Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Just count the hairs…(sounds kinda gross but it’s not–promise)

Thank you for the great wishes and not wanting me to change..LOL.  Cuz I AM NOT! I know I haven’t written in a coupla days as I have been swamped and zonked.. I love the word zonked.  Anyhow.. Here I am writing.. it is 7:01 PM and I can’t wait to curl up in bed and snore.. I am coming down with something AGAIN.. It’s so nice to have little children, no?  My mom is coming into town tonight and we will spend a little time together tomorrow to celebrate her birthday which was last week.  I am going for a desperately needed cut and colour.. LOL.  My mom comes into town, gives me the once over.. then the twice over.. then I get a comment as to whether I gained or lost weight (usually option A).. then she goes into detail about how I don’t take care of myself.. SHEESH so critical. but yet wonderful, with a heart of gold and  a similar sense of humor (yikes). You know when you look in the mirror and you see a coupla grey hairs poking from your scalp and you brush it aside and think it is a figment (OMG IS THAT A WORD??–I just drew a complete blank) of your imagination and you say “I just coloured my hair 3 weeks ago!  IT CAN”T BE” (but it was really 3 months ago (laughing my head off)… Well..then you get to the point where it is more than one hair peeking and it is more like about a dozen and you look in the mirror and say “OMG How could this be?  I just coloured my hair like 3 weeks ago (the same 3 weeks as before but it is really 6 months).. Well, that is the point I am at.  And any of you with curly hair to boot.. you KNOW when you need a haircut.. you get that “pyramid thing” going on where you look like a christmas tree? flat on top and bushy on the bottom…Well, I just cut my hair 3 weeks ago!  (really 8 months)… So bottom line is.. WHERE DOES TIME GO??  I just don’t get it?  You know how you count the rings on a tree to find out it’s age? (Tell me where I get this stuff?  just tell me?!)   Well you just have to count my grey hairs-35-almost.  Time to colour.  PRONTO.  Gonna do that tomorrow with mom… Should get a pedicure too cuz it’s looking like I have walked to California barefoot… you do the math.  OK.. TMI (TOO MUCH INFO).. I am in great need of a little TLC!

[photopress image=”chillout.jpg”]


Don’t we all just wanna “CHILL OUT”?




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  1. You young thing, you! Just wait until you start counting the grey hairs in your EYEBROWS! LOL! I remember I started plucking the “1 or 2” that popped up and my MIL warned me I wouldn’t be able to keep that up for very long. She was right, of course, cuz if I tried that now I’d have the weirdest looking few tufts of brown eyebrow hair like poka dots across my forehead! (I’m another one who gives TMI, sorry!) I think we need a “coverthegreybella”. I can see her now, with her pretty hair and one or two squirrely wiry one popped up from her part!

  2. I think we all can relate to this! Well – I only have 1 gray hair : ) snicker..snicker… but I nearly never get it cut! I never get it colored because I won’t ever get my roots done! The really sad part is that my sister, my husband, my father-in-law, his sister, and her daughter ALL do hair —- all in the same town of less than 5,000 people! You’d think that I’d have some great hair… nope! I’m the one with the naturally CONFUSED hair! I either stick it behind my ears or in a ponytail!

    Enjoy your day!

  3. You absolutely nailed it! I too was born with unruly curly hair. Everyone ELSE loves it, – except me. I’ve lived with it for the past 32 years!

    I used cut my hair short (yes,…curly short hair. Picture Seinfeld and you’ve pictured me in highschool – a tragedy really). Because I couldn’t imagine growing it out and having that bad ‘in-between’ stage. It would have looked like a wavy afro. I’m not bagging afros; On the right person, they look fantastic. But on me; gangly, white chick with an afro – not so much!!

    And that ‘pyramid’ effect you were talking about – SO TRUE!! When it gets to that stage, I usually start to pull it back into a ponytail (almost everyday) and then when it gets REALLY bad, I start wearing it in a bun!! And it’s funny because it doesn’t even register with me that I need a hair cut at that stage until my husband says something about the bun. (DH gets all weirded out because I look like a librarian or strict school teacher and he begs me to get my hair cut so he can see the curls again!)

    Anywho…thanks for the laugh and memories this morning! 😉
    And keep on keeping on!


  4. Oh Em I can soooo relate!!! I get my color done about once MAYBE twice a year cause I’m toooooo cheap to do it more often . . . after all, it would take away from my stamping money! LOL! But I really must do something before the baby comes (only about 6-7 weeks) so that I can look my absolute best in the glorious after-baby photos (yuck!). Anyway, have a great time with your mom! It’s nice to have girly days and pamper yourself – you deserve it!!

  5. All I can think of is a little quote I saw once….

    “Mirror, mirror on the wall, I am my Mother after all”


    Have a great “Chill Out” with Momzie. Enjoy your time, and stay well!

  6. Em, I have curly hair and “just a Little” grey showing, so I can relate to you on this one! I told my hubby I think I need a cut and he just laughed and said I NEEDED on since Dec! Can’t be, or can it?!!
    Have fun with your mom!

  7. Have a super time with your Mom and enjoy that beauty day! How fun is that!! It’s time for me, too, I don’t have curly hair… but I need that cut & color. Whew!!

    I’m turning over a whole new leaf… I’m dealing with my anger issues and I am totally in love with DH again (long story – I won’t try to tell you, it’ll hurt your eyes) so I’m shedding the anger, started working out again so I can shed the pounds (I have a lot of them) and want to make myself more attractive for him and for me and summer is coming… I don’t need to look good in a swimsuit, but it’d be nice to be able to run around the yard with my kids!!

    Was all that TMI??? Probably – but I’m into sharing these days. giggles

    Have fun!!

  8. Oh I can relate to the curly hair thang! Dog-gone crap on the top of my head…looks like I’m ummm nevermind – but I did get my do done last night and it looks well so-so if I say so myself! I laugh when ladies are at the salon getting perms…I think to myself, why would someone want to pay good money to have frizzies?? Oh well to each their own – as I sit here chuckling. Get the toesies done too…then wiggle them around all nice and purdy like – mine are jealous already. Happy Hump-Day!

  9. Funny, the timliness of your post. I looked in the mirror and said, Oh My! How did my eyebrows get like that overnight? ANd what is with the mustache there Jen! I know I just had it done. Then about 20 minutes ago my stylist called to remind me I had an appt today. That means it has been 6 weeks~LOL!!!
    2 Kids, 1 Husband, 3 dogs, 3 cats~homework, housework, hauling kids around, chores, grocery shopping! It is no wonder I am greying and hairy

    Em, I hope you get the time to enjoy the do and forget the rest! btw: I got my Bellas and have been coloring up a storm. I love your ladies~should I give one my grey hairs? BWAHAHAHA

  10. I stumbled across your blog – love the stamps by the way and I read your post about the triangle hair and had to laugh. If you learn to combat it will you let me know your secret?

    Two weeks ago – and it really was 2 weeks, LOL – I got my haircut. The next day I went into my son’s preschool to read to the class and his teacher comes up to me. She told me that they were drawing pictures of families and she asks my son about his picture. My son, who will be 4 in April, told her “Yeah, Mommy got her hair cut yesterday and she went from a triangle head to poodle ears!”

    I could have died. So I guess he noticed how my normally unruly curly hair went from long and “treeish” to losing weight and being “poodle-ish”.

  11. OMG Em! I can always count on your for some great entertainment. I have 5 gray hairs, and have not had a haircut in over a year…Kids always come first..Pedicure, about 15 months ago…Every time I get one, I tell myself I MUST TREAT MYSELF with a pedicure at least once a month, because they are so relaxing…but we know the kids come first…and we don’t think about ourselves..

    I love the CHILL out card. We need a getaway…WHAT THAT????

  12. Too funny! I gave into the gray hair and wear it au naturel now. Figure it makes me look like more of an eccentric artist LOL!

  13. Well, thank goodness for Mamas. No body can give TLC like a Mama, and it doesn’t matter how old you are, Mama always makes us feel better. Enjoy your visit.

    I won’t get started on gray hair and hair cuts, there isn’t enough room on the internet for my comments.

  14. I totally *get* the curly hair triangle – you made me laugh out loud… and the coloring thing too, I do home hair color in between and then after once or twice of playing beauty salon at home I have to call Bridget (who really DOES look like a Bella) and have her fix it all, wax the eyebrows, cut, color… the whole 9 yards until I let myself go completely bad again and the cycle continues!

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