Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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there is NO NEED to put me on your blogs etc… you have misunderstood me! You are all doing a wonderful job in promoting and LOVING the bellas.. which is the most important thing! Please don’t misunderstand me!  You have gotten to know me over the last little while and I don’t want you to misunderstand my previous post!! All I wanted to say was that I spotted cards using the bellas without even mentioning that they were bellas! LOL. That’s all!! really!! you don’t need to put me in your siggy or on your blog.. just *LOVE* me and my girls.. that all I ask for


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  1. I can’t even make a card without talking to them like they exist…..kidding. LOVE THEM!!!!

    Oh and as I anxiously (I mean patiently) wait for a home for the girls…..I like to refer to their little plastic sleeves as “the condo”. They’re looking to “move on up” so to speak…hint hint. 🙂

    Will always and continue to talk about you like I’ve known you forever 🙂


  2. Yup – We do love you and we love your girls… although that sounds just a little odd to me! (getting mind out of gutter)…. We love your Bellas! Totally agree with your last posts! I know sometimes we get in such an excited hurry to post a card somewhere… things get forgotten…. thank goodness the ability to edit!

    We all should try to remember to add a link to… I’m going to try! I know that when I post a card in my SplitCoast Gallery, I try to say “Loving my Bella” and mention Bella often, but I can’t say if I remember actually saying “stamping bella”
    …note to self……Self (ha!) remember to make sure I give credit where credit is due!


  3. I have to admit that I figured out how to do a watermark so I could put the Bellas website directly on my Bella cards. I figured anyone who say them would HAVE to have a bella and I just wanted to give them the proper amunition 😉 Love ya Em…….don’t want to disappoint you at all. (And I don’t even have a blog……to much of a techno-phobe to try and figure it out!!)

  4. Hey Em…talk about da bellas, drool over da bellas, think about da bellas, want to be a bella, oh but I digress…share da love as much as I can….and by the way dh thinks you owe him a new keyboard due to all the droolin’ I have been doing on this one everytime I look at the bellas!!!! LOL!!! Hugs!

  5. Hi Emily,

    I habe made 3 of the bellas so far and have posted each one on my blog. I posted one tonight too. 😉 Thing is I got a new computer that uses Windows new Vista and I am having a hard time getting Bellas by Emily onto each of the pictures. So far my editor will not do it, But I make sure that I talk about the Bellas and I always have a link back to you. Also your business site is on the left hand side under ny favorite lnks Your blog is on the right side of my blog under blogs I puruse. Hope this is alright. If not please let me know.

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