Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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shopping bellas

Hello sistahs


I will be posting more as the day progresses.. ok, maybe after the kiddies are asleep 😉

I just wanted to let you know that I have 2 sizes of the shopping bellas.. the bigger one has more room to color but is second on the drop-down list so you would have to click on the arrow.. I wanted to put the bigger one as the first choice but no can do..


just wanted to give y’all (my contribution to the american contingency) a head’s up!

speak to ya latah


CAO  (chief addictabelling officer)–*giggles*



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1 comment

  1. Emily, let me just tell you how freaking excited I am to get my order of bellas! I’m wound tight, I tell ya!! Thanks for the fabu-hot-diva-chickie images, your stuff is like no other!!!

    I can’t wait to play!

    Lisa Zappa

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