Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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No Bellarific Sketchy this week

Sorry sistahs.. it has been crazy and with having gone away and a little bout of being a sicky, we will postpone the Bellarific Sketch for next Friday September 11th.. sorry sistahs

But here’s the sketch so you have LOTS O TIME to participate.. no excuses ya HEAR??  This sketch was provided by MEAHNIBELLA. Thanks Meahni!!  SKETCH DUE THURSDAY SEPT 10th.. emailed to with SUBJECT LINE: BELLARIFIC FRIDAY SEPT 10th

Let’s announce some WINNAHS from last week, shall we? (LOL, I BE SOOOO FORMAL)

Random Winnah for CONTRIBUTION this week is….

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

22	- LITTLE OWEN VANTOL.. YOU WIN!!!  Tell your MOM to contact me to get $20 in BELLA BUCKS!

Timestamp: 2009-09-02 15:37:53 UTC

I really wanted Owen to win..LOL.. and it really is amazing how the random integer pulled his number!


Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

  1. Jessica Says:
    Another fabulous week!!! I love little Emmy (and big Emmy too :>) ) I am also blown away by the great work of the 7 year old.

Timestamp: 2009-09-02 15:40:17 UTC

Please contact me asap so I can send the vouchers!

MWAH SISTAHS and thank you for playing!

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  1. No worries #1Em. I hope you feel better. All of us Em’s were sick at the same time. lol

    I’m playing. Double pinky promise.
    And YAY for Owen! With that cute of a name, you ought to win!


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