Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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OMG sistahs

Hiya everyone!!!!

The day has come.. actually there is SO MUCH MORE coming so stay tuned.  Over the next 2 days I will be launching something BIG… something I LOVE.. something I totally believe in.  I will be launching a HUGE Bella Card Charm line.  I think I have over 80 that will be posted!! They are all designed to match with the bella line… Cards will be coming throughout the week showing how versatile they are.  I made it my mission to have them hand cast here in Canada by a wonderful company I have discovered.  The quality and detail is PHENOM, they are light in colour AND light in weight made of a beautiful pewter.  The great thing also is that they are almost 97% lead free if not more so that makes them totally wearable! (Will try to make samples). 

I also have some stamps to launch too

 I miss da SISTAHS..!



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  1. OH, Em…a ‘mom’s taxi’ charm! Does that mean that you have a SOCCERMOMMABELLA to reveal???? Would sooo love to have one 🙂 These charms are adorabella…can’t wait to see the other 70 that you have coming 🙂

  2. WOO HOO!! What a wonderful SURPRISE!! Ohh….I am in trouble now. Like I already wasn`t….snicker. I feel a really BIG order coming on. Can you feel the LOVE Em??? 🙂

  3. Can’t wait! My birthday is coming up and my family knows that ALL I want is more Bellas! My vote is for a soccermommabella! 🙂

  4. WooooooHOOOOOOOOOOO! More Bella “toys”! Charms and stamps, oh MY! Can’t wait to see it ALL, Emmy!

  5. Did you have these on the website, ever? Even for like a minute? Please tell me I’m not crazy cause I swear I saw some and they were adorable!!!!!!!!

  6. Hey Em,

    Go check my latest posting to my album. I used a wine charm on Wineabella. It is really cute. It’s under Suzy’s Album. I sent it out on Saturday. Who knew you had a big reveal of charms coming!!

  7. OMG I want them ALL!!! They are all too cute and each will match with so many Bellas or Fellas. I can’t wait to see the rest…I can’t believe you have another 70 to upload! 😀 Your poor little fingers typing away just for us! You Rock!!!!

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