Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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shipping updates

good 7:26am in the morning sistahs!  It is a snowy blechy day here in Toronto.  I am sitting on my teeny laptop in front of my tv with my kidlets who have decided to “Organize” their toys.. can you say DISASTER ZONE?  OMG…   I am drinking my coffee and looking out the window.. It is so peaceful in the morning, even if the little ones are screaming their heads off..LOL

Ok, so this is the update for shipping.  The volumes have been crazy  and with the holidays and less help, it has been a challenge.. but we have been working day and night trying to get all your goodies out.  We will be working later on today as well.  A lot of you will be receiving order confirmations today for shipping tomorrow.  I will be off on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as I have to go out of town but work will still be going on… shipping will resume on Thursday and I will be working on and off until after new years.  Again, I apologize for the delays.. if you have anything rush, please let me know today and I will try my bestest to get them out. 

mwah to da patient sistahs


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  1. Thanks for keeping us posted. Don’t get too stressed out; everyone will understand if it takes a little while to ship their stuff!

  2. Take it easy bella, It will all work out. I knew I would wait untill the new year to get new bellas ordered. You need a big break and a huge prezzie!!

    Merry Christmas!!


  3. Hey Em….I am in rural Southwestern Ontario and we are beautifully snowed in here……..with peace and quiet all around unless you count my hubby’s 4 wheeler pushing the snow off the laneway! He is just a-grinnin’ so it is all good! LUV all your stuff and I am so glad that mine has been shipped because…’ve been tagged……

  4. Hmmm….snowed in….that sounds simply wonderful. Wish we were…..

    Em, you always work so hard to get things out…we know you’re not slacking…drinking coffee, maybe…but definitely NOT slacking ;).

    Enjoy the excitement of the week before Christmas, and most of all may it be a blessed one for you & your family.

  5. Hi Em…I’m not too worried about my order. HOWEVAH…it would make the wait a little easier if we could see a new BELLA!! 🙂

  6. First of all, with kids “peace” is a relative term and sometimes you just have to go within’ yourself to find it (some call it “denial.”) Second, Whopee! My Bella’s (which I ordered in the wee hours of Saturday morning following the Ball) have made it all the way to Alabama! I’ve already gotten ’em dirty!!!!
    Thanks for the super service! Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas!

  7. No worries!! I just got an email from your store that my MIL bought me a gift certificate so I could pick out my favorite bellas – ha!! I gave her a HUGE wishlist so I’m sure she was overwhelmed!!
    I can’t wait to figure out what I want and place my order. There are so many I consider MUST HAVES!! But I can wait for them to arrive!!

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