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on a blizzardy valentines day

a normal person would stay at home, relax, perhaps fill orders for the sistahs and take it easy.  Right?  Right.  Unfortunately, we aren’t talking about normal people today.  You may think I don’t have many friends as I ALWAYS talk about Nicky.. you’re right! LOL.  Just kidding.. Nicky’s role in my life is not only mentor.. but ‘partner in crime’.  So I have been stalking my supplier for a product I ran out of and he finally received it so I had ANTZ in my PANTZ.. I mean really.. should I keep the sistahs waiting for a product??? NOT SO MUCH in my humble opinion.. Before I ventured out to pick up my little Tyler from school I called Nicky.. “whatcha doing today?” I ask… she says “whhhhyyyyy?” and I say “well, I was thinking…” and she says “I’m IN!”.  So I say “you don’t even know what I am talking about?!” she says “it doesn’t matter.. I’M IN”.. so I say “did you take a peek outside”?  She says, “oh Em, we’re Montrealers.. we’re used to this HORRIBLE weather”.. and I say “I GOTS TO pick up some goodies for my girlZ (that’s YOU everybody).. Nicky says, “I’ll be in the car in 5″… so that’s the beginning of a wonderful shopping day.  did you ever have those days where all you wanted to do was be surrounded by pretty things?  Well, I had one of those days again.. so we drove at about 2km /hour .. In the U.S. that would equate to “REALLLL SLOWWWWW” and off we went! Oh I mustn’t forget to tell you that OF COURSE I have no windshield washer fluid left.. the beep in my van is beeping and I had to stop to buy some (OF COURSE I was cursing my husband.. wouldn’t YOU????)… SO I get 2 bottles.. had to go OUT OF THE WAY, and I fill the car up with some.. I get back in the car and look at Nicky and say.. “just do me a favor and look on the floor”.. we both look down and sure enough.. A BRAND SPANKING NEW bottle of windshield washer fluid (sorry for swearing at ya Ry).. what a pain.. wasted 20 minutes for nothing (insert FROWN here).

We get there 45 minutes later and the parking lot was FULLLL OF SNOOOOWWW (like you need these details).. so I created my own spot.. we get outta the car and there is tons of fresh snow so Nicky says to me ” I will follow in your footsteps”.. I say “no problemo” so I create the trail… Then she says ” Be Care—f”, “don’t F—-all”.. well as soon as those words came out of her mouth I heard SILENCE.  Deafening silence.. and I was so excited to get there that I forgot about miss magoo following me… I turn back and I see the black heap…She’s telling me to be careful and not to fall…. and kerplunk.. she is flat on her buttola .. she slipped and fell. Now here is the clincher.. I didn’t know what to do so within seconds we both started to hysterically laugh.. this lovely gentleman was watching us from afar  and asked if we needed help and just shook his head at me while I was laughing.. not nice but I think we both needed that.. (She’s being realllllly quiet right now.. I think she is soaking in a hot tub..LOL)

So we get into the place (finally) and I got SUCH goodies.. beautiful papers and lots of great blog candy/prizes for the sistahs..

all in all, despite the ‘accident’ on the sidewalk we had a GREAT day with lots of inspiration




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  1. Hihihi, I think we’re all a little mad like that…I once drove four hours (two hours there, two hours back) to a craft fair through the most enormous, horrendous blizzard we’ve had here in a while…and it was totally worth it thanks goodness:D!

  2. Oh god Em you really know how to tell a story, I could visualise that so much that I was laughing my sock off, he he, still giggling and still got tears rolling down my cheeks, I wish I lived in Canada, you are just the funniest, well Canady or US, not really that picky, anywhere but UK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Oh gosh!!! I almost feel guilty laughing………I hope Nicky is okay!!! But heck, no pain, no gain right?? And I’m sure you gained lotsa pretty things and we can’t WAIT to see them!! Did I mention I’m not good with patience???

  4. Tooooo funny Emily! It’s been a while since I haaaadddd to go out so badly that I risked frostbite to do it! 🙂 I know that we must be in store for some beautiful stuff if you braved the storm for it and I for one can’t wait!!!!!

  5. Hello fellow bellas and masterbella Emily!
    We are without power now for 2 days (frown, frown) We had to come over to my sister’s house and stay…tooo cold. I did bring my bellas though (now you would not leave yours behind either now would you??)…my sister is now hooked!! I knew she would be! Hope you all are safe and well, from what it sounds like, taking it easy LOL, staying warm and all that garbledy gook. Hopefully, will be back in business here soon!
    aka – Crystalbella

  6. That is too funny! Usually you don’t need physical therapy after you have retail therapy! Hope she doesn’t have too big of a bruise! Love reading all the posts by the way! My Bellas should be on their way! I can’t wait to try them out!

  7. I just recently got back from an SCS gathering, and the woman there told me about this fab store I just had to go too. It was only 15 minutes away from where we were staying. Needless to say 2 hours later I got there, thanks to my GPS, I mean my husband. Funny story, for some reason falling can be too funny.

  8. You’re a great story teller! You know, you should go into bizzness with that….maybe perhaps make up this really great stamp along with a saying…OH shoot, fergot…you already make the CUTEST stamps in the bizzness!!! So anyways…keep tellin’ the stories, cuz seriously they are quite funny.

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