Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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It’s TANTALIZING TOOOOSDAY and what is for sale? hmmm

Hiya sistahs!  We had a long weekend this weekend and now I am back at my messy desk with a splitting headache..LOL

I have decided to extend the GIFT WITH PURCHASE until thursday!  So if you haven’t had a chance to get your shopping in, please do so until THURRRRSDAY (not to be mistaken with TOOOOOOSDAY..LOL).  You may even wanna grab some new TANTALIZING TOOSDAY goodies too!

Let’s discuss a winnah from last week shall we?

Last week’s winnah of TANTALIZING TOOSDAY is…

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

26-- GALIT, you win!! please email me with your info.. and I will give you $20 in BELLA BUCKEROONIS!

Ok, so WHAT”S ON SALE YOU ASK?   American Crafts CRAFT FAIR COLLECTION, BACKYARD COLLECTION and BLUE SKIES COLLECTION!!  yup! you hear me correctly!! but WAIT there’s MOOOORE (LOL. I know I sound like an infomercial).. we are clearing out ALL of our ZING embossing powder so if you have ever wanted to collect ALL the colors, NOW is da TIME sistahs!  If you would like to just peruse our SPECIALS area.. you can go here .


You likey da TOOOSDAY thingie?  Sorry for da LATE post but I had to run downtown and pick up my BRAND SPANKING NEW BERNETTE sewing machine…..yummmm.

*ahem* Karyn at  THE WORKROOM (one of my FAVORITEST fabric places) had to teach me how to thread the needle (which I don’t remembah how to do) and wind the bobbin… hmph.  I wanna do a MILLION things at once.  WHY CAN”T A DAY BE 476,789 hours and WHY can’t I have more HANDS and and and..

Mwah to da sistahs who know how to SEW.



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  1. Tantalizing Toosday really brightened my day today. Nothing like the chance to win some new rubbah. =) I guess it was one of those days I would like that winner to be me. ha ha, but who wouldn’t

  2. congrats on the new sewing machine … can’t wait to see what you will be creating with it!! can sewing be worked into Art Journalling 201 somehow??

  3. Shut IT UP with some Duct Tape GASP….. GET THE SNAP CRACKLE POP OUT OF HERE!!.. Am I seeing what I think me is seeing?? No freaking way is you giving away this goodie of an INSANE treasure! Have I told you that I love you lately? LOL.. Happy TOOOOOOOSDAY Queen Em 🙂

  4. It’s not only fun to read Emily’s posts, but also the comments!!! I had NO IDEA there’s such thing as transparent thread! Joy, thank you so much for sharing the tip!!!

  5. The sewing machine is very pretty! Wishing u all the enjoyment you will receive from your new machine. I can’t wait to get in to sewing with my cards as well! As for the sale extention…. who doesn’t love a sale, especially when it is extended. Thanks Emily and have fun with your new toy!

  6. luv tha machine..tend to dabble in the fabric department…but so luving my pencils right now…enjoy your machine..

  7. Amen to more hours in the day! I have to get me a new sewing machine because right now when I want to add sewing to a project I have to do it by hand and it takes for-ever.

    Have fun with your new toy!

  8. Ohh how fun! I got a new sewing machine for Christmas (LAST YEAR!). I can do straight lines…that is it. haha 🙂 I think we should have a night at the store where we learn how to use them. That would make a fabulous addition to the September Calendar, no? ‘Sewing 101’ – Includes sewing machine basics, and how to add stitiching to your layouts…hahaha

  9. I just started sewing too! I could not agree with you more, I wish work did not get in the way of all the things I want to have the time to do. Well work and cleaning. lol

  10. That is a nice sewing machine. I wish I had the room to sew again. Can’t wait to see what projects you create with it. 🙂

  11. Love the sewing machine. I’m going to have to get brave enough to try that on some of my cards. Oh course, you have to actually set it up to make use of it……….

  12. ok, so I like haven’t inked up my bella’s lately. I feel so bad!! It’s on my MUST list.

    thanks for a chance at winning 🙂

  13. Ohhhh… how I’d love to have a sewing machine like that!! I’ve never gotten to sew on my cards and I think it would be fun!! Rotsa ruck with yours!!

  14. Maybe you can give me the push I need to use my machine again. It gathers dust. The effect on cards is great. Good luck with your new machine.

  15. Very Nice sewing machine. I picked mine up at kijiji, an antique Singer from the 1950’s which sits in the lovely table it came with. Do I use it much… not !! Like to see all the goodies you will create with your new toy :o)

  16.…ZING! Got me a few of those. Gotta love a sale on things that get lined up to look pretty on a shelf…but maybe I will actually get around to using some of them.

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