Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Sneak peek day 4 and a CHANCE TO WIN!



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This really is adorable!! xxx

Timestamp: 2015-08-17 01:01:20 UTC




Hiya sistahs!  Was yesterday not such an amazing post?  Great turnout from da sistahs contributing to Bellarific Friday.. great feature of our stamp of the month, Betty.. sigh… LOVE.  and of course Willow and her little pretend scary goblins LOL

Now for today’s sneak peek!  Meet WARM AND FUZZY PENGUINS.  When I was little, my aunt collected penguins..  when I used to go to her house, I would just sit and admire them.  We called them PEN-GEES (hard ‘G”).   We call them PENG (hard g)EES to this day and so do my kidlets.   So I am particularly fond of PenG(hard G)ees.. in case you couldn’t tell.  In all these years, I have never had a penguin in my collection.. so now is the time :).. I think you are going to love them .  And the Sentiment?  LOVE.


I want you to please note the TUQUES on the little one’s heads.. I kinda wanna call them “Jacques”.. I think they have a bit of a Parisian flair no? LOL

Anyway, I think this image is SO great as a family Christmas card.. so much fun to colour and , I mean, how can anyone resist JACQUES???

Here is AliceWERTZAbella’s card using WARM AND FUZZY PENGUINS


and here’s Lesliebella’s card using WARM AND FUZZY PENGUINS!  STUNNING!


and the inside



want a chance to win the PENG (hard G)-EES?

leave a comment below!

Mwah to da sistahs who are annoyed with the HARD G.. LOL



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  1. I HAVE, HAVE, HAVE to have this one!!!! Love them!!! So Adorable!!!! What more can I say…..(would you stop already!!!! Too many CUTE, CUTE, CUTE stamps!! LOL)!!!!!

  2. I call them pengees too but then most of my childhood toys had names ending with ee. I love love love these pegees especially the poor lad stuck in that snow ball. Is it nearly the 17th yet?

  3. I’d love to win the PENG (hard G)-EES! Such a sweet stamp… perfect for my holiday cards!
    I had a pair of PJs a few years back covered in a cute PENG(hard G)-EES design. Wore them out… they were my absolute faves! And I referred to them as PENG(hard G)-EES too!

    End of.

    OMG they’re ADORABLE.
    I do have a rather irrational fondness for pingus (Pen-hardG-Gees) but these are soooooo cute. What are you guys doing to me with all these must-have new images. Oh my WORD.
    I’d better start saving those pennies up.

  5. Soooooooooooo stinking adorable!!! I just wasn’t to give everyone a Christmas hug. I am really in love with these penguins. Definitely holiday card worthy!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSS!

  6. penguins and snowmen are my two favorites for holiday images! These penguins are so cute, I am already dreaming about the cards I will be making with this stamp!!!!

  7. My daughter and I took our first trip without grandkids in May and as girls often do, we got the giggles about penguins and how many right turns you could make and still get where you were going. So penguins also have a special place in my heart. And these are adorable!!

  8. I so love the little stories around the new images…and it is just the right time for PenGees, I think…;)

  9. Lovely design, it is so much fun to color them, it is going to be a hot one for Christmas cards this year.

  10. Oh those PENG-EES are oh so adorable. Would love to see them on my Xmas cards this year. Make you feel warm and cuddly , even though they are a cold winter scene. LOVE THEM!!!!!

  11. I just love this chubby couple. Would make excellent holiday cards from me and my hubby. Hope I win!

  12. Oh my gosh!! Just when I thought the new releases couldn’t possibly get ANY better…..BAM!@ Warm and Fuzzy PenGees!!!! hahahahaha! I can’t wait to get these little sweeties!

  13. I love these cards. the penguins are so darling! the coloring and blending are fabulous. what a wonderful stamp set.

  14. I’m in penguin love – these are so cute! I love ALL the new Christmas/Winter stamps – they’re so gorgeous. Happy smiles here 🙂

  15. Oh my goodness these little guys are so cute! But more than that is the fact that my 2 year old grandson Gary calls them Peegees and we can’t go to the Zoo without stopping to see the Peegees how adorable!

  16. I have always loved penguins. My nephew collects them but I already collect too many others things (scrapbooking, cardmaking etc.) lol

  17. I love the Warm And Fuzzy Penguins stamp. They do look warm and fuzzy snuggling with each other. Warms the heart that’s for sure. Would love to be in the picture and sit between both of them.

  18. This is so very beautiful! I really love your penguins and the way you’ve created a “love-heart shape” with them is so original and amazing! I would love the chance to use this stamp 🙂

  19. Wouldn’t mind this one either. My nephew loves penguins and this could be me giving him a Christmas hug! I try to always use a penguin stamp for him at Christmas. I even have penguin paper!

  20. (all these math equations to post comments, you are really keeping me on my toes 😉 )

    Drop. Dead. GOOOOOOORGEOUS!!!!

    Looking at this scene … it makes me dream of long winter nights, huddled up with someone special (currently, my cat *haha*) in a warm fuzzy blanket on the balcony at night, with a cup of hot mulled wine in my hands, stargazing. And hoping for enough snow to make a snowman. I might grow older, but I don’t have to grow up, do I? 😉

  21. This is adorable. This one is going on my list for sure. I say that, but then most end up on my list and I have to choose. Lol I just want them all.

  22. I LOOOVVVEEEE this image!! The penguins are SOOO cute 🙂 makes me think of cold winter nights snuggling with my sweetie.

  23. So sweet! I love winter time, lately not so much snow around here but your stamp really brings back all the great memories from my childhood, there is just something fery special about your style very cozy and warm!

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