Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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It is now 6:34pm.  I am sitting in my office.  I am looking at my 18 walls.  I am looking at the boxes on my floor.  But MOST IMPORTANTLY, I am looking at a LIVE computer screen THAT WORKS!!! SISTAHHHHHSSSSS MWAHHHHHHH, I LOOOVEEEY YOUUUUU AND MISSSSSY YOU……..   OH how I have wanted to say that for the past week.

Phew! I feel so much better now.

So a little bit about this past week.  IT WAS HELL.  I worked so hard as did Ryan and everyone around me.  I have moved boxes, unpacked, put up racking etc.. but  I am INNN.  I thank you so much for everyone who wrote me and supported me through this.  It’s a great thing, don’t get me wrong.. but really was not prepared for the intensity of the work involved.

So this is why I couldn’t BLOG.  I am so embarassed to admit this but hey.. there is never a “filter” here so why should I start now? LOL.  First of all, I got a new laptop that for some reason, blew my router and didn’t have internet at home for eons.  THEN I had to order another one and it blew again.  Then I wanted to blog so badly BUT… I didn’t have my password to get in! ( how embarassing).. I only had it as a bookmark on THIS computer in my office and I didn’t HAVE internet at my office.. BLECH.  The internet providers promised to come on Tuesday and never showed up.. I got my computer guys to do some handiwork and get things going. SOOOO here I am… BACK IN CYBERFLESH.  and LOOOOVING IT.

Ok, I am too excited to type.  Gotta go tap dance on my new hardwood (fake) floor.
Mwah to da patient sistahs who I missed so


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  1. You can tap dance till your feet fall off!!! You deserve to enjoy every inch of space, every bit of excitement, every bit of everything that goes with opening a STORE :). Congratulations on all of it.


  2. Yeah I am so glad you are here. I missed you so bad. To celebrate your return is there a new bella??????
    mwah love ya

  3. woo-hoo! So glad to hear that you made it in and everything is good. I was begining to worry that you were trapped under a box of Bellas somewhere in the back!!! Welcome back and MWAH right back at-cha!

  4. Oh YaY! I’m so glad that you are back Em! I missed you and must’ve checked the Blog about a zillion times to check and see if you were on and everything was okay! I just waited and watched instead of emailing you to ask for updates knowing you must be working your little fingahs to the bone! I wish I could’ve done something else to help you though! Good Luck! I hope everything keeps on coming up roses! MWAH! Yvonneabella

  5. Uhhhh….we need to see PICTAHS! I wanna see where the Bella Magic Happens! And I can’t WAIT to see all the cool new “Grand Opening” Bella stuff that you’ll be putting up for sale to the Sistahs! We’ve missed you too! I have WithEmDrawal!

  6. Em!!

    So glad you’re back! How how we’ve missed you too. Hope things settle soon in your new space. Lovey, Lovey You!


  7. Em, glad you are back with us again. See told ya the pain of moving is worth it in the end. Give us some piccies of the new place.

  8. Welcome home!!! Dis is home ain’t it?? Or I’m sure it feels like it sometimes when you account for all the hours you (and we) spend here!

    I did indeed miss you and your bloggin’. Glad to hear that you are moved in and are clickin’ your heals in the new digs. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! and congratulations on this VERY special occasion – I wish you every happiness, you do INDEED deserve the great rewards this move will undoubtably bring.

    Now go treat yourself to a massage….I’m sure you could use one!


    oh ya, could you please post your new address so that the tour bus knows where to drop the Sistah’s off.

  9. We miiiiiiiiisssssssssssed you toooooooooooooooooooooo, lots and lots and lots!!!! With a cherry on top! And a double espresso chaser!

  10. Hi Em … I was beginning to worry that perhaps you were barried beneath tonns of boxes and rubbah 😉
    Welcome back to the land of living; we MISSED you.


  11. Glad to see you back — we missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I got my FIRST Bella order today (kittycattabella and snowbunnybella) — LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!! They are soooo cute I almost can’t stand it…..almost 😉

    Thanks for all you do.

  12. We missssssy youuuuuu toooooooooo!! Glad you are back up and running Em or should that be tap-dancing?

    I received my first Bella order a few weeks ago (4 days shipping to Ireland WOW!!) I love them all. I want more, more more…..must check out the website to see if you do Gift Vouchers….that would be my Christmas prezzie from OH sorted 😉 Mwahhhh

  13. Hey Em,

    Glad to know that you have survived and seem to be mostly intact. You’ve been silent for a whole week and were starting to scare us. It’s not like the QueenBella to be so quite. Hope this is the last move for you for a while. Have a great weekend and don’t forget us Bella Sistahs who have been through Em deprivation!!


  14. big SIGH!!!

    it is all coasting now!

    wish i could help… i love to organize and put things in place.

    um, some pix of the new PAD would be great!!!

    have a wonderful weekend.

    hugs to you, chella

  15. Em, I’m so glad you are back!! I so missed my fix. I kept looking to see if you were they and needless to say you were muchly missed. Glad you are back and you have everything worked out. MWAH sistah girl!!

  16. Yeah Em!!!!! Congrats on moving in. I bet it was lots of hard work!!!!! I am glad you are back to Blogging, we’ve missed you! Have a great day and talk to you soon.

  17. Em!!! it’s so great to “read” from you again!! Glad to see you’re all moved in and semi-settled… Don’t evah, EVAH leave us again!!! Get some extra routers or something!!! LOL
    Please puhleeeeese let us see pics of your new space, can’t wait to see those!!!

  18. I completely understand about the computers!!!! And about passwords..make’m all different they say…how are we supposed to remember them all????

    Well I am happy you are back and finally moved. Good luck finding everything. We want pictures of the new place!

  19. Congrats on finally being moved in! Now comes the harder part- the unpacking and organizing! Good luck and best wishes!

  20. It’s great to hear from you! Moving AGAIN takes a lot of work but it will be soooooooooooooo worth it when it is all said and done. I just WISH I lived closer. Maybe one day I’ll make it up north. 🙂

    Enjoy YOUR new space!!! 😀

    Hugs and Mwahs!

  21. so we see Vanya’s morning bella pose, how bout Em’s tap dancing on the new flooring pose? 😉

    you have been MISSED!!! So happy you’re back!! 😀
    mwah! 😡

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