Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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today is a goodie day. a LOVEY day. a greatY day.

I decided to treat my patient sistahs to llllloooootttssaaa eye candy.  Decided to post lotsa stuff cuz you have been sooo kind and soooo patient and soooo nice to MOI.  So here goes.

You got yer saycheesabella

you got yer partygirlabella with her FUNKORAMA sentiments that I am in love with

you got yer bellababybubblebath

you got yer bella baby twin bundle

you got yer bella baby pacifiah

and my fave saying for the day that goes with my dare to be different flower is “dare to be different”  I love the font and the meaning.. I so identify with it!

Mwah to da sistahs who even DARRRE to be different!

Mwah mwah mwah!

I lovey you all


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  1. HOOORAAAAYYYY!!! New Bellas!!! I LOVE Saycheeseabella. She is totally me. I am the family photographer, so she is the next one I will be purchasing! Thanks EM!!!

  2. Wow what a great bunch of releases! I’m particularly excited about saycheeseabella!! I’ll think of her everytime I’m trying to make pictures of my cards and jewelry!!

  3. Wholey Moley!! You have been a busy bee & I lovey them so much!! Thanks for the new bellas!! I was going through withdrawls!! LOL!

  4. Awww, Em, you’re so good to da Sistahs! Saycheeseabella is SO stinkin’ cute!! And so are Partygirlabella and the lil pink-cheeked chubs babies! You’ve outdone yourself!

  5. Thanks for all the surprises! I love the party bella and all I can say about the babies are ….awwwwwww!

  6. piiiiiiiiii… (the sound on the heart monitors you see in hospitals) I’ve passed out!! I’m speachless!! saycheeseabella is A DO RA BLE an instant classic!! and all the Baby Bellas!!! OMG!!!!
    I’ve passed out again!!!
    Thank you Em for making this a wonderful day!!!

  7. Em, you made me a swoonabella! I love them all! saycheeseabella and partygirlabella are so cute I can hardly stand it. That cupcake PGB is holding looks so yum. Congrats on another fab release!

  8. Thank you Em!!! What a GREAT DAY!! 5 Releases?!?!?!?!
    The new bellas are BEUTIFUL and the babies waaay too cute!!!!


  9. oh my! they are all so adorabellas.. i think i’ll have to quit my day job so that i have more time to stamp & play 😉

  10. Hi Emily —- Ohhhh you made MY day 😉 The Bella Babies are too cute ~~ and we don’t even have any more “babies” in our family! But I love them and need them just the same!
    Thanks Em …..great surpriseeeessss,

  11. Oh Man… I haven’t even recieved the last order yet and now I have to put in another order!!! This could be devastating!!! I sure hope my new bellas are in the mail today… I may just have to place another order this week! Thanks Em… YOU ROCK!!!

  12. LOVE saycheeseabella!!!!! I want a new camera for Christmas, so she is perfect!!!! I love partygirlabella too. 🙂

  13. WOW!!! Did we hit the jackpot or what!!! I love Saycheeseabella and Partygirlabella they are amazing!!!!

    I once again have a cartfulllllllll! 😀

  14. More gorgeous Bellas… The babies are so cute too! Can’t wait to be able to place another order :)!!! I love the “dare to be different”!!! I still kind of stand out in the crowd -and the playground when I pick my boys up from school!!!

    Love x

  15. Ok, I know I asked for a new Bella but this is really too much! I nearly fainted!!!! The Bella’s are so nice and the babies are too cute. Now I will ask for the impossible…can you make a stamp to stamp money???;) Need some extra cash here…

  16. I love the new Bellas and the babies are sooo cute!! I’m with Carmen can you make a stamp to stamp money and we’ll all buy out your current stock!! LOL BIG HUGS!! Mwah!

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