouTube subscriptions with my headphones while my family watches hockey or does their own thing.. its MY time too ya know.. and I just get lost in these videos watching how people set up their planners.. watching people colour.. hand letter… stamp.. It helps me decompress and also inspires me to no end.

One of the lovely ladies I feel I know (it could be deemed stalkerish but I would rather call it hmmm… an admirer.. admirer.. that’s me)..

this is her channel.. her name is Cara from AKCaraboo.. you can find her channel HERE.  I just love her videos 🙂

So I watched THIS video and got INTRIGUED

SO THEN… during the same DECOMPRESSION time.. I decided to search POCKET LETTERS on YouTube and OMG… the videos were ENDLESS!!!

So I watched THIS ONE (I believe she is the “creator” of this type of mail) LOVE HER

and watched THIS ONE..  

I loved her style.

Well it then became a deep hole of pocket letters..LOL.. and I decided to make my own for 2 very special people.  I’m not naming any names here… but you will soon see who you are 🙂

So basically what a pocket letter is, is a business card/trading card/sports card holder where you embellish each rectangle and include some goodies in each pocket along with messages… SO. Fun. for REALS.

Analog communication is so special I find.. I also find USING MY STUFF instead of HOARDING MY STUFF is even more special… this made this project even MORE fun because of this!

I used our stamps.. I used my stash of papers.. I used wooden veneer pieces.. I used letter stickers.. I used my punches and dies for embellishments.. I used vintage pieces from my stash… OMG Sistahs… this was FUN!!!

here are a few little snippets of my pocket letters without giving too much away 🙂

What’s a pocket letter WITHOUT A HOPPY POPPY in the center of it? hmmmmm?

I used some stashed stickers.. a printed the quote at the bottom left and sized it and slipped it in a pocket.. used some older stashed cards (like the sassafras umbrella card top middle)… LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED making this!  have I mentioned that lately?


One of the ideas I got from the videos was to include my favorite tea.. so I whipped up a teabag with my favorite leaves… YUMMALISH!.. oh and the little blue tissues you see peeking out from behind the pocket under the “fragile” pocket are the cutest little tissues I needed to include.  Just HAD to.


I thought this quote was so cute.. also found it in one of my sticker hoard pile LOL.. thought it was so cute.  Yes.. it’s crooked.. because EVERYTHING I happen to stick down always seems to be at an angle.. don’t get me started.. hmph.


Yes, another thing I “collect” and LOVE are vintage photobooth pictures.  I have them EVERYWHERE.. even have a board on pinterest with interesting vintage photos.  They just make me smile.. and sometimes they are a perfect depiction of my mood LOL.  This little baby in the photo below.. I love how the parent didn’t know how high to put her so that the photo wouldn’t be the WHOLE curtain in the background LOL.. I love her expression.. I just love her LOL.  I also have her photo in my journal.  She makes me smile 🙂


So now here’s a little peek on the back side or the “Stuffies” that are in the pockets.. There are the balloon tissues.. I found some cute tags at Michaels bargain area that I thought were just PERFECT.  I bought the little postits from the dollar store.. and the little kraft envelope I bought and put some goodies inside 🙂 Fun no?


and OF COURSE everyone needs a mini pink pocket knife for their tool kits and mini flat doilies no?


So that is the eye candy for today!  I am going to introduce this on our FB group and see if anyone would like to organize this among da sistahs!  I think it’s fun to have pocket letter pals no?  Everyone needs one.. or a few… me thinks.

Mwah to da sistahs who love pockets.



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  1. Fabulous Emily! Of course my fav is Little Hoppy Poppy! I stalk oh I mean admire Cara too, she has enabled many a purchase I might add! Was very intrigued when she showed these on her site last week, clearly not as much as you ha ha but they do look fun to make!

  2. Oh my gosh!! I love this! I’m gonna have to give it a try!! Hoppy Poppy is just the perfect little pop in this! That’s it……I’m goin shopping for the pages now!

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