Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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sistahs sistahs sistahs

Have I E-VAH let you down?  I am reading all the comments about puppybella and kinibella and you have NOTHING to worry about.  I am recreating these for a reason.  There is a method to my MADNESS.. LOL.  so just trust me, will ya?  I have TONS of things and the list gets bigger so these 2 that I ‘reintroduced’ will never take away from anything else.  You have my WORDABELLA.  So no panicking! Bella’s orders.

Lots more will come your way soon.. and to PROVE that I haven’t lost my touch, I thinky I will introduce a new bella tonight.  So THERE.  I SHOWED YOU NOW didn’t I?



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  1. Oh Miss Em! You ROCK my socks off! You sure got me this time, didn’t ya?! I can’t wait to see it!!! I may have to stay up until the wee hours here in Europe to do so, but it just may be worth it! LOVE LOVE LOVE YA!

  2. We heart you, Emmybella!! Maybe I can sneak in one more order before hubbahubba gets back in town….I’ve just *gotta* get Huggybellas! Can’t wait to see what’s in store tonight!!

  3. OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH……. I’m so glad you told us that! I was going to put an order in today but now I’ll wait til Friday. You are amazing Em!

  4. Ohhhhh, Ahhhhhhh another new Bella!!! I can’t wait!!! 😀

    This is so exciting and here I thought today was just dragging on. Another hour to go of summer school. 😛

  5. I’m sure you have great reasons for redoing some of your earlier bellas. I can’t wait to see more! If you happen to rework Winobella, I’d love to see that wine glass straighten out. I’d be worried if someone served me a bent wine glass, LOL!

  6. Oh Em, Em, Em….we should have known there was a method to your madness…why else would you have tweaked an already great bella (or 2 🙂 ) So…just what IS all that madness about?!?! You are one terrific sistah.

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