Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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let’s shake things up a bit


I feel like posting something… ummm but I dunno what.  I need you to really thinky about it.

Here are your choices:

(1) border (honestly, you’ve never seen anything like it, versatile, I am in LOVE with it)

(2) Bella (need I describe?)

(3) a PHENOM flower

So what’ll it be, SISTAHS?



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  1. Of course a BELLA (soccermommabella..hint, hint 🙂 ) But then why not go for the gusto and give us a border as well??? There’s really no limit to what you can post, now is there?? 🙂 We’ll be waiting….

  2. Well since there is no #4 all of the above….I totally choose a BELLA, I mean….”What is wrong with you?!?!?!!?” =) I mean BELLA’S are da BOMB!

  3. Wow….sounds like Bella is in order! Haven’t you figured it out, Em?!? All your Sistahs just love those Bellas too much! (And Fellas…..and FellaBellas……!)

  4. Do you really need to ask? or R U just torturing us!!! 😉
    A BELLA!!! you can never post too many Bellas!!!, if we had a Bella per week, I think we’d still be pleeding for more!!! 🙂
    wow, how dramatic am I?? I’m such a Dramabella!!! 😉

  5. How about….in celebration of the big cruise announcement (of which I HAVE signed up for!!) you do one big huge posting and give us ALL 3. I think that sounds like a plan and a half.

    But I also have to admit, that I love Em’s flowers too …. but I still pick the BELLA ! C’mon, it’s after 12am EST *!*!*

  7. Wow! That was so fun reading everyone’s answers…hehe:) I would love to have a bella, fella and fellabella released in one day…wouldn’t that be awesome! Talk about one big day for us sistahs!!! (not to mention news of the cruise too, all in one week!) It looks like there’s a lot of soccermoms who are wanting a soccermommabella, so I won’t go on and on about my bella ideas:) I’d love to have a docafella, and hum…for a fellabella??? With fall and winter approaching…maybe something to do with that? Carving pumpkins or having a leaf pile fight or building a snowman or snowball fight? Decorating the christmas tree?
    I’ll be stalking…

  8. Ohh I love the leaf idea…. I really am wanting a flower bella with a field of flowers behind her, but any one will do Em! can you hear us?? of you got baubles in your ears?? LOL Just made a card, was holding 3 baubles and can you believe I dropped one… near enough tore the sofa apart to find that baublie goodness :0)

  9. Okay – I think we all NEED a bepatientbella or I should say an impatientbella – I am TRYING to be patient – I am about to tackle the mailman (woman) waiting for my doubletroublebella and here I am checking for the newest (hopefully) Bella to appear every few minutes – Can’t be much longer now ….can it?

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