Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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the lilypad

Where do you think I come up with these names?  no clue.. but I likey and I have tons of fun making them up.  So this is the beginning of a shadow collection.. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THESE!! I have made them up in 3 sizes.. These lilypads are gonna fly off the shelves!! (listen to me… I just love them and then assume everybody else has to..don’t listen to me..LOL)

You can find the lilypad collection here.  The jumbo is a perfect shadow for DA BELLAS.. the medium is PERFECTOMUNDO for a sentiment or a base.. like grass, floor etc.. and the small one is perfect for a background… they stamp beautifully but do need a little cushion.. I think all shadows in general need cushion.  I stamped them on a foam mat base.. just put the foam mat (from dollar store) then cardstock and then stamped on that.. applied pressure and VOILA! lilypadabella! 


I hope you love them… I will try to make a sample later to show you




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  1. Oh man these are awesome. Me thinks its time to finalize an order and add some “lilypads” to the mix.

    Hope you are all on the mend 🙂



  2. The LilyPads are cool! I’m racking up a pretty good shopping cart but keep waiting cause I want to see what else is coming out.

    I have a super cool idea of something that all stampingbella’s NEED! We need a ‘Hand Stamped by a Bella’ stamp to use with all of our beautiful Bella cards. Pretty please?


  3. Sure hope you and the family are getting better–flu has hit WA state really hard so I can sympathize with what you just be trying to juggle wtih family and the biz! The LilyPads are cool!

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