Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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We are now finally taking paypal.. I know that lotsa sistahs including yours truly have a little hidden stash in their paypal account..LOL.. so now you have a place to spend it! 🙂

 Hope this helps a few of you 🙂




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  1. YIPEEEEE ! Thank you Em. Gee I wonder how much your Bella orders will increase with the PayPal system {*wink*}? I guess we all have our little rubbah’ ~**obcession**~.

    PS—-> Have you ever established how many inserts your adorable Bella Storage Binder will hold? I’ve collected SOOooo many Bellas, that I’m starting to lose track 😀 Keep ’em coming though, as us Bella’Addicts can’t get enuf 😉

  2. Em is there any chance of getting a TeachaFella??? My sons both have several mael teachers that I would like to do projects for but only have TeachaBella and she is really hard to turn into a Fella. Thanks Sistah!

  3. oh my gosh YEAH YEAH YEAH…..

    whew now I won’t have to keep saying it is Bella fenimine hygiene products.

    and yes hidden funds there pssstttt our little secret

  4. You are going to be the death of us Em! Are there any new bellas or fellas coming out soon? I don’t want to put in another order and then not be able to afford something new and fun! Thanks Em!

  5. YES!!!!! gonna do some shopping now!

    Emily, loved chatting with you today when you called Buffalo Stamps today. I need an IKEA fix bad now.

  6. Oh my goodness!!! This is the BEST news — I am totally one of those gals that has $$ hidden in my paypal acct. from da hubby!!! YOU ROCK – as usual!!!

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