Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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what is TANTALIZING TOOSDAY you ask?  Well, we will be placing goodies on sale for the week from Tuesday to the following Monday night.  We will also be giving away some blog candy every TOOSday as well!  does that NOT make TOOSDAYS special? LOL.

Let’s start with 2 winnahs from last week!

1st winnah for commenting

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

  1. Di Says:
    Thanks Em for having this amazing offer!

Timestamp: 2010-07-27 16:30:10 UTC

winnah numbah 2 for commentatin’ is

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

    Tuesday’s will rock…just like you ladies :)
    This kit is fabulous!!!

Timestamp: 2010-07-27 16:31:39 UTC

Now how EASY was that? SEEEEE?  all you have to do is say HI, place a comment and you have a chance to win!!!

Now let’s see what’s on sale this week?  shallll weee????

all of our ADIRONDACK COLOR WASHES are on sale.. they are amazing.. concentrated, yummy on fabrics, journal pages (had to slip that in), with stencils, on their own.. LOVE them (while quantities last)

All of our BASIC GREY SUGAR RUSH collection is on sale at 50% off (while quantities last – limited)

and we have a few stamps on sale too :). Romantic chandelier, Ketto’s baby bottle set and SHOEBAG.. love those stamps!

YUMMALISH?  Don’t forget to place a comment and you can win a $20 bella bucks vouchah!

update on the little additions to our family… we took Jasper and Edward ( i really wanted to name them IDDI and YIT.. get it?  definitely a good convo starter)  to the vet this morning (hence the late post).. the vet fell IN LOVE with them.. they were purring even when they were getting their vaccine.. poor little things.  They have made our home complete.. they are true brothers and friends.. they cannot be without eachother for one second.. when they sleep one has their arm around the other.  Most often, what you will hear in our house is “which one is he? LOL” cuz they look so much alike!  WE LOVE THESE KITTIES SOOO much!  I bought them a wicker “cat house”.. I will take a picture and show you how cute and spoiled these 2 little “gifts” are..

OK enough babbling.. I gotta get to work! WE HAVE A RELEASE TOMORROW YA KNOW!!!

mwah to da sistahs who are NEVAH in a rush and will place a comment!


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  1. I absolutely love the kitties, they are adorable! I think Iddi and Yit would be hilarious! I could just see you telling the vet their names.. too funny.

  2. We adopted 2 brother kitties last month, they are now 3 months old. We named them Terence and George…one is orange and the other is black and they can not be apart either…they are soooo cute!!!

    Can not wait to see what you have instore for us tomorrow!!!

  3. Great site . I just found it and put in my first order . I also liked the names Iddy and Yit!! Too funny

  4. Awh, gotta love sibling kitties! We had brothers and they were so cute snuggled together! Love the names…hmmm, have they “bit” you yet? LOL!

  5. Your kittens are absolutely gorgeous, I have a 20 1/2 year old I will trade you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Can’t wait for the new goodies tomorrow and congrats on your new kittens! I have two myself and can’t imagine not having them around, hairballs and all!

  7. OHHHHHHH I am so excited for sales! I FINALLY get to come in to the store to stock up on crafty goodness…I have been visitingmy family up in Northern Ontario for the past month and am going through Bella withdrawls!!!! See you ladies Thursday! >)

  8. Congrats on the new additions to your family!!!

    Can’t wait for the new release tomorrow!!!

    And how exciting to have a DT call – now that would be a dream come true for this Bella Junkie!!!

  9. Usually I hate cats…. not really a cat person if you know what I mean, but they are rather addorable…. Mazel Tov on the new addition. Can,t wait to see your new release tomorrow… Mwah

  10. ok, the kitty news is needed. Poor Daisy is kinda quiet these days, Pebbles is loving the boys gone and I am just looking forward to seeing them again soon. {mmmm, maybe it’s the bubka that I got jordan and jim hooked on…LOL Not to mention jordan’s boyfriends family. They are lucky they got it at all!} I been coloring away anticipation of the numb mouth tomorrow night! miss you guys…

  11. A new release?!?!?! OMG!!! OMG!!! Hope it has some kitty images!!!!! (I’m such a cat person despite my allergy….) Love-love-love your little fur buddies!!!!!!!

  12. SHRIEK!!!!! Adirondack Colour Washes!!!! SHRIEK!!!!! I love those puppies. Have you seen what Fred Mullett does with those and his wonderful nature print rubber stamps? I am going to dash home from work and order me some colour wash….. Good times.

  13. I think that keto stamps are my fave – they are so cure 🙂
    And 50% off anything is a great deal!!!!!!

  14. Wow, cool names for your kittens!
    Mine are called Moses & Fudge.
    Can’t wait for the new release…………

  15. WOW…luv luv luv luv it (site, cards, etc etc etc.) things starting to look “routine” on design..then wham…discover your blog surf’n…wow..nice job…VERY VERY creative

  16. So it’s Friday, I know and I’m a little late on the release and Tooosday specials but I have to say that I can’t wait to sit down this weekend to shop! Hope all the Bella fans haven’t sold the place out on me. So glad to see that your family has grown and Paula gets her house back in order. I’m sure the kidlets will enjoy having cuddling and loving from their new furry friends.

  17. I check your blog every day – for the stamps, ideas & inspiration – but mainly because it makes me LOL ! 😉

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