Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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The Release is TODAY! Free Shipping to da sistahs! coupon code is “mwah” (offer until Feb. 11th)

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  1. oooo! The turtles are too stinkin’ cute!!! Man, my wallet is going to be Hurtin tonight!

    Welcome, welcome Elena!!

  2. What?? Free shipping, a maxi release, and new bellas. Em, you are the bestest evah. I am waiting anxiously for the rest to go up.

  3. Totally cute!!! I want them all. Thank you so much Em for bringing talented artists to the stamping world. These turtles will be a wonderful addition to my home.


  4. WOW!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so in love with those turtles! I love turtles and have collected them since I was really young! And the new BELLAS! OMGOSH!!!! I must have both & I am speechless!
    Thank you Emily!

  5. LOVE BELLA is it free shipping to Australia too Please say a prayer for us as we have devasrating fires here at the moment 40 killed over the weekend xx Chris Victoria Australia

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