Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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sneak peek day 4! and a chance to winnnnn!

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Hiya sistahs!  We’re almost there I promise 🙂

Today we are featuring 3 more Bella V. 2.0.  I am LOVING the reaction from everyone!.. I must admit I was nervous because sometimes you just don’t mess with something that has done well.. but I felt I had to 🙂  So here they are!


and we were inspired by her and decided to make FLOWERSBEHINDMYBACKabella.. LOL.. ISn’t she GORGEOUS???


Seriously she can be used for any occasion.. a thank you.. happy birthday.. bridesmaid.. bridal shower.. friendship.. I LOOOVE HER.. and the open spaces?  I see that dress paper pieced don’t you???

Here are some samples from our amazing DT using her

Here’s Shelabella’s card


and Paulineabella’s card


And here’s Elaineabella’s card


Serious INSANE gorgeousness happening me thinks.

And now our NEXT guest of honor is….. POMPOMABELLA!

Ok so I cheated.. I CANNOT FIND HER ANYWHERE!! So I googled her LOL and found a gorgeous card by Jeaniebella who used to be on our DT that long ago.. and I found this gorgeous card!


And here’s 2.0


I just love her!! Also My goal is really to have images you can use for many occasions… she can be used for encouragementm,  , retirement, weight loss.. any adventure.. bon voyage, happy birthday… we must always think outside da BOXabella no?

Now for some amazing DT SAMPLES!

here’s Sandiebella’s card


and Elaineabella’s card


And now we have THINKINGOFYOUabella… I really don’t have an original of her LOL.. SHE is the original 🙂 she is so much fun to colour.. lots of room to practice.. she’s kinda like those barbie heads we had as kids that we put makeup on and played with their hair?  remember those?  I LOOOVED MINE.  Ok so maybe she’s not like that but it REMINDSSS me of her ok?  don’t judge.


and some DT Samples  of course!



and the inside


and here’s Elaineabella’s card


Hope you love all these images and their sentiments and I KNOW you will love their matching die cuts too!

All available June 25th 🙂

leave a comment on this post  for a chance to win one of these 🙂






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  1. Wow…just stunning remakes of the original stamps. I wasn’t familiar with the Bellas early on, but these new versions are making it to my wish list for sure!

  2. Oh these are fabulous, love the thinking of you. I know I am going to need to pace myself with all these fabulous new designs. The new Latte Bella has my name on it and is on the top of my list, lol.

  3. Oh how I LOVE these! They are all so wonderful, the more and more you show us this release! 😀 Every one is just beautiful! I also thought of the paper piecing for the FlowersBehindMyBack Bella! haha! Nice! 😀

    Love the ‘Barbie’ head reference too! 😀 As always, beautiful work and love all the DT cards too! Wow! 😀

  4. Em!! I had one of those Barbie heads, loved that thing!! Whoa, the thinking of you Bella is spectacular, your design team did an awesome job coloring those lovely locks and skin tones!! All of the samples are terrific, I learn a lot about card design just paying attention to the way they layer different papers and die cuts. Another great release day!!

  5. I love FLOWERSBEHINDMYBACKabella – great name too! So many different possibilities for colouring and decoupaging he dress 🙂

  6. I loved the original Bellas, but I love these even more. Are they the same size as the Uptown Girls?

  7. Those faces are beautiful. I still have some of the first version Bella’s. What an amazing transformation. TFS . I have enjoyed the sneak peaks and the DT projects.

  8. This release is just BELLAtiful! I remember pinning the ‘before’ cards as inspiration!! Lovely way to showcase what we loved before and the new Bellas 2.0 …… I’m just over the moon in love ? TFS – awesome DT cards!

  9. The new Stamping Bella’s are so fabulous. They’re just my style! That new one “flowers behind my back” is one I just need to get. The DT cards are wonderful and totally inspiring! Hugs, Gail

  10. I’m just in awe!! Could be a bit of drool here and there over my keyboard. LOL!! You’re right when you say it’s tough to mess with something just in case the 2nd version goes sideways but I think you’ve nailed it EVERY TIME!! Love the “Thinkingofyouabella” – so pretty! Very thoughtful too, to make these usable for more than just one occasion. Love that idea! Stunning images and love what the DT have been doing. Keep it up! 🙂

  11. I love these new stamps they are bursting with life and look amazing to colour. The samples are so vibrant and inspiring. I adore FlowersbehindmybackBella , she is beautiful and definitely on my wish list. Crafty hugs Jane xx

  12. I LOVE the soft new Bella designs! And the details? Swoon!! My list just keeps getting longer. 😉

  13. Like seeing all the new things but my favorite was still on the first day, the girl with the martini just speaks to my heart

  14. More Fab~u~locity!! Absolutely LUV all of the “NEW” Bella’s………just 4 more days, I’m counting down 🙂

  15. Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful……I agree “thinking of you” reminds me of my old Barbie head too!!!!! I only have brothers so I loved styling her hair and putting makeup on her! AS always I LOVE all of them! Thanks for the chance to win!

  16. I have to find a way to buy lots of Bellas! They are all so wonderful! (Seriously, my husband will freak! “How many stamps do you need?!?”)

    Tough tootsies, honey! I need them all! ???

  17. I love thes new revamped stamps! Yes I do love the fact they can be used for many occassions. I would never have thought of the cheerleader as one I need today to send to a friend in need of support, but it would be perfect.

  18. Love them all and the update is fantastic. My favorite right now is the ThinkingofYouabella, but the flowers and beach follow close behind. So much talent and so glad you shared.

  19. Wow I love them all…I am new to the site but I have made a few orders I just love the idea using for different themes…I am starting my collection of all the lovelys…

  20. Thinkingofyouabella is at the top of my favorites so far. Can’t wait to see the rest of the new releases.

  21. Well there goes saving up for a 3-season porch! These Bellas are so amazing my wish list money jar is getting relabeled to BELLA-Bounty. WOW…. love them all.

  22. I can’t decide today which is my favourite. Thinking of you or flowers behind my back. They are both gorgeous.

  23. It’s really been fun seeing the change between the designs over the years. Your new designs are so beautiful, and of course, more modern. Thanks for the latest and the generous giveaway.

  24. I am very much enjoying the updates on the stamps. The level of creativity is amazing. Thanks for all of the hard work.

  25. My crafty budget is gonna take a serious hit when these Bella’s are released. They are all so cute. Gotta have’em all!!
    But…. May have to start with Thinking of You Bella first. That way my hubby won’t get too upset with me. 🙂

  26. I can see a lot of RAK cards with these. The designs are beautiful and so are all the card designs. Have you ever done a dancer? My niece dances with the Orlando Ballet and I would love to have one for her. I need more stamps like I need a hole in the head but hey, we are stampers and its like an addiction with us. We love to create and we love to buy our stamps. I’m going to have to watch how much I spend but there are some that I would love to have. I can’t afford all of them and some of the sentiments wouldn’t work for me but I can afford a few or 3 or 4! LOL

  27. Lol. I have the cheerleader Bella. The new one is gorgeous and I love, love, love the thinking of you Bella.

  28. SQUEE!! Love love flowersbehindmybackbella and thinkingofyoubella….both can be used for so many many things – these two will be on my must have list 🙂

  29. Loving all of the designs! Especially love the thinkingofyoubella card where Tracy cut around the lower edge/her elbow & arm! Shading is beautiful, too!

  30. Paper piecing? Yes! And I do remember that big Barbie head. That is a classic. I’m surprised they don’t still make it.

    Back to the images…………….super cute. You got it going on.

  31. WOW! these remakes are truly spectacular! I fell in love with the ‘old’ Bella, but love these new ones, too! just gorgeous! and the samples by your team are fabulous!

  32. I can not tell you how much I love the new Bellas. I love the faces and new hair on them. They have so much expression now. I did not like the old ones because they had no face. That makes such a difference. Love them hope you keep them coming

  33. Flowahbella is soooo sweet!!! I can hardly wait to make someone smile with her Bellaliciousness. Also, I love the size of the Thinkingofyouabella. Again, lots of wonderful possibilities there!!! I hope new Teacherabella is somewhere in our future as well!

  34. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAS to the Barbie head…I had a few(I’m a girly girly) so I totally agree with you on thinkingofyouabella. It’s going to be wonderful making her up all kinds of ways. Oh the waiting is killing me…

  35. I love all of these! Now these are stamps I would like to have! I love the Bella with the flowers. She is so adorable! I could really use that one in a lot of different ways.
    The PomPomabella is also adorable! She makes me want to cheer! Oh yeah, that’s what cheerleaders do, make you want to cheer! LOL
    The thinking of you Bella is great for a lot of reasons. I could really use that one and she’s so cute! She does remind me of Barbie. My cousin had Barbie. I had Tressy. Her hair grew. Somehow her head came off and it wasn’t supposed to. I love the 3 of them!
    And the cards? They are amazing! I love them all!

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