Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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oh boy am I cha-tty today

people who will log into their computers at work on Monday will have a lot of catching up to do!  That’s for you Ingrid.. I *know* you are out there!

 I have been up since 5:00AM as my dear dear dear children just felt like waking up…arghhh so my hub slept in and then he took them out to give me a little bit of alone time.. is he not THE BEST? (she -says -cuz- she- knows -her -mother -in law -reads -this every- day)–no really.. he is DA BEST.

 Anyway, as I mentioned I will be posting throughout the weekend.. I just posted the BEST sentiment ever (well not really cuz more are still coming).. I was inspired by a credit card.. I think it is american express but not sure.. since I have so *many*.. if any of you can confirm, please do!  Anyway, I have this discussion with my stamping friends all the time.. How much do you thing each handmade card has cost you?  I am thinking around the $1000 mark. *giggles*.. AND if they keep on coming out with new &*(&% tools and dies and dies with tools and bags to go with the tools and boxes and ‘bellies’ and and and and and , then the price is SURE to go up…. next question.. do you give all your cards away to people?  my answer is absolutely not, they are very very comfy in their shoebox.  hmph.  Would love to hear responses on this one.. (shoulda saved this for next week but couldn’t wait).. so take a look at “stamps, supplies” and let me know what you think…

are you guys worried that I will give a lengthy intro on each and every one of my stamps?  like you care what the origin and history of the stamps is.. oh well, TOO BAD.. you gonna get it anyway *BIG HUGE GIGANTIC SMILE OVER HERE*


love ya


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  1. I don’t wait til Monday to read your blog Em! Thank goodness for that, to know not til Monday what I know now! I’m thinkin we’ve gotta go in several times a day to see what you’re up to.
    Love all the new stamps and gotta have them all! Thank goodness they’re unmounted….easy to hide……

  2. Hi Emily, finall Ihave a chance to read about what you’re up to Imade such a cute fairybella card to send to Take Ten. I’ll try to scan it to you if someone in my family will showme how.Sounds like you’re really busy.Good for you. So I better finish the rest of my challenge cards .Gotta get them in themailto Take Ten.Keep in touch.Miss you ! Tema

  3. That stamp!!! NEED. MUST HAVE. I think its mastercard that came out with that saying? *Shrug* I am waiting oh so patiently…. for more posts….

  4. Hey Sistah….

    I LOVE this STAMP!!! I read it to my DH and he smiled and nodded. Then he thought about the prices, and got that look on his face….so I kissed him quick before he thought too much about it. Hee Hee Hee. Still haven’t received my first order, but I’m ready to put another order in.

    Do I wait for more to be revealed? Or do I order now and order later? Decisions Decisions!

    In SistaHhood….

    ~Addictabella Angela

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