Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Sistahs, the mailman has gone with today’s orders

and all is quiet over here… ho hum… LOOOVE IT! so I have a coupla moments to talk to you.  It’s been a while!! I hope your holidays were PHENOMALICIOUS (love that new word.. just made it it up-in case you thought you would be able to find it in the dictionary-LOL!).. lots of food, comaraderie, an excuse to be with DA FAMILY… it’s so nice, idn’t it?  So I had a couple of days off and my computer was down (insert SHRIEK here) so I couldn’t even do any work from home (insert another bigger SHRIEK here)… It was a blessing in disguise!  I actually got to spend LOTS of quality time with Ryan and da kidlets… we had so much fun!  Had friends over, went out, went for walks..

But this isn’t what this blog post is about ya know.  It is about DA Wii (nintendo wii that is).. Ryan decided that our family absolutely NEEDED one.  I told him that it was mighty expensive and that I would not be participating in anything that has to do with the Wii.  He said “no problem” and he bought it.  CAN YOU BELIEVE?  and he bought this silly little game called guitar hero.. HAVE YOU HEARD OF IT? (lol).  Well weren’t those famous last words…

He cracks open the box..tyler is jumping up and down with glee, Jayden is holding the other ‘mote control (as she says it) which is unplugged but SHE thinks it works..LOL.  and they proceed to play these FOOLISH games called, bowling, boxing, football etc… I am watching this while I am sitting on the sofa and LAUGHING to myself that this is the most INSANE game I have ever seen and I would NEVAH humiliate myself and even go so far as to HOLD one of those remote controls.  So I do a little research about some of the games available (even tho I have NO INTEREST whatsoever in playing-*winks*) and see that there is a game called “carnival” and in that game, there happens to be MY FAVORITE GAME of all time called “skeet ball”.. you know the bowling game where there are rings with values and you have to have them land in those rings?  Ya anyway, before Ryan went out I sayS to him “well if you are passing by the video store, why don’t you just rent this carnival thingie game or something (you know trying to play it down…).. he says “SURE honey” with a little knowing smirk on his face.

He comes home with the game and says to me “ya wanna play?”… and I say to him, ABSOLUTELY NOT.. I thought it would be a great game for the kids to play and that they would enjoy it and NEVAH would I stoop to the level of being a jumping jiggling lunatic with a remote in my hand…

So the kids played.

Then the kids ate Suppah.

Then the kids went to bed.

Then Ryan took out the Wii.

Then he loaded SKEETBALL.

and he played.

And it looked like SO MUCH FUN.

THEN… you know what happened?

I LUNGED for the remote.  Literally.  I grabbed it out of his hand and became a skeet ball-carnivalfreak-sideshow.  I jiggled.  I wiggled.  I flung that ball like nevAH before.  I dunked people into water.. I was the STRONGEST WOMAN ALIVE as I POUNDED the hammer on the scale thingy..

I was scary.

Ryan had to force the remote out of my hand and he began to play.  And he beat my score.

Since I WAS the strongest woman in the world, I yanked it away from him and really tried to beat him.. and couldn’t.  I even threw in a little extra jiggle and wiggle.

He then takes out that silly guitar.  I mean, COME ON sistahs.. you think you are a rockstar while you are STRUMMING on a guitar?????? Ryan asks if I wanna play.. I say NO.  Then he plays.  And I watch.  And I hum to the song he is playing.. and i proceed to LUNGE for the remote again.. grab it from his hands and STRUMMED like I nevah STRUMMED before.  Yes, I was BOO’ed off the stage but with lotsa practice (*winks*), I managed to make it through the whole song… LOL.  Ok so all that was on Tuesday night.

I have nevah been the same.  our BESTEST friends (RYAN AND NATANYA and kidlets) came over (YES RYAN, you are now in PRINT.. and yes you ARE our bestest friends) and their daughter Jordyn decided to play the Wii … she played for 2 hours while her DADA was watching and giving advice from the peanut gallery (move here, Jordyn, swing ON AN ANGLE, Jordyn etc etc) until FINALLY, he got up (the virgin wii-er) and had a hard time putting the remote down when they had to leave… He actually “Threw” a ball in the air when he served in the tennis game–LOL.. and added some wiggle to his jiggle.

I good laugh was had by all.. I am so sorry about how LONG and BORING this post is but I just had to share…

guess what “wiiiiiii’re” doing tonight?  we share that look.  that “i am SO GONNA BEAT YOU IN THAT GAME” look.

Is that a RIOT or what?  You know my advice to not care what other people think around you?  Well I took my own advice and I Wiiiiiiiii’d  till I could Wiiiiii no mo’

Mwah to da sistahs who would pay MOOLAH to see me Wii


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  1. This made me lol. I wanted a wiiiiii soo bad for Christmas. I could not find it. Now there in stock. I asked dh to go get it for me. SO, I think I may get it soon. Cant’ wait to playee that skee ball game. Sounds like a blast. Have fun!!!!!!!!!! wIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi

  2. That is just the fuuuuuunnnniest thing Em….think I might have to get one of those Wiiiiiiiii thingy’s. Thing is my kids aren’t interested….rather play the PS3. Well watch this space when I get my Wiiii and who will be Wiiiiiining that they want a shot!!!! LOL

  3. We got a Wii last year for Christmas – love it!! Watch out, you’ll get sore muscles from playing too much 🙂 We were really sore from boxing all day last year on Christmas. This year we got DDR – it’s the family ‘work-out’ plan. The Wii is perfect for me since I used to ‘jump’ the remote playing Mario with the original Nintendo – now it actually works! Making the Mii’s is plenty of fun too. Enjoy the fun!

  4. Oldest son got his family a Wii for Chanuka (now that he has a job) and brought it home for Thanksgiving weekend. The first few days were a hoot watching the guys jump up and down, and make fools of themselves. They even downloaded games we all used to play when they were little ( my fav…Mario 3). So, the only game that I really play is Mario 3, and I am getting better. It is still funny watching their tongues hang out as they concentrat, and Guitar Hero has been a fav of theirs on Playstation 2…it does really ROCK!!!
    HUGS and MWAH….kisses!

    Wii will Wii will ROCK YOU!

  5. Oh NO! I feel a “SkeetballaBella” comin on……Wiii would love it!

    Wii haven’t tried the game yet, but my nephews got one for Christmas. I can see “Auntie Lori” getting VERY competitive…..yikes! It sounds like such fun. I love the fact that it is so interactive for all age groups.

    Have fun with it….I mean your family 🙂 Em!


  6. HEHEHEHE wii gots one of those for Christmas!! Wii need to break it out of the box, but we had another one to play. You are always great for a good laugh Em!! I think we need a Wiiabella!!! Have fun with the fam.

  7. Em, I am sitting here laughing my B off!!! That description SO fits anything I would do!!! Hubby and I are SOOO competetive. I’m glad you are saying Wiiiiii! When you play Wii! LOL! ENJOY you will stay young with all tha tlaughter you know!

  8. You are too funny! I got Dustin WII for Christmas along with guitar hero! VERY, VERY ADDICTING! Wish you hadn’t blogged about the carnival game! Love ya Em! Laura

  9. Yey
    I’m so glad you had fun!!!!!
    I’m so glad that you are BACK!!!!




  10. Our family totally has a Wii. And wii love it. I must recommend the new Mario/Sonic Olympic game. We played it at Thanksgiving and laughed so hard at each other trying to swim faster than everyone else. And heeee-larious too. Glad you had some time off. Have fun at the carnival!!

    Addictabella Angela

  11. Wiiiii’ve got one too!! lol!! Bought it for Jayden but Trev and I have been playing it too *chuckles* !!! We have the carnival game!! There’s one where you have to get the little fwoggies into da pots – could I get ’em in?!! We have Raymans Raving Rabbids which is pretty good too! There are lots of little challenges on each level. There r songs and you have to zap the bunnies in time with the moosic!! Sooo cool!! But I am stuck! I have to race on a warthog around a beach track and can I get there quick enuff??!!! nope! You have to do it in 1 min 5 secs and fastest I can do so far is 1 min 6 point sumfing!!! Grrrr. . . . Must do some crafting… must do some crafting…!! Have a great New Year!! x

  12. I’m sooo laughing! I stayed up Christmas Eve til 3:30 playing Guitar Hero on the Wii w/ hubby. 7a.m. rolled around WAY to quick when the kiddies woke up to see what Santa left. Of course they noticed the Guitar Hero was IN the Wii – guess Santa must have been playing~oops.

  13. Ok… you just cracked up my Guitar-hero-addicted 15-year-old son, plus gave him more amunition to for me to get him a Wii. We currently have a Playstation 2 with GH2 and GH3. Maybe I’ll get him Guitar Hero Rockin’ the 80’s for his birthday next week!? 🙂

  14. My son has a wii and on Mother’s day I got to play the games!! How much fun it was! Em, continue to enjoy the wii…it is great exercise!! Have you tried the bowling?????
    Mwah to the sistahs!

  15. Hihihihi, major MOOLAH Em, big freakin’ bucks! I recognize so much of myself in your post, only I would have waited till everyone went to bed and then played on the Wii…I have pride issues 😉

  16. Now that was freakin’ funniiii! No we don’t have a Wii and NO I don’t want one……I KNOW I am far too competitive and would NEVAH get off the thing! Stamping is bad enough….I mean good enough…..!!
    Way to go in not caring what other people think around you! Welcome to the club!! There is a club ya know!

  17. So how bad is your arm? I’ve got a bad case od Wii arm myself!!! You gotta get Mario Party 8! You’ll – ‘er – the KIDS will love it! ROFLMAO!!!

  18. we are so addicted to guitarhero in my house. I even have my own guitar that i “altered” with flourishy rubons, hearts and my name. hahahaha.

  19. We got a wii, we had it in order for 6 months!! I agree with Stephanie, I love the raving rabits, what fun, the dancing one is the best, getting quiet good at it. 🙂 will have to look out for the carnival one.

  20. Hey you! We WIIIIIIIII got one for Christmas too…. i still have resisted the thing but the kids are going to put a hole in the floor with all the jumping, quite frankly i am scared i may just pee my pants if i start all that jumping! And helllllllloooooooo….. my friend lost 13 pounds after they got their wi!

    So wi on my friend…..wi on!

  21. OMG! This story about the Wii reminds me of our holiday. We purchased the Wii and the exact same thing happened to me when I saw them playing Tennis. I never thought I’d like one of those games but that wii is so darn fun. My arm is in so much pain it feels like its about to fall off but who cares when it was all for fun right! Keep having fun with that wii =)

  22. We are livin’ a mirror image!! We got a Wii too and it has been non-stop Wii since!! Wait till you try the Olympic sports!! 4 X 100metre swim!?!? OMG!! Talk about a workout!! So fun…

  23. Ooooh I’ll have to try that swim then!! lol! Put on a few too many lbs this Christmas!! D’oh! Wiii went out to buy the Olympics one yesterday and couldn’t find ANYWHERE that had them in stock!!! Wiii’ll have to try again next week!! lol! Wii need a few more remotes and nunchucks now too as we all want to compete against each other!! lol! x

  24. I was the same way about the Wii when we first got it. I thought it was so stupid. Man did I eat my words. I’m addicted (thought it does come after my crafting lol)! Check out Mario Party. It’s *awesome*.

    Wiiabella…hehe. I about fell off my chair, but that would be awesome. LOL.

    *anxiously awaiting my first Bellas & lovin’ your blog*

  25. You Rock!!! Wii also have Wii and I have jamed out on the Guitar Hero and got booded off the stage, but ya gotta love it!!!! Have you tried DDR yet? You can really get a work out from that one.

    Can’t wait to see what you have for the new year.


  26. Wii also got one for Christmas. What fun! Well worth the $250 spent. Every. Single. Penny. Wii also have Carnival Games (Skeetball is my fav, too) and Guitar Hero. Here is my issue – DH actually plays guitar and will not acknowledge the fact that I totally smoke him at Guitar Hero! Some pride thing or something. Not fair – maybe he just can’t recognize true talent when it is rocking him in the FACE!

  27. I got my son GH2 & GH3 for his PS2 for christmas as well and we spent the whole day playing until his Gpa said it was time to shut the Rock concert off….he couldnt take it anymore!!! hahaha fun fun stuff! and believe me I got boo’ed off the stage several times, but it was fun anyway!!! Keep rocking sistah!

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