Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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so many things to talk about

and so little time…

First of all, I have to tell you that I enjoyed writing my previous post SO MUCH that every time I think about it, I laugh.. Before I hit the “publish” button, I called Nicky (in the wee hours of the night cuz I am always up) and read it to her.. she was peeing in her pants but by the same token (or is it in the same token?  whatever) she said “Emily.. I know you, I hear you speaking when I read your blog.. your friends who read your blog and who are close to you know you , hear you and ‘understand’ you.. but aren’t you EMBARRASED to write stuff like that??? I mean you’re so funny but if people don’t know you they will think you are completely nuts!”.. I thought about it for a split second and clicked ‘publish’.  Y’know… this IS really who I am!  Unfortunately, at times, there is no filter and I wish there was one but really if you ever meet me, you will understand.  This blog thang is actually the most therapeutic venue (aside from stamping) I have.  I enjoy writing so much and the fact that I am so candid and let everyone know what is going on just makes me feel so liberated.. I go to sleep in peace..LOL.. (although I never sleep-but if I did…).. Ok, so that is topic 1.  How many people feel so liberated writing their blogs?  I mean I also don’t put any pressure on myself to concoct a technique, to create a fabuloso card etc.. I just like to write.  Now I know most people enjoy beautiful cards (as I do), and wonderful techniques (as I SO do) but I just can’t do that.. but that’s what Nicky is for!  Hopefully we will come up with some techniques, or ways to use my stamps that will make you all soooo happy.. so stay tuned

subject #2 – you must must must read Ellen Hutson’s blog.  Before you go there though, beware.. not only is she a true GEM of a person, but she is so very talented and thorough and most importantly (to me anyway) understands quality.  Ellen has a post today about dressing the bellas.. it is such a wonderful tutorial, and her precision, sense of color and of course her use of the Basic Grey Phoebe collection (my personal fave of the moment) will rock your world.  I am warning you though.. Ellen has a wonderful store where I have bought many many many wonderful goodies incluting her “create a cut” cutter..  I have not cracked that baby open yet but have heard wonderful things about it.. it cuts scalloped edges! That alone sold me.. and of course.. do you think I bought the cutter solo?  NOOOOOOO.. I needed to buy the wheely bag it comes in along with extra blades etc.. I got the DELUXE version.  I will try to write about it once I have tried it out but you can read all about it on Ellen’s blog.  Right when I saw the smiley face on her blog, I knew I was in love.. A DOLL I tell ya.. Also when you read about her favorite products, items she sells, she is so similar to me.. I would buy anything from her sight unseen because I TRUST her.  And that, to me, is the most important thing.  I know that if she is selling it, or recommending it, that it has been tried and tested by her and that, my sistahs, is good enough for moi (not to be confused with MWAH!).

I wasn’t so ‘ribbity’ today (see blog post previous to this one).. I did come out with a cute card (I think) and I am introducing my “walkers” stamp.. I thought the image was SOOO DELISH

enjoy it

[photopress image=”they_followed_me_home_002.jpg”]

 I wanted to talk about another thing but I think this post is long enough.. YOU STILL AWAKE?  So manana we talk about layouts, pressure to perform (AKA RIBBIT)

MWAH to all


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  1. Em, I love reading your blog. Nicky is right, it is just so YOU! Keep writing from the heart and it will shine through loud and clear. BTW, how does your DH, Ryan, cope with you! He could probably help my DH ’cause when we speak, I jump from one topic to another and don’t understand why he can’t keep up with MY program!
    Love that walker stamp, too. On to my list it goes!

  2. I agree with GrammaStamper- your posts are YOU-that’s why I love reading them! ADORABLE new stamp…my wish list keeps getting longer and longer!

  3. By the way-I saw your card in the new Paper Crafts….brought a little tear to my eye-I’m so happy for you Em! It is beautiful and does your Bella girls justice!

  4. I agree!!! Keep blogging and be yourself. Because of you, I started to blog, and yes I feel so much better and hit the post before critiquing (sp?) what I said. When I talk I jump from one thing to the next. it is in our personality…Be yourself!

  5. I do not think there is any way to be that is better than being yourself! I enjoy coming here, reading what you have to say ans looking at your wonderful art. Please don’t change.

  6. As I mentioned before, I read your blog as soon as I boot up my computer! Before I even read any Email. It brings a huge smile to my face. Even tho we have never met in person I feel like your a friend. Don’t change a thing!

  7. Em – you can’t be someone you’re not. If there’s someone out there that thinks you are completely nuts, well it’s because you are. I don’t mean that in a mean way either. You are nuts about your life, about your family, about your friends (even the ones you only know by their words they leave here) and you’re totally nuts about your stamps! You have a happy outlook on your life and you want to share that! I think that’s awesome!!

    Love the card, too! I want that punch!!

    BTW, maybe it’s me, but I clicked on the link for Ellen’s blog and it wouldn’t come up. It could be ’cause I’m at work, I’m not sure. But perhaps you can share the actual URL.

    Have an awesome day!!!

  8. Love the card!!!

    Say…will you be coming out with some phrases to go with Jammybella? I just love her the most.

    You’re so sweet and funny and a nice place to get away to when the going gets rough!

  9. First of all….perhaps we all read your blog and “understand” you because WE are all a little nuts and can totally relate! 🙂

    Second….adore the “walkers”. Delightfully Delish. Must own!

    Girl, don’t go changin’ on us. We love YOU for YOU!

    Blog away, it makes our day!

  10. i totally feel liberated by my blog…i guess i can just vent and if people don’t care, they wont read it. if they do care, they will respond.

    i love your blog. it’s been neglected by me for a week, which i whole-heartedly apologize. all the blogs i read daily have. it’s this work thing. it gets in the way. and this selling/buying a new house thing. yadda yadda. to top it off, i’m now sick. but you don’t care about that…

    bottom line, i adore your blog and your stamps.


  11. I can’t say I feel liberated…. I actually envy the freedoms you take with your blog! Mine is more of a diary since I haven’t done anything to generate traffic yet. Silly me, always afraid I’ll never be good enough. 🙂

    Em your blog is a breath of fresh air ~ if you’re neurotic I sure hope you never change! Great card and great lady!

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