Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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sistahs, you heard it here first!

HELLLOOOO ladies!  I am so happy to see how ‘hopping’ the bellaholics anonymous yahoo group is!! I think it is amazing that we can all unite and gab.. LOVE IT.  Second of all, I have had lots and lots of questions regarding the emergence of a boyfriend/hubby for bella… All I can tell ya’s is that the Bella does indeed, have a fella.  He is adorable and we are just working on final details and then he will be introduced!! Ok, how excited are you?  I mean come on.. we all need to make cards for guys and have NOTHING in terms of stamps… don’t worry sistahs.. this will take care of allllllll your needs!

How excited are you?  I mean come ON. I am DYING over here.. wish you were all here.. hmph



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  1. OMG!!! A fella for the bellas I am so flipping excited. Instead of golfabella it would golfafella? Thats brilliant. I cant wait!!!!

  2. How exciting is this news!!! Maybe a Stevenfishafella…then DH can have his own tattoo. HA! I’ll let everyone else in on this…I am such a Bellaholic 🙂 I told Em about this earlier in the week BUT last Friday night I got Staceyfishabella as a tattoo on my left shoulder. She is adorable!!! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us Em!!!

    OMG…now we have to wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I have been waiting for you to say that this would happen – yea! The whole family together – I mean we were all beginning to wonder where minivanabella’s three kids came from!?!

  4. Wow!! I can’t wait to meet him!! Bella will no longer be lonely.
    Can you give any time frame? We are all dying!!


  5. Yeah!! I can hardly wait! I just love the Bellas….I am already plotting what more I can order!

  6. Woo Hoo, a fella!!!! I can’t wait to see him!! Now that you’ve told us about him, you better post him soon, cause the anticipation is killing us!!


  7. WOO-HOO!! This will be GREAT for guy cards…I just know it!! I don’t have any good masculine stamps…these will be fun and masculine at the same time!! Like Jennifer said above, can’t wait to see the daddy of minivanabella! 🙂

  8. Great concept, yet again, Miss Em. But I’m hoping *JEN* is going to post a pic of her ink she had layed last Friday night. Excellent choice of Staceyfishabella 🙂 Or if you don’t wish to go “public”, I’d love to see it for myself , if you wouldn’t mind sharing. Hope it’s healing and pain-free, just intime for Em’s launch of the male-half. WAY COOL ! Robby

  9. Wahhooo, best news I’ve had all day :D! Wish I was there too, care to sponsor my plane trip? :p 😉

    Have a nice day Chiefbella, the sun is shining over here and I’m going to make another Bella card in a minute…sun may be shining, but is still freezing so still card-making weather! *LOL*

  10. Oh my goodness a fella for our Bella’s, I can hardly wait……keep up the wonderful work these ladies are amazing…..


  11. I think the Post Office will make a killing on us with Em releasing only a few new Bellas & Fellas a month! Because I HAVE 22 Bellas in hand, and have like 6-7 more in my basket WAITING for some more new ones, but I think I’m just gonna hafta have those shipped out NOW instead of waiting!

    Bella’s Fella…..ahhhhh…..I like McDreamyFella too! Uh, Em…why are you reading blog comments and not cuttin’ rubbah?!?! 😉

  12. Well… how’s that for meeting our needs!??? As we’re all plotting to get our Bella’s a fella, you’ve already got one in the works. This is a niche that is so lacking in stamping. Great business move, Em! Ohhhh… can’t wait to see (uh, order) him!

  13. Em! Em! I have an idea!!! What if you do Bellas & Fellas from around the world? Just think, you could have a Kimonobella and a Samuraifella from Japan….a Dutchabella with wooden shoes and tulips….it could be way cute! Plus if you do them as couples then we get MORE Bellas and Fellas faster! Mwahahahahahaa! And I still think a Mermaidabella would be awesome!!

    I’ve said it before, Em….you ROCK!!! Thanks for making an Addictabella out of me!

  14. OH wow, how much longer do we have to wait? Can we get a hint oh please oh please come on em….just a hint…..
    Will he be tall
    Will he be short
    Will he be big
    Will he be little
    Will he oh heck how does that old song go? lol
    I just can’t wait…
    hugs veronabella

  15. Em…you ROCK!!! How awesome is this??? I’m so excited…can’t wait to see what ya’ll have come up with! I’m hoping a nascarfella/sportscarfella is in the works:)
    PS…Jen…would love to see your tat!!!

  16. YOU’RE dying here? What about us your faithful minions? How exciting about the fellas! I better get caught up on the bellas — what am I wasting time here for when I should be shopping???? Luv ya Sistah!

  17. I will post a photo of “tat” Staceyfishabella on my blog this week. I need to have DH take a better photo of it. I will post on the Bellaholics group when it’s up. 🙂

  18. OMG!!! Yes, Yes, oh Yes!!!
    I feel like I’m cheating on my man waiting for a new “fella” in my life.
    Now, all us Sistahs must play nice and not fight over him!

  19. How cool is that! Fellabella in the making… jammyfella… ryanfella… chefafella… the list is endless!!

  20. I didn’t even think of Chefafella. I must have that one!!! My DH does all the cooking and my DS is in a special culinary high school. I bought Chefabella to make cards for his teacher but he has two and the other one is male. Chefafella would be perfect!!! Em we are going to keep you soooooooooooooooooo stinkin’ busy!

  21. I’m soooooo pleased for Bella, that she finally gets a fella. To be honest, she never really struck me as the celibate type.

  22. Fellabellas…who would have thought 🙂 I am sure my Bellas will be happy to have a man in their life. Looking forward to seeing him.

  23. I laughed when I read Jennifer Bradley’s comment……Yes we need a Bellafella for the mini van crew,Too funny, Can’t wait to see the fellas!!!

  24. How excited am I ????? —I’m Very Very excited!!!!
    I think he will be adorable and cute as can be. I think I am already falling in love with him. My first real crush since Junior High.

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