Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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oh, so now you are all talking to me?

haven’t heard from you in AGES and now that I hint to a new bella you decide to crawl out from the woodwork?? hmph.Β  I have missed you alllllll so much.

Ok, mushy gushy.. she’s up and running.. now you gotta find ‘er.Β  Sistahs have been BEGGING for her so I hope you like her!

Let me know if you find her



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  1. Yeah for diplomaBella! I am still hoping – with fingers and toes crossed! – that you will add a paparzziBella. Being the photo taker I need a stamp to represent myself in my scrapbooks! (always the photo taker, never the photographed)

  2. I LOVE her! That will be me in two years!!! I must have her πŸ™‚

    Thanks for not making us hold out so long!

  3. Love diplomaBella. Guess she wouldn’t work for my nephews graduation this spring, rats.
    Love all the girls!

  4. Very cute Em – Just in time for all the grads too!! Diplomabella is very smarrrt looking (that’s how they say it here in Maine) πŸ™‚

  5. Yep…. we’re talking to you now! You came through with the bella I need most!! πŸ™‚ Now if I could just get her ordered….I e-mailed you with my problem. Thanks.

  6. l…O…V…E… THE NEW BELLA!! In my book, Bella runs circles around whats-her-name??…Oh yeah, Barbie!!! You go girl!!! πŸ˜‰

  7. Diplomabella is just perfect!!! And you Em are very smart with the perfect timing of her debut. I’ll be adding her to my “Must Have” Bella List. Thanks for not making us wait too long. πŸ™‚

  8. Super Cute! I love seeing all these new bellas- it just my wallet groans everytime I come to check them out ’cause the wish list is HUGE!
    Have a Fabulous Day!!

  9. Thanks so much for posting her!!!! I am puttin an order in tonight! Need to start on those graduation cards for my sister and all her friends. My mom is really excited about giving them my homade cards.

    Thank you – you are the bestabella!

  10. Very cute!! Where was she when I graduated some 18 err….10 years ago! πŸ˜‰

    Glad my bellas shipped before the little quality issue…I’m driving everyone nuts waiting for them!! Can’t wait to play!!! πŸ™‚

  11. Oh Em…thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!!! I asked for a graduating Bella for my daughter’s (well 2 daughter’s…my daughter’s friend lives with us since her parents moved to Guam in Jan, gotta love the military!!!) Anyhow, this will be perfect to make thank-you cards, scrapbook pages etc. I just called my hubby to tell him there’s a new bella and what it was…he was laughing on the other end of the phone. Diplomabella is so darling. Can’t wait to place my order…

  12. She is gorgeous Em! Love her! πŸ™‚ I wish I knew people who were gradutating… Heck! I might by her just because! πŸ™‚
    I am still keeping my fingers crossed for a Bella with pets and a hubby for the Bellas! πŸ˜‰

  13. She is perfect!!! And with plenty of time to make all those grad cards! Whatever will you thunk up next?! I have to tell you though, once you give one, then I am always dying for another!!! Do you have another up your sleeve? How bout’ one driving a car…OR OR…Love her sistah! Lisa K

  14. Em,
    I love her!

    PS: I just got my order and the Mini Words are fantastic!!! I also love evvverything else I managed to get in my shopping cart, but I was iffy about buying the Mini Words. I thought my money might be better spent on a newww Bellagirl…. and I was wrong wrong wrong! YAY!! Thank you for being so glorious!

  15. You KNOW we love you Emily…..even if we don’t always post!

    Diplomabella is darling! I wish I knew someone graduating. Keep up the fabulous work! πŸ™‚

  16. She is beautiful Em. May have to get her soon, my oldest is only in grade4 and my little one in Kindergarten, but she wont go bad on my shelf right? Now to hope for a seamstress, and a volunteer!! Love it!

  17. She’s a lovely addition to the group! I agree with Bettina, though – we need a photographer Bella. Hope her inspiration strikes soon!

  18. she is adorable…. I don’t know anyone that is graduating but she is so stinkin cute. Making a new bella order tomorrow…can’t wait until the next bella gotta have my bella fix and now. She sure is cute!!!!!!!

  19. Found her, ordered her and can’t wait to play!!! She is great, of course I had to order a couple of others too…gotta feed the addiction!

  20. Love Diplomabella–but I’m forcing myself to wait until I have at least 4 ‘must-have, can’t-live-without, I’ll-die-if-I-don’t-get-her-NOW” bellas on every order before I order again! I still haven’t played with all the bellas I got on the last 2 orders (I know, there are bellas in my house just begging to get out and play–can you believe it?). I’m almost there! Once I play with all 14 of the Bellas I have that are waiting for an inky party, then I can order more! Yippee! I guess I better pull myself away from the computer so I can get to playin’ with the Bellas!

  21. Aw, Em…were ya feelin’ a little neglected? I admit, I lurk every single stinkin’ day on your blog but yet rarely leave comments. I’ll start to chime in so ya don’t feel all alone, K? BTW-adorable new Bella but I’m starting to notice that you always seem to realease a new girl right around my pay days….hmmm…
    Smart move!

  22. Diplomabella is so cute. Well I can’t get that one, my son will be graduating soon? MMMMMM menabellas??? Not the same I guess….Love her.
    I saw someone post photobella…I agree. ..I am always the one taking pictures and never in the pics…sad face

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