Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Thank you to ALL DA SISTAHS

for celebrating our anniversary! It was DA BESTEST anniversary EVAH!!! we hope you lovey your goodies! Ryan and I are away now learning some new things/products that will be a phenomenal addition to our current line!! IT should be introduced in early 2009 and you are SURE to be pleased.  We are SOOO impressed with what we will offer you that it will be sure to knock your socks off!!  I just wanted you to know that I am away on training and will try to post as much as I can but if you don’t “hear” from me.. you know why!

Mwah to da sistahs who are as EXCITED as we are of what’s to come!
Em (and Ry)

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  1. We are ALWAYS excited about what’s to come on Stamping Bella!

    A HUGE hug and hearty congrats to you and Ryan! You have created such a fun and creatively inspiring business, and your customer service is exemplary. So here’s to Queen Bella and her Prince Charming! May your business continue to prosper, may you always be zany and giggly, and may you always be the twinkle in the other’s eye!

  2. Em, I was OOC this weekend and didn’t get to wish you happy anniversary, so let me take the chance now to say how truely happy I am for you. You have such a wonderful attitude, a fantastic drive, and a FAB-U-LOUS product! I’m certain that anything else you come out with will be top notch and completely lovable. How lucky are you to have such a wonderful man working beside you in your business and your day to day life. I wish you absolute blessings in all that you do this coming year. Thank you for sharing yourself and your products with us all.

  3. I am always late in commenting because I’m an unorganized and newly working Bellah… BUT – I wanted to say CONGRATS!

  4. Ooooooohhhhhh…can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve next!!

    Thanks for celebrating with us! I’m looking forward to my new goodies-and to many more years of Stamping Bella!

    All my best to you and Ryan and the team at the boutique!

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