Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Uptown girl…. she’s been living in her uptown world…. a sneaky peeky before next WEEKY

don’t you just love Billy Joel?  Ok.. NUFF of the small talk… I couldn’t hold it in any longer…  JUST COULDN’T

It’s been a LONG time since BELLA was born.. and Bella had these relatives that we knew NOTHING about?!?!  They just happened to find us about 2 months ago and we have been “tweaking” them ever since ( I wish I could be TWEAKED.. just a little eraser here… a little marker there… more eraser… you get the picture..LOL)..

See the problem I have is that I can’t really draw.  I have all these ideas in my head that my artists can get out for me on paper… they are my “hands” shall we say.. now don’t get me wrong.. my artists have minds of their own and they come up with the MOST amazing ideas without MOI.. but when I have a thought and I need to get it out, I know which artist to contact and they so KNOW me.. they UNDERSTAND me.. it’s so strange!

So the vision I first started out with which has been put on hold for  a little while was the forties romantic sketchy blurry supermodel… mystical… eerie… and beeYootiful!  But she couldn’t “come out” of our heads and hands at that time and plus it was a little too fancy shmancy for da bella. BUt she is coming.. when da bella feels SHMANCIER.

So then, I went to the opposite end of the spectrum… LOL.. of course.. why can’t I be GREY sometimes?  Why is it always black or white? hmph

So my next vision was kind of a model.. a little awkward (LOL) to make her real… very pretty.. and kind of yuppyish.. MODERN… CONTEMPORARY.. and FUN.  I also made these stamps LARGER as a statement.

So here is a sneak peek of our new UPTOWN GIRLS series.. I FORCED-ED Paula to colour her in late last night cuz it would be a MIRACLE that I plan something ahead of time.. and she willingly agreed to do this for me… so here she is..

I hope you lovey her…

cuz I do…

I really DO…

I really really DO…

And she has 4 more friends being released 🙂

K.  Meet UPTOWN GIRL CLAUDIA and her CANDY.. cuz every uptown girl needs a sweet no?

You won’t believe who drew these…  LULU’s artist Chrystal!  How versatile and amazing is she?  I am SO proud of these images I have to say.. she depicted the exact look I wanted.. She’s an uptown girl with a human side… Fashionable yet awkward, Confident yet a little pigeon-toed, and well, she just wants to be your friend and hang out.  I think she art journals too! LOL.. and makes cards of course.. VERY well rounded, our UPTOWN GIRL is.

Our Release is going to be on Monday (but check back cuz I may not be able to wait..LOL).. and I would love to hear from you.. so If you like CLAUDIA… leave a comment here and I will be sure to send you one 🙂

Contest closes on Friday  🙂

Mwah to da sistahs who are feeling like an uptown girl

I just couldn’t resist


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  1. I will be forwarding my next eye dr. bill to you…in a year or so. I was so blurry eyed last night….getting this together and sewing…deciding…ribbon, no ribbon…oh man…. I HIT the pillow snoring!! LOL I am in LOVE WITH THIS girl!!! I went with colors for her and then found a different paper to match, that wasn’t even planned. Going for a nap…I mean back to work. Can’t wait for more!!

  2. OH, MY GOODNESS!!!!! I LOVE this uptown girl. I must, must, must have her!!! She’s ME…in skinnier, younger, cuter body!! Great work!!! Congratulations, Emily! xo Gloria

  3. Uptown girl is definetly everything you described her to be!!! I’m so glad that I found Stamping Bella in time for this new release!!!! YEAH… excited!

  4. hehehehe… we gots some PAULABELLA stamps… 2 sets! we gots some more GREEN BEAN BABY AMAZING stamps… we got a BRAND NEW ARTIST stamp…..

  5. Uptown girl is beautiful and Paula gave her life with her great colour! Can’t wait to see the rest of the release done up!

  6. I absolutely LOVE her!! And I love her even more knowing who her artist is!=) Can’t wait to see the rest of these beautiful girlies!!

  7. {sigh}…she is SOOOOO beautiful….and I LOVE that they aren’t tiny…old paulabella and I are getting up there in age and we can’t see the tiny images so much anymore 😉

  8. OMG she is simply gorgusss. Paulabella you did an amazing job coloring her and I can’t wait to see more of what’s to come. I am sooo excited !!!!!

  9. I really can’t add anything to the comments already made except “darn you Stampin’ Bella” I thought I would be taking a break from buying new stamps and you’ve ruined it!
    Smiles, Shelley

  10. Since I got a sneak peek 2 weeks ago, I have been saving my money for this release! Uptown girls and other adorable stamps for this release will make it the best one evah! All my sistahs, be prepared, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! LOL

  11. I’ve been on pins and needles for this release. I mean the chance to see some rubbah designed by our one and only Paulabella…catch me. I’m lucky enough to be on the list for your weekly newsletter so I got a sneak peek of what’s to come….I’m a mountain girl now so the chance for an Adirondak chair stamp has me drooling. Then you go and share a peek at this very GRAND line of Uptown Girls. ACK! Release them already!

  12. I absolutely love her!!! And, it was so great to see that video again after so many years. Are you gonna do Uptown Girl on the back of a motorcycle too?????

  13. Uptown girl is Awesome. I am a newbie to your site and just
    purchased my very first stamp. Learning how to color. I would
    love to have Uptown girl, Can’t wait to see the release.

  14. ACK!!!!! I LUUUUUUUUUUUUURVE her! And Paula did BEEEEAUTIFUL things with her!!!! 😀 thank you so much for the peek- Did I mention I love her?
    And Billy will be stuck in my head whilst I sleep, no doubt! ha!

  15. Woo hoo!! A new release, I’ve been waiting with baited breath and you haven’t disappointed… she looks amazing!! Am too excited!! x

  16. Oh how cute! I can’t wait to see the rest!
    And I can’t wait to see the the other blurry sexy vintage model idea in your head!

  17. I think I’ll love the Uptown Girl line and have to have some in my stamp collection… they look just like my sisters – 5’11” and 120 lbs, complete with knobby knees and curly hair. Adorable cards in this post and in the new post! 🙂

  18. Wow oh WOW…this little beauty is GORGEMOUS (gorgeous and fabulous together)! 🙂 Ohhh I LOVE your new releases – THE WAIT IS TORTUROUS. LOVE love LOVE what Paula did with her too!

  19. OOOOhhhh – she is so perfect for the 12-20 year old birthday cards that I find myself making lately!!
    Bella was just a bit too mature, but Claudia is exactly right!!!!
    Love her!!!!

  20. OH! I love these Utown gals! They are so sweet! Linda and Paulabella are da bomb! You are such great artists! Can’t wait to see the releases!!! I never wanted monday to come quicker than my weekend… but hey… a girl has to do, what a girl has to do! ~ Holly

  21. OH! I love these Uptown gals! They are so sweet! Linda and Paulabella are da bomb! You are such great artists! Can’t wait to see the releases!!! I never wanted monday to come quicker than my weekend… but hey… a girl has to do, what a girl has to do! ~ Holly

  22. Oh my gosh!!! I am in love with these Uptown Girls. So stinkin’ cute I can’t stand it. Can’t wait to see more. Thanks.

  23. Hay I think I might be an uptown girl too because this “Fashionable yet awkward, Confident yet a little pigeon-toed” totally sounds like me :):):) anyways can’t wait to see all the newbies…this one is fab!!!

  24. Claudia is such a cutie! Love the lollipop, and the coloring on this one just makes it even better! Pink is it!

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