Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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this is *SO* gonna happen

I am gonna go for this storage thing.. it’s a risk but I think I am gonna do it and you know what?  It will be able to store other things as well.


How annoying am I not telling you what it is yet..

 nanny nanny boo boo


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  1. I have it…..make a teaseabella that looks just like you. You are very cruel not to tell us or show us what this is. Can I buy one right now so I can see it!!!!

  2. Ok this is just not fair. My bellas need a home and I have been waiting on pins and needles for what you have in store.

    Do we have an ETA? The girls are homeless……….HAHAHAHA. And I need to store my other “Stamping Bella” stamps too.

    Ok…….the wait continues 🙁


  3. I agree with the other posts here. This is a MUST have, and waiting is hard to do. Put me on the list – I want one now!!! But please if were gonna do colors, lime green too! Personally I don’t care… just give it to me now, ha!

  4. Ooohhhh meanie-bella-pants!!! Colors? I can pick my color? Can it be green…I think the Bella-house should be green only…because GREEN is the color-dude-a-bella!

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