Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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old sistahs new sistahs great sistahs blue sistahs

actually just wanted it to rhyme .. it means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (my title, that is).. Well, I must tell you that this sale of mine.. just a little RAK I wanted to give everyone has had an absolutely overwhelming response.. I mean totally international (as far as MALAYSIA and SOUTH AFRICA!!).. needless to say, without getting into much detail, I expect all of you who ordered to MARCH YOURSELVES into my office and PICK your own orders.. s’aright?  I will supply the coffee and the pizza.. extra cheese. Thanks.

Please be patient with me.. I mean RE-HEALLY patient.. It is a long weekend here in Canada and I was in work all day today trying to get organized for Tuesday (tomorrow we promised our kids that we would take them on a choo choo train.. aka SUBWAY for a nice long ride.. aren’t we EXCITING?)… So that’s the scoop.  Thank you again for all of your support.. Thank you to da NEW sistahs who have resisted and decided to give Stamping Bella a chance.. I really appreciate it!

Mwah to DA sistahs who I LOVEY soooo much


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  1. Hello to all the international sistahs! Glad you decided to join us. And thanks again Em for the fab offer. You have no idea how much I’d love to march myself right over there and pick my own order, lookie at all the baubles, maybe ink up a stamp or two, and then be on my merry way. However, Colorado is waaay too far. *insert pouty face* I will be as patient as ever, and I hope you have a fab time with the hubby and kiddos.


  2. Welcome to the new sistahs!
    Boo hoo, I missed out on the shipping deal — was out of state all weekend (not stamping connected).
    Have a fabulous Monday and Tuesday, Em!
    See you in 377 days!

  3. Bellas on fire! Welcome new sistahs! Wish I could come over to help Em, but if you were in Montreal then I would. Have a great week everyone!

  4. Hi all,

    A big hello from the Uk -et bonjour a mes “soeurs” de France!!! Thanks for the most fabulous offer ever and I would love to pick my order but someone would have to drag me out of there -and I mean REALLLY!!!!!!! Took me ages to decide which Bellas to go for this time and my fave is snowbunnybella! So cute!!!!!! Bella rules!

    Love to all xxx

  5. Hey, I’d love to visit Canada! How many guest rooms do you have, Em? The sistahs are coming! 🙂 I’m imagining this like the arrival of the Delta Nu’s in Washington D.C. in Legally Blonde 2….ok, maybe it’s just me.

  6. Wah! I missed the free shipping. I put some things in my shopping cart this weekend, got side tracked and never submitted my order.

  7. oh em…if you only knew how much i wish i could come and pick my own order…but this being a long distance relationship and all….well, i just can’t make it ;).

    tell me this….in your wildest dreams did you ever imagine the bellas would be such a phenomenon? this is truly what dreams are made of :).

    WHAT is this adding numbers all about????

  8. Em,

    I’m only about 5 hours away… I could do it… if I didn’t have work and a dr’s appointment. 🙁

    Welcome to all the new sistahs!

    Hope you had a good holiday Em. 🙂

  9. Oh Em, your fab sale got me into this whole bella thing (apologies to tha sistahs who are now going “thing?? it’s not a THING”); I can’t wait to get my fat juicy order which I’m kinda sorry you have to work thru… NOT! 😉

  10. Hi ladies, I wish I could participate in your joy. I love the bellas and all the cards I have seen with bellas on them. But cannot get any as I do not have a credit card, wish I could use paypal. Anyways have fun with your new stamps.

  11. Sorry I have been MIA lately. My best friends mother died. Love the new snowbella and free shipping. OMG with back to school supplies, clothes, school pics, swim team stuff..i will have to wait..darn it…Hugs.Chris

  12. Send the Bella Jet for me….I’ll come and help ya pick-n-pack!!

    Welcome to all our new Sistahs! Aren’t the Bellas just the, well…..Bella-ist?!? Enjoy the girls we all lovey so much!

    MWAH to Em for all the late nights she’ll be working to make sure that my order gets out FIRST! Hee, hee!

  13. Em, no problemson the waiting, I am just happy to be able to order and for you to ship to me in Malaysia and of course I had to take advantage of the free shipping!!!! I will wait patiently to introduce these new bellas to the ones I already have.

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