Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Hiya Sistahs!!! Hope you had a great week!  We had a PHENOM week in bellaland with visitors on Monday and we had Kristi Ferro from Hanna Stamps and her POSSE come and visit Bellaland yesterday! How cool is that?!  We had a great time!  I cannot believe that a week has passed again.. I mean.. WHERE DOES THE TIME GO??? If you can find that out, you could be RICH! LOL

Just to let you know that we must say goodbye to Monique Hawrelluk, one of our most esteemed Bellarific Babes.  She has done a phenom job with us and we wish her lots of luck in her future endeavors!

So here was our challenge this week.  I know it was short notice sistahs and I thank you all for participating! It was SOOO MUCH FUNNNN! (and of course one of my favorite color combos :))  Thank you Leslie for recommending it!  Here is the challenge.. using pink and brown…

So let’s see what our Bellarific Babes have been up to with this challenge!

Nickabella– Nicky decided that it would be WONNNDERFUL to give another sneaky peeky for our April 28th release.. she used LITTLE EMMY for this card.. Is she the cutest thing ever?  Christy Croll, our FAMOUS and AMAZING artiste and great friend designed little emmy based on what she thinks I am like..LOL! and boy was she right! notice her curly hair… a little lopsided… different socks, different shoeZZ.. and a love skull on her shirt and glasses on her head..LOLOL.. I SOOO feel like her sometimes and the sentiment?!  We all have some of those DAYZZZZZ.. mwah nicky for the gorgeous card!

Danabella made a stunning card using our WEDDING GOWN circle stamp.. the coloring, the layout, the ribbon!! GORGEOUS!

Jenabella made a PHENOM card using Causabella!  I LOOOOVE IT!! Haven’t seen this stamp in a while..LOL and just makes me smile. Excellent Jen!

Joannabella made a stunning card using Missmatch KETTO… Don’t you just love the polky dots, the nesties, the image etc?! LOOOVE IT!

karenabella made a gorgeROUS card using peony BITTYBLOOM.. is she not ADORABLE?!  Love da bitties and there are more coming on April 28th!  Gorgeous card KAREN!!

Lindabella made a bEEyooTIful stunnariFic (LOL .. am in the mood to be FANCY) card using Stella’s Cupcake.. Aren’t the papers and the coloring phenom?  love it Linda!

Paulabella used babyfellabella… HOW GORGEOUS? HMMMM?

and LAST but not Least… Shannanabella made a stunning CRACKLY card using our Bloomin’ Pots stamp… did I ever tell you that this stamp was inspired by an actual picture of the identical connecting vases.. I pleaded and begged and was not allowed to buy it.. HMPH.. but at least I have the image FOREVAH! Gorgeous!


Now for our SISTAHOOD’s MAJOR TALENT!! I was so thrilled to “see” new faces sistahs! MWAH!  If I missed any submissions, please re-email me and I promise to get the images up ASAP and I apologize in advance!  I have put the name of the stamp in the caption with the artist’s name so if you would like to purchase the image, you can just put that title in the search box and up it will come!

Brandi Burns used LUCY KETTO
Brandi Burns used LUCY KETTO
Brenda Martin used BUBBLEBELLA
Brenda Martin used BUBBLEBELLA
Carolyn Orgar using TINKERBELLA
Carolyn Orgar using TINKERBELLA
Christine Dol using STELLA's CUPCAKE
Christine Dol using STELLA's CUPCAKE
Christy Stanford using CUPCAKEABELLA
Christy Stanford using CUPCAKEABELLA
Colleen Wold using BILLYBOOTABELLA
Colleen Wold using BILLYBOOTABELLA
Gaby Duclos using SPOSABELLA
Gaby Duclos using SPOSABELLA
Gaylynn Stringham used BABOO'S OWL
Gaylynn Stringham used BABOO'S OWL
Harriet Skelly used Eloise Greengrass
Harriet Skelly used Eloise Greengrass
Hope Spencer used LATTEBELLA
Hope Spencer used LATTEBELLA
Janine Orchard used PAPILLON KETTO
Janine Orchard used PAPILLON KETTO
Jenn Borjeson used NO FAIR GIRL
Jenn Borjeson used NO FAIR GIRL
Joan Bandy used SHOPPABELLAS
Joan Bandy used SHOPPABELLAS
Josee Boileau used CUPCAKEABELLA
Josee Boileau used CUPCAKEABELLA
Julie Weidner used SPOSABELLA
Julie Weidner used SPOSABELLA
Kerry Johnson used WENDY PAPILLON
Kerry Johnson used WENDY PAPILLON
Leah Moynihan used MISSMATCH KETTO
Leah Moynihan used MISSMATCH KETTO
Leslie Good used COSMOBELLA
Leslie Good used COSMOBELLA
Leslie Wittenberg used IS THAT A CUPCAKE ON YOUR HEAD?
Leslie Wittenberg used IS THAT A CUPCAKE ON YOUR HEAD?
Lori Haines used SAKE KETTO
Lori Haines used SAKE KETTO
Margo Smith used LATTEBELLA
Margo Smith used LATTEBELLA
Meahni Pieterse (from south africa!) used SNOWBUNNYBELLA
Meahni Pieterse (from south africa!) used SNOWBUNNYBELLA
Michelle Leishman used LUCY KETTO
Michelle Leishman used LUCY KETTO
Paula Bacon used IMELDABELLA
Paula Bacon used IMELDABELLA
Peg Rounds used ELIZABELLA
Peg Rounds used ELIZABELLA
Stephanie Attbury used JAVABELLAS
Stephanie Attbury used JAVABELLAS
Tami Mayberry used EMMYBELLA
Tami Mayberry used EMMYBELLA
Tammy Hershberger used LULU KETTO
Tammy Hershberger used LULU KETTO
Tracy Corhnill used CHARLOTTE KETTO
Tracy Corhnill used CHARLOTTE KETTO
Shelley Schechtman used TWINKLETOES HUGGABUGG
Shelley Schechtman used TWINKLETOES HUGGABUGG
monica reek used PREZZIBELLA
monica reek used PREZZIBELLA
Kimberley Lowrey used PHOEBE KETTO
Kimberley Lowrey used PHOEBE KETTO

So how’s DAT for a friday!  I just love these challenges and I will post the next one sooner than monday I PROMISE!

Please place a comment and you could win $20 in bella bucks!



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  1. Wow you gave us less time, and I think there’s more cards than last week. Wtg Bella Babes!!! Some beautiful cards and great ideas this time round. I love pink and brown. Amazing color pickin’ Em!!

  2. Beautiful submissions – I love Christy Croll’s style so much that I asked her to design a tattoo for me in memory of a little friend that I lost to cancer. She designed me the cutest EVA little angel bumblebee. Once I get the ink, I’ll share with everyone! I love Little Emmy and will def. be placing an order soon for her and some Kettos! Missmatch is my fave! :o)

  3. WOW!! AMAZING Friday eye candy!!! I LOVE all these cards! I’m coming down to Bella tmw and man, am I shopping!! I HAVE to have Little Emmy!!! That is SOOOOO my daughter!!! Can’t wait for the new release!

    WTG girls and great job Emily on the color choice!!

  4. Oh my goodness…the card entries are absolutely awesome! I can’t believe how many different cards there are. It has given me so many different ideas to play with now!

  5. These cards are wonderful! I was scrolling down and they just kept coming! Love that! So much inspiration! Thanks for sharing them with us. Cathy

  6. What beeeeeeautiful cards – who picked that fabulous colour combo?! 🙂

    Funky bow treatment on Kerry Johnson’s card! Great job everyone!

  7. Brown and pink are one of my favorite colour combos. And this weeks cards are just beautiful. Keep up the great job ladies.

  8. Wow I love Bellarific Fridays – so many beautiful cards! Couldn’t get mind finished in time this week – ah well next week! Thanks Em for putting all these together. It is very appreciated.

    Louise C from Montreal

  9. Wow! Phenom cards from everyone this week. I’m super duper bummed I didn’t get to play along… ohs well… here’s to next time! I LOVE all the eye candy and the chance that it gives me to say “I NEED that stamp” just because I see it used on a card! yeah!

  10. What gorgeous cards ladies! Awesome job to all who submitted cards this week. Pink and Brown are one of my favorite color combos! And I loved the sneaky peek eye candy of Nickabella’s card using Little Emmy! Adorable! Can’t wait to see the release this coming Tuesday! I will most likely be quite the blog stalker on Tuesday! lol Looking forward to Monday as well, to see what the next color combination is for the next Bellarific Friday. 🙂

  11. Aw, thanks for getting my card in there even though I was late, Em! Everyone’s creations are fabulous! It’s so fun to see all the Bellas and their friends in various shades of pink and yummy chocolate on all these fabulous creations! Thanks for the fun!

  12. What beautiful cards! They each show such talent and everyone did so good!!! I don’t think i could choose a favorite cause they are so awesome!! And that sneak peak is super cute!

  13. I love pink and brown. My friend is using these colors for her wedding in July. This gets me soo excited for it.

  14. Love the pink and brown color combo…one of my faves. Awesome cards ladies!

    Not so patiently waiting the release!!!!!!!! HURRY, HURRY, HURRY

  15. What talent! These are so beautiful!!! I keep falling in love with those Kettos, and that Baboo’s Owl is just darling! Lovin’ that eyecandy – yum yum!!!

  16. Wow – I love pink and brown and to see all these cards together is awesome – great inspiration!

  17. Amazing work everyone!! I just love the pink and brown combo….very chic and stylish : ) Thanks for all the inspiration. Cheers!

  18. I guess I am part of the Peanut Gallery this week. I had my imaged colored, the paper picked out, and never got a chance to put my card together. Oh well! All of that cards are awesome. Great job ladies!

  19. Well, I for one love you all lopsided and crookedy! LOL Nicky’s card is gorgeous as are all the rest of the cards….WOW! I stand in awe every week at all the amazing talent on display here. Lovely work ladies. 🙂

  20. WOW!! Great cards from everyone. I just got my first bella stamp order and can not wait to ink them. Love the color combo of pink and brown, it is one of my favs. Thanks for the chance to win. I would like to add more bella to my stamp collection.

  21. These are fantastic. I must admit that I am not a big fan of the color pink, but I love the brown and pink together. Everyone did a fabulous job.

  22. Awesome cards, Ladies!! Pink and brown has got to be my fave color combo…I wish I would’ve had the chance to make one this week but totally loved looking at everyone else’s!!:) Totally looking forward to the stamp release!!:)

  23. Lovey all the cards but I have to say that the paper piecing on Harriet Skelly’s Eloise Greengrass is blow my mind beautiful!

  24. I love all the cards! I even love the ones not by the Sistah’s! I may have to participate next time! Love it!

  25. WOW! All the submissions are downright BELLATASTIC!! 🙂 Pink & Brown could seriously be the best color combo EVAH! Great job everyone on all your awesome cards!
    I cannot wait for the release next week!!

  26. I’m crossing my fingers…and clicking my heels..”Theres no stamps like the Bellas, Theres no stamps like the Bellas”…and also thats alot great inspiration up there girls…WOW

  27. What an honour to have my card displayed amongst such great designs. Thank goodness for email or it would not have made it from South Africa all the way to Canada in time!!! Can’t wait for the new release, can it not be moved forward – hehehe.

  28. I did not submit a card for this challenge, but I am so looking forward to your next one so I can try my hand at it. I have a number of your stamps and I can’t wait to use more of them with a little inspiration from your challenges. I actually just entered my very first sketch challange on Mojo Monday, and the stamp is a Ketto girl. I just love them. Matter of fact I LOVE all the Stampingbella Stamps they are wonderful!

  29. All the cards are STUNNING!! Great job ladies. I almost had mine finished but I could not find my pink thread – bummer!

  30. Awesome cards! Pink & brown are a great combination. I didn’t make it to the challenge this week and I have lots of excuses, but it would take too long to list them all here – LOL. However, I did visit Bellaland on Wednesday to adopt 2 more Kettos.

  31. Sooooooo nice all those cards, and I loooove doing this challenge!!
    Can’t wait for the next one!!!

  32. Gorgeous…and since I got my first Bellas, Fella and Kettos today….I’ll be able to participate in the challenges! MWAH!

  33. Holy Cow! These cards ROCK! I love the color combo of pink and brown and these cards make me just wanna scream….they are all fabulous. Great job ladies!!! :o)

  34. I LOVE Bellarific Friday. The cards are always awesome. It seems each week they get better. This week is no exception. Great job Girls!

  35. What amazing cards! They seem to get better with each challenge! Can’t wait to see next week’s!

    Thanks EM!

  36. These cards are just beautiful and at the same time fun. Anyone would feel special to receive one of these beauties in the mail. And I love the ones with all the sparkle and bling the best. Keep the cardstock rolling. I can’t wait to see wait you have next week.

  37. stunning samples everyone!!!
    Can’t wait for the next challenge, now that I am “stocked up” on Bella stamps!!

  38. Such stunning cards from each and everyone! I love these challenges Em although I haven’t always got time to join in it’s so great to see what everyone is making with your stamps:-)))

    Inge xx

  39. These are my favorite cards yet!! What great inspiration!
    Can’t wait for the new releases this week ~ I think it is the 28th? I will be glued to the computer!

  40. These are beautiful! The pink and brown make me anxious to get stamping — and to see the new release!!! I think I’ll have to start participating in these challenges 😉 Everyone turns out such different, lovely cards. Amazing!

  41. Wow! I’m so glad I got to see Bellarific Friday this time and to leave a comment. Our modem died and the new one doesn’t come until Monday so I had to drive to Starbuck’s to come to the blog. I’ll do anything to see to see the wonderful Bella’s! 🙂 Great work everyone!

  42. Oh my gosh….awesome cards everyone….they are wonderful and I want all of the bella stamps….you are all enablers. I would love to win some bella bucks so I could fill my cart….lol!!!

  43. This was such a great challenge…this is one of my favorite color combinations and I am sorry that I was not able to play along this week! Beautiful cards by both the “team” and everyone else!

  44. I love seeing everyone’s creations for Bellariffic Friday because it’s a wonderful reminder about just how MANY awesomely fantabulous stamps there are in Bellaland! I get reminded of some old favorites and add ever more new favorites to my wish list!

  45. These all are truly Bella-licious, crafty babes! I’m so glad I finally made time to participate in your challenge after lurking for so long. Looking at these amazing entries I’m even more excited for the future challenges!

  46. What absolutely beautiful cards – wonderful job ladies!! I just LOVE the color combination – wish I had had time to play along.

  47. EVERYONE did such an awesome job! The design team’s cards were all gorgeous as usual and all the submitted entries are just absolutely wonderful!! Seeing these makes me want to go create some cards!!!! WOOHOO!!! I’m hoping I can play too next week…

    Do ya think any of this talent could possibly rub off and come my way???!!!

    Very inspiring ladies – a round of applause to each of you!

  48. Okay, what a great colour combo challenge ! A shout out to all the Babes & da Sistahs, !!! It’s fun doing these challenges and looking forward to the sketch challenge for next week. Again, “Hats Off” to you Em for all your time and effort.

  49. Oh my goodness!! What a beautiful job done by all of you Bellas. I was so excited to see how you all used the beautiful stamps. I am getting my first parcel of stamps this week. I might just need to sit on my front step until they come!!

  50. What amazing talent out there and what inspiration. Can’t wait for the new release this week in Bellaland and a new challenge. Hope to see you this week Emily.

  51. Love pink and brown! Great cards everyone.

    Em-I love Little Emmy-of course she reminds me of my own little Emmy. She is such a girly girl-at her sweet age of 2.

    I hope to make it to the Bella boutique again-trying to get myself back into the land of the living. LOL. I hope you and Ryan, Nicky, Dena et al are well.

  52. What a wonderful challenge Emily!
    Thanks for the beautiful, beautiful stamps that made such lovely card creations! Great job ladies!
    Thanks again Emily, you are the best and your Blog rocks!!!

  53. Phenomenal job ladies! And thanks to Em for hosting this again. I didn’t have a chance to play this week, but I’ve loved taking in all the eye candy, which is fantastic!

  54. The cards are so beautiful. I just got hooked with Stamping Bella designs and I hope to one day make cards as lovely as the ones posted here.

  55. I am loving all these gorgeous cards! I have already gone Ketto Crazy and can’t stop making cards with them. I love all of the samples….they make me wanna run not walk to my stamp room to create!

  56. Beautiful cards! I love the pink + brown combo (one of my favorites!)
    Looks like there are more cards than last week ~ WOO HOO!

  57. Wow, love the gorgeous cards, especially the kettos, they are my new favorite! Sake is soooo cute, glad to see some wonderful samples. Now have to go back and look them over again….

  58. These were the first stamps I have ever purchased and I just love them! The creations made with these cards are so beautiful and great inspiration!
    Great Job!!!

  59. I love the color combos! There’s nothing more delicious than pink and brown. Beautiful cards, everyone!!

  60. these are all so good. i love the variety in stamps used. makes my buying decisions hard for the free shipping order!

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