Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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something smells fishy… hmmmmmm


 I am just sitting here and desperately wanting a break while I pack my orders!  I am sitting here watching wife swap (my dh has bought me a little flat screen tv for my office and I haven’t seen him in about 3 weeks.. LOL)… it is actually quite interesting tonight.. a continuation from last week… ok ok .. I digress..

 I have a coupla things to tell you.  Number one… I thank you all for the great wishes for my family’s recovery.. WE ARE HEALED (said in a gospelly voice)..  we feel much better.. so no more excuses.. it’s crunch time.  Ok, number 2.  I LLLLLOOOOVVVEEEE all the comments.. they drive me crazy with happiness! the more I read the more excited I get and I betcha this’ll evolve in a chatabella room (may be working on this..add to list).  SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue/start writing cuz it makes the bella happy.. n’k? n’k.

Now back to bidniss.  I have posted something new.  NOW DON”T YOU GO AND LAUGH AT ME.. ya hear me?  This stamp is dedicated to Stacy Croninger, editor in chief of PaperCrafts magazine.  She came to visit my favorite hangout, Cherished Scrapbooks back in November.  I was unable to meet with her (***ANGRY BELLA***GRRR) but the next best thing happened.  NICKY met her.. she taught some classes on the Joy of Cardmaking and Nicky told me all about her and I just thought she sounded AWESOME (oh and she likes the bellas.. can it get BETTAH?).  So Nicky found out a few things about Stacy.  She likes to fish.  TO FISH? you ask?  Yes.. and I betcha lots of women fish.. so THERE.  I made Stacyfishabella.. She is DEEELISH (just like her namesake) and the sentiments that go with?? TDF (to die for–love that sentiment). There is worm wishes, knew you could “tackle” it.. Congrats! and “fishing for compliments?… is that not amazing??? (listen to me… as if I have any right to judge.. it’s YOU who has to judge!)

 Here is another thing I have been working on and I will be working on it further this weekend… If you have noticed, there is a teeny tiny cute magnifying glass (yes I know you will want this in a stamp *giggles*).. if you click on that you will see the stamp AND what I recommend to go with it!!! Is that the COOLEST thing ever?  (I used to be very impressed with Louis Vuitton, a magnifying glass now intrigues me… oh how things change…).You will also see what other sistahs have bought along with the stamps you chose to look at


I have to go back to packing now. happy hmph.

MWAH to all!


P.S. I really do have a beautiful sample of fishabella which Nicky made but I can’t FIGURE OUT how to watermark it on microsoft photo editor.  I have to take a pic and do it on illustrator and then post it.. OMG can I tell you more about my boring life??? boring hmph.


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  1. Emmy,

    I sure hope you’re packing MY most recent order! 😉 That Staceyfishabella is SUPER cute! I know quite a few women that like to fish. With all the ideas you’ve gotten from SCS, you should be busy designing Bellas forevah!
    If you’d like to email me the picture and what you’d like on the watermark, I can quickly do it in Photoshop. I’m QUITE adept @ all that stuff, and if you already have a picture it will eliminate a step! (aka DisneyDoll @ SCS)

  2. Hey Sassy,

    I LOVE the Staceyfishabella, and so does Stacy! She walks around the office bragging that she’s a bella…blah blah…bella this…yak yak…bella that! (OK, so I’m half kidding, but she is super excited and honored by the stamp!)

    I think it’s the BTE (Meg speak for Best Thing Ever!) and just love your style. Keep up the great work!


  3. I love how you are giving us new stuff all the time!!! No waiting for a big release – you really understand that us stampers need instant gratification. I love checking out your website and blog everyday looking for new things. Please I beg you don’t change your ways!!!

    I received my first bellarak today – hurray! Now I just need to get my bellas inked up! I have a long bella wish lish – that gets longer every few days!

    Keep up the awesome work!

    Jennifer (mackeyabella)

  4. Oh no!!! My recent Bella’s just took off to Europe. I think Stacefishabella will find out all about fishing in the North Sea soon;)
    She is really great, Emily! Love the shadows and the sentiments too.

  5. So cute Emily! This is a great addition – I think it will be ever so popular! Thanks for keeping us rolling in new stuff – it’s soooo much better than waiting. I have to check the site every day to see what you’re doing! Love it!!! Thanks again!

  6. Ha ha forget that, I have just figured it out, doh my family keeps insisting I should have been born blonde (no offence to blonds intended!!!)

    Anyhow, did you get my message re adding something to my order?

    Alex xx

  7. I love it! I’ve never fished before but I feel like I have to have that stamp because it is so darn cute! Keep ’em comin’!

  8. Oh for crying out loud!! That Stacyfishabella is too darn stinking cute! And it is SO perfect for this household and our friends of fishermen and fisherwomen. Guess another order HAS to be submitted!!


  9. OMG that staceyfishingbella is soooo cool…love it…have to sit on my fingers so that I don’t place another order….must calm down…breathe in breathe out….sooo hard to resist!!!!

  10. I DO love this stamp!! And yes, I have been a little bit braggy about it 🙂 But who wouldn’t. I’m so honored to have a stamp dedicated to me. But, I just want you to know, I don’t look ANYTHING like this when I fish – bella is MUCH cuter 🙂

    Thanks again for the fun stamp.

  11. I have a girlfriend who complains when she has to go fishing with her husband…..but secretly I know that she LOVES it! She buys everything fishy! This is sooo perfect for her! Thanks! I love it!

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