Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Sneak peek day 2 and a chance to WIN!

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#77- HEATHER A- you win EDNA with A CUPCAKE ON TOP



Hiya sistahs!

Boy oh boy what an overwhelming response to yesterday’s sneak peek!  You Sistahs, totally blew me away!  I am SO SO happy you loved yesterday’s images.  Makes my heart sing!  What I’m also happy about is the overwhelming response about dies!   WOOHOOO!!!!

Ok you sitting down?

Because I need to introduce you to my VERY OWN… PERSONAL… Fairy Godmother named EDNA.  Yes.  EDNA.  The second I saw her, I knew she was mine.. and I knew that HAD to be her name..  I also knew she would watch over me.. and make me laugh.  Don’t tell anyone but..I even know what her voice sounds like.  She may be British.

I told you my stamps are HUMAN. 😉

Of course I have a story… When I was younger (there goes that 70’s inner child again).. I used to watch the Flintstones religiously.  And I LOVED the GREAT GAZOO.  Remember him?  He called Fred DUMB DUMB LOL.. but he always managed to be there when the 2 goofballs needed him. LOL.. I LOVED the great gazoo.  In case you don’t know him or need a refresher, here he is


Ok while he doesn’t LOOK like Edna LOL.. He still symbolizes what Edna is to me :)..

Another thing about Edna is that she is also pudgy and delicious.  For YEARS I have had sistahs asking me for a plus ‘ish size character.. I mean I am one LOL so why not have one in our arsenal?  The reason was that it took years to develop EDNA.  Once I saw her, I knew she would be the one to represent!  She is so sweet and not only does her character remind me of the gazoo.. but her “look” is kind of like a pinup girl.  I know.. what a combo LOL


You’re probably saying What the HECK can a pinup character crossed with the Great Gazoo look like?  I bet you’re worried.

Ok I cannot blabla anymore because I am WORRYING MYSELF.  and that’s NOT GOOD haha.



I mean.  HAVE YOU EVER?  THOSE LEGS?  her PROPORTIONS?  I can’t.  WILL NOT.  WON’T.  I want to eat HER.. never mind the cupcake.  I wanna colour her.. I wanna have her on my shoulder AT ALL TIMES.

Edna is a free spirit.  She doesn’t care what people think.. she gives her opinions when they aren’t asked for.

OMGGGGG.. I think I’m EDNA!!!

Edna will also have her matching die sold A LA CARTE


And Edna with a cupcake on top will be offered as a BUNDLED set at 15% off (stamp + die)


Again, the sentiment dies are a standard clean shape so you can use it for other things too!


Now how’s about (who says HOW’S ABOUT?)  some samples using this little vixen? LOL

Here’s SANDIEBELLA’s card

(notice the grass under her feet?  Ya well.. I can’t tell you about that right now.. but you just wait and watch out for a post on that grass…  it’s EARTH SHATTERING (get it?  grass? earth? LOL)  and brilliant ifidosaysomyself… it’s going to be on one of our posts this week.  stay TOONED)


And here’s ALICEWERTZABELLA’s card


I think I drooled a little.

Now for our next EDNA today… EDNA LOVES ICE CREAM!


Her cheeks? her glasses?  her lack of GUILT eating that sundae? her sentiment?   I wanna be Edna.  for REALS.

Edna will also have her corresponding “a la carte” die


and will be offered as a BUNDLE (Stamp and die at 15% off!)



Here are some tantalizing samples using Edna loves Ice cream

Here’s TRACYBELLA’s card


And here’s Paulabella’s card 🙂


Can you? cuz I CANT.

I hope you love my EDNA as much as I do.  I hope you can relate to her.. and I hope you can hear her little voice 🙂


LTTC (let the torture continue :)).. It’s a good torture I hope 😉

I am offering 2 chances to win these stamp and die bundles.  One for each image.  (Images will be chosen randomly per winner)

leave a comment and let me know what you think!

MWAH to da sistahs who share some of my memories 🙂




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  1. Ah Edna is fabulous! And so different from the stick legged uptown girls! 🙂 everyone needs a lovely Edna in their lives!

    Thanks for another chance to win!

  2. OMGosh! I think I had glasses very similar to Edna’s! I also think she is my sister! – My twin sister!!! She has attitude and is so spunky. I love her!! And she diets like I do! Try as I might, I still look so much more like Edna than the pin up girl!!

  3. Wow, I DO remember watching the Flintstones and the Great Gazoo, always thought it was a super character, made me smile! AND so does Edna … I’ll be in line to grab her!

  4. Oh how I adore Edna!!!!! ??? Love her with the cupcake and ice cream!
    I have to say your intro of her being also like a pinup girl was priceless! Her stances and expressions are perfect! Absolutely adorable!
    The sentiments and dies that go with her are fantastic too!!
    Thank you for the chance to win! ?

  5. These two stamps are so adorable and the sentiments that are paired with them are so great! I especially love the diet one cause that’s always when my diet starts…tomorrow lol!

  6. The Great Gazoo!!!!!!!! Oh my GEE! I LOVED the great Gazoo too! Your Edna is scrumptious!!!! I had a great laugh this morning reading your post, which I greatly needed! Love ya Em!

  7. GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH AGAIN!! I could totally picture Edna on my shoulder saying “oh go ahead…”
    I neeeeeeeeeeeed them alllllllll!!!!! I can’t even!!!!!!!!

  8. OMG! Edna loves ice cream! I’ve always loved the look of pin ups, and I absolutely ADORE these sets. Thanks for the chance to win.

  9. I seriously do not know which I like better – seeing your new stamps or reading your stories about them! I loved Gazoo too! Got to have the ice cream one. Love ice cream. Love them both a heck of a lot!!!!

  10. Edna is perfect! I can easily relate to her and she has such attitude, so great. I want her for my cards and can barely wait to order her and the companion dies bundles.

  11. Thank you for the chance to win. Love that you are coming out with dies for the new releases. Hope you come out with dies for past releases because I hate fussy cutting around the uptown girls legs.

  12. I LOVE Edna! She is clearly wise and wonderful! I vow now to live every day like it is my birthday!! AND I love ice cream! AND I am Edna’s twin! I am not kidding! I am 4’9″ tall and Rubenesque — just like Edna! I am not a 70’s kid, but I do remember Fred and Barney and Wilma and Betty, not so much Gazoo I confess… But I am totally ready for Edna in all her glory — and with her dies! 🙂 Well done my sistah!

  13. I just love all the Stampingbella stamps but the Edna stamps are just too cute! They remind me of the fairy Godmothers in Maleficent! I can see me using these a lot. They can’t help but make you smile!!!

  14. Oh how I just love Edna. She looks so real. She’s just a little bit fluffy, just like me, and I think she would be perfect on so many of my cards. .

  15. Sooo excited- I am loving those glasses- I want a pair. My hubbie asked me what I wanted for Valentine’s day that was crafty. Now I know- can’t wait till release day!!!

  16. She is the most adorable yet! YAY….one for the full sized girls in our life…!!! Just perfect!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much. I can’t wait…!!

  17. Oh my, the releases have only started and I already want all 4 that have been shown… I can hardly wait to see the rest…. well I know I must but it is sure nerve racking….. How can you top the first 4? Hugs.

  18. Edna is going to become my best friend stamps.I love the way she looks. I hope she will appear in more stamps.I would love a fairy godmother like Edna.

  19. I love both stamps. Depending on what season it is, these could be colored for the appropriate season to celebrate, i. e. I’d color these with greens and yellows and perhaps add some shamrocks and a rainbow for St. Patrick’s Day cards/projects.

  20. Oh My goodness! gazoo!! Love that little guy! And that Edna! swoon!!! She is absolutely amazing! She reminds me of the fairy godmother in Shrek 2! lol…but I am sure this Edna is sweet! lol

  21. I’m with you- Edna is awesome, and the sentiments are fantastic. Also, thanks for the trip down memory lane with the Great Gazoo, loved the Flintstones growing up!! (and the Jetsons, too.)

  22. I LOVE< LOVE LOVE Edna – she is so like a twin – cannot wait to meet her and color her… definitely a must have to my collection!

  23. Im going to follow the example of one of my gooddaughter ant throw a big tantrum, because I want them and I need it! She even look like me!!!! LOL!

  24. What a wonderful counterpart to the skinny uptown girls and the sweet tiny townies…gorgeous new character as addition to the bella universe…thank you for the torture 😉

  25. Ha,ha! Loved the Great Gazoo too! Who doesn’t need a fairy godmother…and Edna’s perfect for it! So cute!

  26. Oh my goodness! These are the gotta have even if you can only buy 1 or 2, or 36 of the new release! Especially since they have matching dies! I see her popping up all over the place! Might even have to have her dangling over my computer while I work! 🙂

  27. Hey! I don’t recall giving you permission to use my likeness beside a huge sundae like that! And how did you know that that’s the day I start my diets?!! LOL! Too cute!!

  28. I LOVE Fairies and I LOVE EDNA! She looks so cute whwther she is with cupcakes or ice cream sodas. There are so many possibilities to showcase both your watercoloring skills and the embellishments You have been hoarding — glitter, sequins!!!

  29. Edna is a gem and I love the first stamp the best. The cards are so cute and I’m in awe of the talent…great job!

  30. I love all of the Stamping Bella cuties but I am particularly partial to this one because she shares my name, curly hair and glasses too! These are must have cuties for me! 🙂

  31. Edna is definitely my fairy godmother! She is just adorable and playful! She just makes you want to smile and oh eat ice cream and cake!

  32. May we all find our inner Edna. Love her. Only one thing, who has either a cupcake or a sunday. Emily… you put ice cream on top of the cake.

  33. I just love both of the new stamps they look so fun and would be great to use on some cards. I enjoyed your story. When I was younger I enjoyed watching the Flintstones too.

  34. OI. Edna. What a doll. Going to make great cards with her! Lol. I envision long Saturdays together with wine and good music….. probably an ice cream sundae or two…. and beautiful cards. Bella triumph.

  35. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Edna!!!!! Finally a face to put with that little whisper I hear telling me it’s OK to indulge…lol! Thanks for the chance to win!

  36. Edna!?! We are sisters for sure. We are practically identical (OK, except for the wings!), and I love that there is an image I can relate to. Keep ’em coming!

  37. Loved the GREAT GAZOO also when I was little. I could use either of these fairy godmothers they are adorable. You are amazing coming up with new and fun images. Thanks.

  38. these images are adorable! Finally a stamp for us gals that are more full figured, lol. Loving these, can’t wait to see all the rest of sneeky peeky

  39. I grew up watching the Flintstones and the Great Gazoo was one of my favourite characters. Your “math” makes me laugh: Gazoo = Edna. And, since I adored Gazoo, then I, too, adore Edna! Another fabulous set of images, showcased marvelously! Edna’s glasses: want!

  40. Woq, I am a fan of the uptown girls, but now I have seen Edna with her yummy legs and glasses….I don’t know who I loves more….both??
    Gorgeous DT inspirational cards!
    xxx Margreet

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