Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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To my bellas

I am so sorry I haven’t posted a winner to my sentiment contest.. it’s been crazy and I really need to sit down with everything and FOCUS… so please bear with me and continue contributing cuz I think I will extend it to next Monday…so the prize will still be BLOG candy ANDDDDD a free stamp of your choice! (only a sentiment tho–JUST KIDDING).. so keep your creative juices flowing and I promise you won’t be sorry!  I have been soooo biZzY running around today to pick up and design new goodies.. OMGGGGGGG… OMGGGGG.. just ask Nicky and Natanya.. they got a sneak peak.. I promise I won’t make you wait til the first for something new cuz you have been so good to me… SOOOO in the next coupla days, you will get something new.

Remember my grout sticks? (see post way down).. well the day has come.. they are now DEMOLISHING my first floor..HMPH.. my daughter and right hand woman, Ruby, who works with me and my kids (she is the best Rubybella in the WORLD!!) ate in the laundry room (otherwise known as the BELLA showroom–how extravagant, huh?).. YA thought I was a fancy shmancy pants, huh????oooohhh fancy shmancy… that would be cute sentiment with a funky dress no? (OK COMPETITORS, I SAID IT FIRST N’k?)

Sooooo…  I just wanted to keep you posted on my life…. tomorrow the demolishing will continue, so I will try to get fresh cut flowers and some mood music for the laundry room.. will keep posted..

Ohhh I almost forgot!  I met with Barb K yesterday! What a delight!  She came in from Thunder Bay Ontario just to see me! (LOLOL.. just kiddinK..she came to see her lovely grandson and children).. so we shmoozed, had coffee and took pictures.. EEEEEKKKKKKK. Thank goodness I was wearing makeup.. Sephora makeup.. mmmm.. delish.. So MAYBE if she posts the pic, I will link you to it.. depends how it comes out..LOL.. It must be so weird for you to speak to a blank space?  Do I really exist? Oh gosh… here I go again…



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  1. Hi Em,

    Sounds like Nicky is up and about?? If she got sneak peeks then she must be doing better!

    I am very excited to see what you’ve got coming out… but could you pleeeaaaasssssseeee send my order that is still pending. Its my firm policy not to order more until after the pending order has arrived! Just kidding.

    I wanted to share with you (and I wish I’d gotten pics beforehand) that my 8 year old daughter and my 7 year old son just HAD TO use Bellarina for their Valentine cards to their teachers! I didn’t get to see my son’s card at all. Drats!

    Keep up the awesome work!

  2. Em, you ALWAYS make me laugh; I so look forward to your updates. And I’m just learning how far-spread the bella chicks are! Love all you do; thanks for sharing your talents with us!

  3. The pics are great, Em, but I haven’t downloaded them from my camera yet. But, tonight, for sure. I’ll let you know when I put them on my blog. You looked great, I look like a mess, no makeup ’cause you said no pics. Never trust a bella, see! Just kidding. Just placed another order, too. Shoulda read the blog about the ice bucket first, though!

  4. Hi Em, I can’t find the original posting anymore for the suggestions (am blondabella) but I thought of a couple more. If they’ve already been suggested, just ignore me and my ramblings…

    Anywee, how about TeenBella and TeenBello (Bello=a boybella)? With texts such as: *Drama Queen in the making*, *You Rock*, *What about hmpf…don’t you understand?*, *Cool/Hey Dude* etc.? Also a Divabella, glammed up in lovely dress, long gloves, diamonds (are a girl’s best friends after all, but bella’s are better!), high heels and a nice do :D. O yeah, and sunglasses 😉

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