Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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tap tap knock knock anybodddy hommmmme?

I’m here! Just a totally BiZzy sistah!  I am reading all of the comments and I love you for them! LOL.  I am also thrilled that da sistahs are liking my new packaging!

I am thinking of what the next thing to launch is sooooo… bear with me sistahs!  Itsa comin, itsa comin!

 Today was Tyler’s first day back at school… he has begun SK (senior kindergarten) and could NOT wait to start! (I at this point at his age would have been throwing up from nerves but he was such a sport!).  Tonight at the dinner table he says all excitedly “Mom, Dad”.. we say “YESSSS” he says, I have such a funny story but DON”T TELL ANYONE n’k?  We say, “OF course we won’t tell anyone” totally petrified about what he would say.. he says “don’t tell BUT Seth and Alicia were in line in the schoolyard and YOU WON”T BELIEVE THIS MOM AND DAD but ALICIA, blew SETH (pronounced “THETH” per Tyler) a kiss!”.. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?  I missed it, mom so I told ‘the boys’ (his friends)  to make them do it again so that I could SEE… I can’t believe this happened mom and dad.. it was THOOOO (so) funny!

LOL.. so that is my anecdote for the day.. my little son enjoying his first day of school LEARNING about things other than the alphabet.



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  1. how adorable is he!

    i so enjoyed my children at that age! i bet you are an awesome mamabella!

    love to hear about you and yours.

    hugs to you, chella

  2. It’s just the beginning sistah, just the beginning! Pretty soon he won’t mind a girl blowing him kisses or being on the receiving end of the real deal! From age 5 to 20 in a blink of a eye! Enjoy all these precious moments! and I absolutely ADORE the new packaging!

  3. How cute is that…..he must take after his mom.

    I repeat it is the most adorable packaging I have still not opened them. I think I will wait until I absolutely have to.

  4. Ack!! New packaging!?!?! How did I miss it? Budget be darned, I gotta see it! Adorable story, sounds like your son is having a blast at school! Enjoy it while it lasts!

  5. Ha, ha! Too funny 🙂 Love that you didn’t just tell the story, but in true bella form gave us his pronounciation! Made it that much sweeter!

  6. LOL Love the story!!! Does Tyler know that you posted his “don’t-tell-a-soul” story on your blog??? 😉

  7. Awww Em, I loved that little story. My babies (ages 3 & 2) started their little schools last week. It is only 2 days a week. Still they grow so fast. I try to journal about their days before I go to bed at night. They are so precious aren’t they? Thank you for sharing, you are such a sweet lady.

  8. How totally adorable is that story!!!!

    I have to ask ~ after putting four kiddos through american public kindergarten, what is senior kindergarten?

    I so can’t wait for my order to ship so I can see this new packaging!!! I am dying here. 😀

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