Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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this is an important one to me…

ok, so this is what I have been thinking about and let me know what your thoughts are.  I have created cardbackabella. She is deliciously CUTE.  I want to just EAT her.  I have been thinking long and hard about this and I think it is fair. Let me know your thoughts.  I have created a very affordable stamp to be placed at the back of the beautiful cards (or whatever else was created with my bellas).  it is teeny tiny measuring 1″ * 1.5″ and it is visually appealing. It is a stamp of stamping bella and next to it in little print it says

“images owned by Stamping Bella ©

very very small and inconspicuous and it allows the artist to still stamp or handwrite “created by and their name”

am i out of my mind or is this tres cool with everyone?  Please give me your thoughts.  It is important to me and my angel policy to have it known that my images are copyrighted and belong to me but at the same time, I want to allow my fellow sistah addictabellas to create create create!  That’s how I started!

Tell me what you think oh sistahs


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  1. YES YES YES! She’s already in my shopping cart waiting to make her way home to me!!!! Could you make a cardbackabella that identifies us as members of the Sistahood??? You could also use it to stamp on the envie when sharing a Bella with another sistah…YES YES YES!!!!!!

  2. I think it’s a great idea… I was JUST looking at your angel policy… I think as soon as I have a little chunk of change I’m going to buy a bunch of Bellas to make some cards to sell on Etsy (if I can… I think I can right???)! I will need a Cardbackabella!

    It’s great that you have a more liberal Angel Policy; It’s the one thing that bugs me A LOT about SU! and a big reason why I am starting to explore other options in stamping… because I am a stamper not a seller. I’d absolutely want people who’d buy my cards/other stuff to know the were Stamping Bella!

    By the way; if you ever make a SaraBella… make sure she has a tattoo.

  3. Absolutely! You deserve to protect your “stuff”!…pus I would want people to know where I got my Bella! We also need “sassy” sayings to go with these Bellas too, you know! 🙂

    KathyMcDabella…*wink, wink*

  4. I have no problem stamping a stampingbella on my cards! It’s always nice to know where people are getting the cute stamps they use!

    Enablingbella! 🙂 *tee, hee*


  5. OOH I just ordered some bellas last night. Too bad I missed her. She will have to be on my next order. I know some people don’t like having to put a stamp on the back, but I think it is fair.

  6. Hi Emma! I am a ‘newbie’ to the bella world! I have looked and looked, but am waiting before buying… you know being a SAHM w/a SMALL budget (that I use creative accounting w/my DH hehehe) I have to wait a bit. But I will be faithful and check out your blog regularly! Too many bellas to pick from! arrghhh!hehehehe Keepem coming! ~~~bobbie

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