Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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OMG guess who has whiplash and swelling?

How bad do I feel?  spoke to Nicky and she can’t move.. now HOW MEAN WAS I yesterday?? That man who saw me on the floor hysterical probably went home to his wife and told her the story…


not so niceabella


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  1. LOL!!!! Oh– Em… your’re so mean!! LOL!!! Shoot– If it were me down like Nicky… my sistah would have been rolling on the ground laughing!! I will be wishing Nicky muscle strength and warm cozy feelings!! Hugs to you both!! Ash~

  2. Uh-oh – I think you’re going to have to be extra nice to Nicky. Design her a special Nickybella to make her a Smileybella.

  3. Perhaps it will give you a smile to know that I’ved posted your bella address on my blogsite, along with a couple of bellacards (Parisbella on the Alexandre III bridge and Javabellas at the Javabella Café).

  4. OH NOOOOOOOO! Poor thing! Hope she feels bettah soon…..
    Note to self. If Emily ever asks you to go shopping with her in a snowstorm, just say NO. (kidding, Em!)

  5. Sorry to hear that Nicky was hurt.. Do I see a new bella in our future? One that is pointing and laughing? Your ‘notsonice’ bella?

  6. thanks so much for all the good wishes. I am finally able to use my computer and I am on the mendabella.

    Guess what that means , I am actually going to try to design with some of the new Bellas. Wait till you guys see what is coming..

  7. Nicky, sorry to hear you fell & got a booboo. Glad to see you are on the mend. Dr. Barb recommends lots & lots of chocobellas, accompanied by flowerbellas. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

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