Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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LAST DAY of SNEAK PEEKS and a chance to win!

COMMENTS ARE NOW CLOSED.  WINNERS ANNOUNCED BELOW.  Please email me with what you won in the SUBJECT LINE and your snail mail address!

******************************************************************************************************************************************************Winner of EDNA NEEDS A MARTINI STAMP AND DIE BUNDLE

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2016-06-25 01:35:58 UTC

******************************************************************************************************************************************************winner of  MAMA and BABY BUNNY WOBBLE “CUT IT OUT ” DIE and RUBBER STAMP BUNDLE goes to

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

14-TERI you WIN!	

Timestamp: 2016-06-25 01:38:39 UTC



Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

17- GAIL you win!

Timestamp: 2016-06-25 01:40:14 UTC

******************************************************************************************************************************************************WINNER OF SHOWER BUNNY WOBBLE “CUT IT OUT” DIE AND RUBBER STAMP BUNDLE goes to

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

33-DENIMO you win!	

Timestamp: 2016-06-25 01:41:29 UTC

******************************************************************************************************************************************************WINNER of MANLY CHICKS “CUT IT OUT” DIE AND RUBBER STAMP BUNDLE goes to

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2016-06-25 01:42:52 UTC




Today is SUCH a fun day of sneak peeks because it is an assortment of our other characters.. you have now met all 18 of the new Bella 2.0’s  I hope you love them as much as I do!

And now we will meet some other of our recurring characters.. they just HAVE to make an appearance ya know.  They felt SOOOOO left out!

here we go!!! Ready?

What’s a release without Edna.   Edna is a newcomer on the block but EVERYONE loves edna.. she is like a CHERUB.. I wanna SQUISH her and  so will you 🙂

Meet Edna NEEDS a martini (notice there is no WANT in here.. it’s a need)


She has to be the SWEETEST fairy you have ever seen… and YES, in my world, fairies are REAL and they can have a drink once in a while.  or TWO… OR maybe THREE… she is a great image for girls night out.. for cheers.. for birthday.. for here’s to you..  For ANY celebration 🙂  LOVE.  Like seriously LOVE. Edna and her sentiment also come with their own “CUT IT OUT” dies

Now for some sample DT cards? YES?  Let’s go!

Remember.  NO FAINTING.

Here’s Faye-W-J-abella’s card


Shelabella’s card


Sandiebella’s card


Stephabella’s card


and Elaineabella’s card


Seriously I really can’t.  I wanna hang out with EDNA.

Now we have some WOBBLES.. I love them so much!

we have mama and baby wobble.. Could you die of cuteness?  THE LOVE?  amazing for mother daughter birthdays.. mother’s day .. someone who just had a baby?   Yup.. These wobbles have a part of my heart.


and some samples!

Here’s Elaineabella’s card


Here’s ALICEWERTZabella’s card.. THOSE FEET!!!!


And now for our next WOBBLE


seriously.. the wobble has it’s own stuffed wobble.  HAVE YOU EVER?  I CANNOT.  This can be used for children and adults alike!  With or without the sentiment.  I LOVE that sentiment so much and think it goes SO perfectly ifidosaysomyself.  And his sleeping cap?  ugh I cant


How about some cards?

Here’s shelabella’s card and I see she added a little ADORABLE frame from our TINY TOWNIE DECOR set… I LOVE THAT SET!!!


here’s PAULINEabella’s card


and here’s Elaineabella’s card


Again .. the FEEEET.

and last but not least, we have SHOWER bunny wobble.. useful for baby showers, wedding showers..rainy cards LOL.. just an all occasion image 🙂


THE FEET! LOL I know I’m redundant. and it comes with the two sentiments!

and of course they all come with corresponding CUT IT OUT DIES and COLORMAPS!  WOOHOOO


Now for some cards?

Here’s Sandiebella’s card


and here’s ELAINEAabella’s card



Last but not least we had to have some CHICKS in da release.  Introducing Manly Chicks.. they are such GOOFBALLS LOL.. and so NAUGHTY..

we all know how hard it is to find the perfect masculine card.. well THIS ONE IS IT.. between the image and the sentiments.. you’re SET!  are they not HILARIOUS? LOL.. and they think we don’t know that they are “the chicks”.. they think their disguises are REALLY good LOL



and some sample cards?

Here’s AliceWERTZAbella’s card


and Elaineabella’s card


and Kerribella’s card


SOOOOO?  You likey da release?

23 Stunning images.. and coordinating cut it outs…


release will go live tomorrow..







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  1. OMG saved the very best to last, loving the ‘How many sleeps’ ADORABLE and those little chicks are just fabulous, great dt work once again.

    Thanks for the chance to win and of course the great work.
    Love Jane x

  2. Hi Em! Congratulations on all the new releases!! I have so enjoyed every single one! Now for today, I think my fav is Edna…or the wobbles…or the chicks!! I can’t decide! OK, I still can’t choose my most favorite of all the new images, but I think it will be one of the Bellas. And Edna’s sentiment today is a hoot!!

  3. Oh my word! I have thoroughly enjoyed the last few days of peeks but today is over the top! I need Edna, have to have the Wobbles, love the Chicks….
    I am going to pretend tomorrow is my birthday and my gift from a secret admirer is a few new stamps from a certain stamping company which has just had a new release.

  4. Awesome!! It’s been so much fun seeing all the new gorgeous images. I can’t wait to buy some (or probably all of them). Stellar job girlfriend! Mwah!

  5. Oh MY! I love love loveeeee Edna. I have the original but this one is so much better! Just perfect and the chicks for guy cards. Whoda thunk? What a release. My head is spinning!!

  6. stunning selection of images and inspiration over the last six days they are all “a-bella-mazing” my wish list is now endless..

  7. Oh my, I do believe that Edna is my ultimate favorite!! The wobbles are my close second choice – but love All…..))?

  8. Okay, I am going to say I love them all but one I don’t like as much as the others. There is a reason and I hope I am not offending you when I tell you why I don’t like something. We can’t like everything, right?
    I don’t like the Edna stamp. My explanation is my 92 year old father who loved Martini’s and would go down to our basement to work in his workshop but was drinking vodka while he did a tiny bit of work. His Martini’s were all Vodka. He hasn’t had any in a long time but in the 90’s it was a problem. He cut his finger once on a power saw probably after one or 2 and our basement looked like the OJ crime scene. He had to get stitches. I’m not judging others who drink and I don’t, but that one’s not for me. Edna is a cute fairy though. How about one with Edna sprinkling fairy dust and making our wishes come true? That one I would love!
    I love, love, love the mama and baby wobbles! Those bunnies are the cutest things ever! I’m putting that on my list.
    While I like the wobble with the umbrella for a shower, I wouldn’t use that one much. I have to be careful with how I spend my money. Being a caregiver doesn’t pay where I live and I’m a sub at my preschool so they only call when they need me.
    The chicks with the male images are the best! I am always looking for images for my 92 (he’ll be 93 in Nov. God willing) dad and this one is perfect! It’s the one I really want! My dad will love it!
    I’m sorry if I went on a rant here. I just never knew how hard it was to be a caregiver. I wouldn’t trade this job for anything in the world but I had no idea it would be this hard to do. For now, unless I win something, I will be counting my money to see how much and how many I can get. I am salivating until they are all released. Thank the Lord they come in small packages so I don’t get yelled at when they arrive in the mail! LOL

  9. Forgot about the one with “How many sleeps”? That one is also so cute! Love that the wobble has a wobble! I have a similar stamp. The animal has a stuffed animal. I am going to have a hard time deciding which ones to spend my money on. If I was a Kardashian that wouldn’t be a problem. Maybe they will adopt me? LOL Naw, I don’t want to be a part of their disfunction. I’ll stay right where I am. My mom and dad need me!

  10. Gotta have the man-chicks! I’m loving so many of the new releases. Thanks, ‘bellas.

  11. OMG these are amazing! Edna is the business, I love her! So wonderful 😀 Those gentlemanly chickens are so much fun, and I love the sweet bunnies….so gorgeous, this is such an amazing release!

    Tanya xx

  12. WHAT!!! Freakin’ AWESOME and ADORABLE!

    Okay, I LOVE all the Bella 2.0’s, but I just felt the I ‘can’t even’ feelings when I saw today’s release!!!! 😀 😀 😀

    The Sleepy Bunny with the ‘How many sleeps’ sentiment was the first one I saw when I saw the banner on the home page and that’s just genius in the cute department! ALLLLLL of these are amazing! Edna with her martini, allll the bunnies and the manly chicks!!! LOVEEEEE!!!!!!!!

    I HAVE to put this release on my wishlist and cross my fingers and toes that I am lucky enough to win one of these wonderful stamps!!!

    THanks, Emily, for the chance to win and for sharing your amazing stamps with the world! They are some of my favorites for sure!!!!!!!!

    (sorry for all the caps and extra exclamation points – I just can’t contain my excitement! 😀 ha!)

  13. Oh my goodness!!! How many sleeps…nothing short of perfect. I am in LOVE with this whole release. The chicks….really….fabulous. I just want to thank you for the fact that there IS a Stamping Bella. Congrats ten years and please have LOTS more.

  14. What a fantastic release, I love How Many Sleeps since that is appropriate for someone very close to me. I have really enjoyed looking at all the beautiful cards this week, fingers crossed I might be lucky enough to win a set 🙂

  15. The manly chicks are hilarious! I’m always looking for things to make “guy” cards with and they’re perfect! Love this new release!

  16. How Cute! Love the Wobbles especially…………….tomorrow is the “BIG” day! Is there a specific time they will be available online………..waiting patiently. 🙂

  17. I would have a drink with Edna anytime. – she rocks!

    I think my favorite are those wild and crazy Dad Chicks. They can never take a bad photo!

  18. Oh my! I can’t even! I love them all! Edna is a must have, and the wobbles! And the guy chicks! Definitely need them! You are blowing my spending ban! It would help if I could win one set! Thanks for a wonderful release.

  19. These are just adorable. My wish list is growing and growing. Thank you for the chance to win!

  20. OH MY WORD!!!! They are ALL ADORABLE!!! I want them all, yes again! The chicks and bunnies are just so cute!

  21. Six months from tonight is Christmas Eve!!! lol but why wait….love all the new stamps….a terrific gift to myself…and no not the martini….well maybe :0) Stamps are amazing!!

  22. OMG HA HA HA!!! What a great post!!! The wobbly ones – OMG CUTE!! The chicks? OMG CUTE! And Enda?! OMG CUTE! I would say that today we are seeing CUTENESS OVERLOAD!! LOVE THEM ALL!!!!! And again the DT has done an excellent job. I can see why this would have been so hard to keep to yourself. LOL!! FUN!!!!

  23. OMG! OMG! OMG! I HAVE to have Edna!!!! She would be perfect on a card for one of my sisters who live in Chicago! Every time I see a Facebook post from her there seems to beverage in the photo with her and she is in some new “cute little place” she and her husband found! LOL! Perfect! I do also just LOVE all the new images from this release! Awesome! Can’t wait to get my hands on some of these! Okay, maybe a LOT of these! ?

  24. Love Ms Edna and the martini. So cute and I have lots of ideas for her. You have done a beautiful job Thanks.

  25. Absolutely love the animal designs! But that’s because I am an animal lover! Keep up the great designs! Now I have to get myself a day job to buy all these cute stamps!

  26. I love the stamps. They are so down-to-earth
    and fun.
    I’d love to party with Edna. We’d have a lot
    in common.
    The DT did an excellent job of highlighting
    the stamps.

  27. Oh my word, how can I possibly choose what will fit into my budget?? I do love the new Edna Martini !

  28. Seriously, I know Edna needs a Martini, lol. I really love all the sneak peeks and can not wait to get them when they are release at midnight! My soul has really be touched with this collection, thank you!

  29. My favourites today are the ” how many more sleeps” and the “men chicks” – that ones great.
    Thank you for a chance to win one of your lovely new images :o)

  30. The bunny with its stuffy has totally captured my heart! Perfect image to send cards to my niece and nephew…absolutely adorable!!

  31. My 11 year old son is into everything “Manly” so he will love the Manly Chicks. As for hIs mom – well Martini’s are always good. LOL. Great release!!! Really love the 2.0’s too.

  32. I love them all thanks for sharing and I enjoyed looking at everyone’s beautiful cards this week.

  33. This is sure a fun release too! They had a tough act to follow with those Bellas 2.0…but they held up just fine! I absolutely adore Sleepy Wobble and the whole chicks line has always kept my interest! Thanks for such a wonderful new release and so much inspiration for lots of future projects!!!!

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