Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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totallly terrific toosdays, some winnahs and a FABO product!

is that not a mouthful of a title or WHAT? LOL

Ok.. so let me start


The CONTRIBUTING sistahood winnah of the $20 in bellabucks is….

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-07-07 15:32:23 UTC

GENA PORTER.. YOU HAVE WON $20 in BELLA BUCKS!! Thank you so much for playing!

Now the WINNAH of da PEANUT GALLERY (commentator)  IS

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-07-07 15:36:00 UTC

JACILYNN you have WON the $10 in BELLA BUCKS!! Please email me your information and I will send over the bucks!!

Ok, Now for a little bit of TOTALLY TERRIFIC TOOOOOSDAYS.. I decided to use one of Jessica Rose’s JOURNALING stamps ( gramophone) in a card!  I just love it for a music layout too… so here it is!

do you see all da glittah? and da BUTTON BONANZA and da HAMBLY PAYPAH?  I used our just a note stamp which is part of billboardabella’s words and the punch I used was a circle 7/8″ punch layered in a 1″ punch… is that YUMMY or what?  The great thing about the gramophone is that you can journal right in there on a layout or even stamp it inside the card with a personal note!  Hope you lovey it as much as I do 🙂


I warn you not to read further if you are not interested in makeup..LOL.  So I have been convinced to buy the old fashioned eyelash curler.. I cannot tell you how many times I have PINCHED my lid and scabbed and scarred (LOL) because of that archaic thing (that cost me a kajillion dollars I might add..LOL).. AND I NEVER SAW RESULTS REALLY.. so then I saunter (uchh I wish I could saunter) into SEPHORA for my “fix” and I find the most amazing EYELASH FIBRE THINGAMABOB

so you apply this to your lashes and the “fibers” attach to the end of your lashes .. you apply it as you would a mascara.. and then you put your mascara on top!   it’s honestly AMAZING.. LOVE THIS

So sistahs,

today you got a little bit of everythin’.. LOL .. ya got da card, da winnahs, and da makeup!

Mwah to da sistahs who need da fibers..


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  1. Love the card. I might need to try those Lash fibers. I bought this mascara that was supposed to plump up the lashes and they aren’t so plump. Can I tell you that I just discovered the power of Sephora and love it. Do you stick your fingers in the tubs of “bubbles”? I think it is a must!
    Thanks for all of the tips!

  2. I love that Hambly paper & am coming over to get me some of it. My favourite cosmetic store is Sephora & I enjoy nothing better than wandering around & looking at all the new stuff. I too had an experience with the mascara where you get fibres sticking to your lashes. I ended up looking beeeyoutiful with my long lashes (picture me batting them), but then I tried to put my glasses on & there was a collision. I think I may have used too much. Oh well.

  3. Isn’t it just wrong that we women spend all this $$ on anything that promises to make our eyelashes longer and thicker, and then I see all these little baby and toddler BOYS with the most sinfully long, thick eyelashes…my son included!!!!!!

  4. Way to go girls on winning those Bella bucks. Spend them wisely. I think we should do a stand up duet, me with my aging story, and you with your eye lid crusher story. LMAO!!

  5. old news sistah on the lash fibers….speaking from someone who has ‘very thin’ eyelashes (only wish my bod was that thin) I’ve been using mascara with fibers for a LONG time…i agree with ya tho…a WONDERFUL product…and great card too.

  6. well I haven’t heard of those Fibers… and the sad thing is that there is a Sephora warehouse here but the stores are far!!!!

  7. Bella you are beuuuuUUuuuuteeeful!

    It was such a pleasure meeting you today 🙂 Thank you for spoiling me with your butta knife 😉 It’s funny, after reading your website and your blog I felt like I knew you and when I put the face to the persoanlity – gah! I can’t help but love you!! I’lll beeee baaaaackkk!!! Take care of you sweetie and that delicious store… and sorry for taking up your time and brain today so much so that you couldn’t make a blog post – but ah got me some gooooddiiieessssss to show for it – LOL!! Thanks!

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