Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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it’s Stamping Bella’s release sneak peek day 5 sistahs!! Almost at the finish line!- Oh and a chance to win!


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Timestamp: 2017-01-16 04:18:17 UTC



still with me?  inspiration overload?  Is that even possible?  I NEVER have enough.. I’m like a bottomless pit LOL.    Well this is the tail end of the release.  Tomorrow we feature a BRAND NEW ARTIST who joined our group.. An artist you may already know?  or you may not… only time will tell.  All’s (lol) I can tell you is that I am IN LOVE with her and her style.  I’ll blabla more about her tomorrow.

FOCUS EMILY…. (getting flashbacks from when my mom used to say that to me LOL)

Ok. I’m focused now. at least for this minute.  Let’s talk about today’s release.  Of course I am IN LOVE with all the images as will you be.. We gots a few SQUIDGIESSS.. we gots a couple of flower girls… and a Petunia.

Stamping Bella January 2017 Release Peeks Day 5 - Click through for the full post!

Ready?… Set?… HERE WE GO!… click below to get to the next page 🙂

Let’s start with our Tiny Townie Garden Girl POPPY.. is she not the sweetest?  She’s so much fun to colour and so perfect for any occasion!

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release-Tiny Townie Garden Girl POPPY

see what I mean?

This image will have a corresponding “CUT IT  OUT” die.

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release-Tiny Townie Garden Girl POPPY "CUT IT OUT" DIE

And will be sold as a BUNDLE as well to save 15% when bought as a bundle!

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release-Tiny Townie Garden Girl POPPY "CUT IT OUT" DIE + RUBBER STAMP BUNDLE

Could you ask for anything BETTAH?

Colouring Video:

Elaineabella filmed the colouring process for us, which you can watch in the video below or in HD over on her YouTube channel!

Card Samples:

Here’s some inspiration from our amazing DESIGN TEAM!

here’s Shelabella’s card

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release-Tiny Townie Garden Girl POPPY card made by Michele Boyer

Here’s AliceWERTZabella’s card.  Can’t you just spot her style a mile away?  amazing !

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release-Tiny Townie Garden Girl POPPY card made by Alice Wertz

and Here’s Elaineabella’s POPPY card

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release-Tiny Townie Garden Girl POPPY card made by Alice Wertz

and don’t forget our GARDEN GIRL FLOWER SENTIMENTS posted a couple of sneak peeks ago! a perfect GO TO set for all these flower girls which I am sure will become an addiction collection.

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Garden Girl FLOWER sentiments

Ok Ok.. you want ANOTHAH Tiny Townie Garden Girl?  hmmmmm?

meet ROSE.. the garland?  CAN-N-O-T.  LOL  Ok I’m done “CANNOTTING”

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Garden Girl ROSE

This image will have a corresponding “CUT IT  OUT” die.

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Garden Girl ROSE CUT IT OUT DIE

And will be sold as a BUNDLE as well to save 15% when bought as a bundle!

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Garden Girl ROSE CUT IT OUT + RUBBER STAMP BUNDLE

is she not beeyootiful?

Colouring Video:

Elaineabella filmed the colouring process for us, which you can watch in the video below or in HD over on her YouTube channel!

Card Samples:

Here’s Stephabella’s card using Rose

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Garden Girl ROSE CARD by STEPHANIE HILL

here’s Lesliebella’s gorgeous card using our new ROSE.. that skirt? and she used the sentiment from our FLOWER SENTIMENT set!

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Garden Girl ROSE card by Leslie Good

Here is Sandiebella’s card using Rose

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release-Tiny Townie Garden Girl Rose card by Sandie Dunne

and Elaineabella’s Rose card

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release-Tiny Townie Garden Girl ROSE card made by Elaine Hughes

Here’s another sample using different colours by Lesliebella!

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Garden Girl ROSE card by Leslie Good


Ok I need to include an “ICANTEVEN” here… And I apologize in advance for you now having the song “if you like pina coladas” in your head (i love this song) but you will.  And it will remain in your brain for days.  Sandiebella confirmed it with me when she first saw the image LOL..

ok fine are all the lyrics to the song so you can not just HUM it but SINNG it.  You’re welcome.

I was tired of my lady, we´d been together too long
Like a worn-out recording, of a favorite song
So while she lay there sleeping, I read the paper in bed
And in the personals column, there was this letter I read
“If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain
If you´re not into yoga, if you have half a brain
If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape
I´m the love that you´ve looked for, write to me, and escape”
I didn´t think about my lady, I know that sounds kind of mean
But me and my old lady, had fallen into the same old dull routine
So I wrote to the paper, took out a personal ad
And though I´m nobody´s poet, I thought it wasn´t half bad
“Yes, I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain

Ok so why am I talking about Pina Coladas you ask?  EMILYYYYY FOCUSSSSSSSSS LOL

Because you NEED.. and I mean NEED to meet our new TROPICAL SQUIDGIES.. Seriously have you ever?  And in 2 sizes?  WELKS. and the sentiment?  AHHHHHHH

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- TROPICAL SQUIDGIES

This image will have a corresponding “CUT IT  OUT” die.

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- TROPICAL SQUIDGIES CUT IT OUT DIES

And will be sold as a BUNDLE as well to save 15% when bought as a bundle!


If you like pina coladas… and getting caught in the rain……

Colouring Video:

Elaineabella filmed the colouring process for us, which you can watch in the video below or in HD over on her YouTube channel!

Card Samples:

check out this GORGEOUS card by our Shelabella!  HI MY LITTLE SQUIDGY!  is this not the cutest card for a bestie? LOL (ummm please note the flipflops)

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- TROPICAL SQUIDGIES card by MICHELE BOYER

and Elaineabella’s fun card

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release-Tropical Squidgies card by ELaine Hughes

and Sandiebella’s card using Tropical Squidgies

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release-Tropical Squidgies card by ELaine Hughes

Next SQUIDGE is the XO squidgy!  Simple.. to the point.. no need for a sentiment.  The image says it all!  And in 2 sizes!

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- XO SQUIDGIES


This image will have a corresponding “CUT IT  OUT” die.

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- XO SQUIDGIES CUT IT OUT DIES

And will be sold as a BUNDLE as well to save 15% when bought as a bundle!


Can you even with these squidgies?

Colouring Video:

Elaineabella filmed the colouring process for us, which you can watch in the video below or in HD over on her YouTube channel!

Card Samples:

Here’s a sample card by AliceWERTZabella

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- XO SQUIDGIES card by ALICE Wertz

and here’s a card by Jennybella  so so cute paper piecing the XO!

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- XO SQUIDGIES card by Jenny Bordeaux
And here’s Elaineabella’s card!
Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release-XOsquidgy card by Elaine Hughes

“If you´re not into yoga, if you have half a brain”  (continuing the song.. CANNOT STOP)……



Next we have CHATTY squidgy..   SUCH a cute card for someone you miss.. no?  She is SOOO Happy to hear from you 🙂  Just look at that smile!

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Chatty Squidgy

“Yes, I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain… ” GRRRRRR


This image will have a corresponding “CUT IT  OUT” die.

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Chatty Squidgy "CUT IT OUT" die

And will be sold as a BUNDLE as well to save 15% when bought as a bundle!

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Chatty Squidgy CUT IT OUT and RUBBER STAMP BUNDLE

Colouring Video:

Elaineabella filmed the colouring process for us, which you can watch in the video below or in HD over on her YouTube channel!

Card Samples:

check out this gorgeous card by Fayeabella.. SQUEEEEEAL.  The bun?  CANNOT.

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Chatty Squidgy card by Faye Wynn Jones

Here’s Elaineabella’s card

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Chatty Squidgy card by Elaine Hughes

and here’s Sandiebella’s card


Last but not least we have another Petunia!

Petunia in love

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Petunia's in Love

So much fun to colour!

This image will have a corresponding “CUT IT  OUT” die.

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Petunia's in Love "CUT IT OUT" DIE

And will be sold as a BUNDLE as well to save 15% when bought as a bundle!

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Petunia's in Love "CUT IT OUT" DIE + RUBBER STAMP bundle

Oh Petunia.. how I love you … Oh and I also love pina coladas…… ARGGGGHHHH!!!!

Colouring Video:

Elaineabella filmed the colouring process for us, which you can watch in the video below or in HD over on her YouTube channel!

Card Samples:

Here’s Paulabella’s card.. sighhhhh

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Petunia's in Love card by Paula Williamson

and here’s Elaineabella’s glitzy card

Stamping Bella JANUARY 2017 rubber stamp release- Petunia's in Love card by Elaine Hughes

I think Petunia likes pina coladas… and getting caught in the rain.. I swear sistahs.. while I am writing this I am singing the song.. belting it out and my kids are telling me to SHUDDUP.. and every time they tell me to be quiet I get louder and say “BUT I LIKE PINA COLADAS… LOL”.. they’re getting so mad at me.. hehehehe

OK that’s the end of today’s sneaky peeky!  We will see you tomorrow with our new artist!

Leave a comment on THIS POST for a chance to win a $25 gift voucher to our shop!










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  1. Everything has just been fantastic so far and the inspiration is going from strength to strength, super super fabulous darling. Love Jane x

  2. I agree with Jane, you should be so proud of this launch and all the Bellas and their beautiful coloring — everything is gorgeous!

  3. Chatty Squidgy, oh I love that stamp and the ‘I wish I lived closer’ is a sentiment I would use often 🙂

  4. Hi Em! OK, I now have that song stuck in my head hahaha! Always liked it and the twist is great. Hilarious that you are driving your kids nuts…I totally do the same thing!! Nice to know I’m not alone! Wow, what a great release today! Hard to pick a favorite, but I think it’s between XO squidgy and Poppy. As always, the design team knocks it out of the oark with their beautiful coloring and samples! Can’t wait to see who you are adding to the team! Now I’m grabbing my first java of the day and scrolling back through all the releases!! Have a wonderful day!

  5. Love it all! Some of the stuff you come up with makes me LOL and that is always a wonderful thing!

  6. I just love the squidgy stamps, they are so adorable! And the garden girls are beautiful! You have done such an amazing job with this release!

  7. OHHHHH…. the girls are super duper adorable, sweet and cute! And that piggy… is so cute! Copic coloring on each of them is amazing and fantastic. Thank you for the videos 🙂

  8. Another amazing day of reveals!! My favourite today is the 2 girls together who say “your the piña to my colada”. How could someone not love them!? Very cool. Thanks for sharing with us today!!

  9. Omgosh!! Just when I thought it could not get any cuter!!!! That pig I can’t even!! So many possibilities.. yep its looking like I am selling the family cat and taking out a loan on our home!! Love love love it all!!

  10. I can’t take it ….. One is cuter than the next. Have no idea how I am going to narrow this down to what I can afford……Never mind the wish list there are so many “MUST” haves…..

  11. Wow, wow, wow! First of all, I love Petunia… that little pig has stolen my heart from day one and for sure she’s on my list. The Tropical Squidgies are so cute… brilliant idea having the two sizes and that’s a feature I would use over and over. Cutest little pineapple and coconut you’ll ever see! My list today also includes Chatty Squidgy… like really, how cute is this little doll!
    The design team has done a fantastic job again to showcase these stamps and dies. Can’t wait to order them!

  12. Definitely on overload with cuteness. These new sets are adorable and yes that song, can’t get it out of my head, telling me to buy, buy, buy, “if you have half a brain”

  13. I could just say ditto from all the wonderful comments above!!! Just love all these images – thank you so much for all the eye candy coming our way – never too much – agreed;) Hugs

  14. I really want to see all the lovely garden girls have a party together!! Sweetness overload!! : ) And those tropical squidgies and chatty squidgy are pure cuteness overloads!! EVERYONE this release is competing for top place on my wishlist — You should hear ’em.. they’re raising a real ruckus! : )

  15. Ok, you are making it really hard to pick a fave Garden Girl now because California Poppies are my favorite flower but Rose is super cute too… what’s a girl to do but get them all I guess?! 🙂

  16. You have out done yourselves with all of these fantastic new images and the coloring on each is amazing. I would love to have each and everyone of these new sets from day 1 sneak peek to todays sneak peek. This is going to be hard to narrow down my choices. They are so adorable……

  17. Yeah……. ALOT OF AUDIBLE WOWs going on here this morning! I’m so in love with all of your new sneak peeks! On facebook someone wrote taking out another mortgage in preparation, so hilarious and spot on! I have to have them all 🙂

  18. I just received my stamps from your super sale and now I need to order more! These are so cute! I send lots of cards and always need new ideas! Thank.s

  19. I love all of them, how are we to pick!? I am seeing some cute cards in the hands of my friends to make them smile with these new releases!


  20. Pina Colada’s….one of my favorites! What an adorable pair they are!! Too cute!! Thanks for all the wonderful inspirations!!

  21. I love Stamping Bella stamps! Im new to them in the last year but I am really enjoying the new releases. They are so gorgeous.

  22. another bunch of very cute releases, hmmm can’t wait to see who the new artist is
    thanks for staying focused Emily, we love this stuff

  23. I absolutely love the stamps that you’re going to offer us 🙂 What could be better than an pina colada? Petunia’s adorable!!!

  24. Love those little puff balls.
    I’m going to the Bahamas for a few days in
    February. I’ll need the tropical
    pair. The little pig in her flowers will
    also work in the scrapbook. Then I
    have my greeting cards and many
    of the puff balls will work there.
    Going to be a large order.
    thanks for sharing.

  25. Oh Petunia I am in love love love with this. and I thought the unicorn was my fav.. lol. StampingBella you just keep getting better and better. and the Garden Girl.. must must must have.. I NEED IT!

  26. My nickname That my other half calls me is Pig. Not in the “you are a ..” sense but if you have ever seen the film Babe – which is about a pig… the farmer says to Babe- very affectionately “that will do Pig. ” My friends don’t really get it but I know he is being lovely not nasty!! So after saying all that… I am obviously drawn to all the Petunia images xxx

  27. Oh stop!! (Said no one) but you are making me broke! Lol! I really think this release is the best ever. Can’t wait to purchase.

  28. I tried to resist the song, but no, you got me…if you like pina…..! Yes, it’s stuck in my brain. You’ve done it again…what an amazing group of stamps and dies. I love every single set you’ve teased us with, so far. The flower garden gals…so beautiful and so many possibilities. The LOVE chicks, Petunia, Squiggies, the unicorns and dragons AND a castle. I’m going to max out my card. Colada….

  29. I love the pig!! He is so cute in those little sun glasses. Actually they are all very cute. But for sure I will be purchasing the pig. It would make a beautiful card to send to my daughter who lives far away from me.

  30. AGHHHHHHHHH!!!!! The cuteness is killing me!!! The Squidgies? They’ve stolen my heart! (And soon my pocketbook. “Tropical Squidgies, go put that back!” “But I need money for a cocktail”, they say. Ha! Ha!) Dying to see who the new Bella is tomorrow! This release is worth eating pb&j for a month. All I can say is… “If you like pina coladas…….”

  31. Oh my! Tropical Sqidgy’s is so cute! They’re all amazing and the inspiration from the design team is over the moon, fabulous! I’m so very thankful for the daily e-mails. They’ve brought a smile to my heart each and every day!

  32. Amazing coloring on these awesome designs! I’m in awe! Can’t wait til tomorrow to see who the newest artist is!

  33. LOVE ALL OF THE GIRLS WITH FLOWERS !!!! Thank you so much for the great videos, and sample cards !!! It’s so nice to be shown how they colored them with copics, and listed which ones were used. Wonderful release !!! I predict a jammed website. Lol

  34. Love this new release especially the flower sentiments!! And I really love that there are matching dies to all the stamps!!

  35. I am blown away by today’s preview! One of the things I admire most about SB is the amazing artists behind the rubber and the gigantic releases you put out. Talk about a love for what you all do. I just can’t decide what to put in my cart first! Bravo!

  36. Can’t believe how amazing the flower girls are…and us “colorers” can’t resist doing flowers! So much shading and such a wide range of colors just fill our hearts until it’s overflowing!! Each stamp is as amazing as the last!!! Glad you made a stamp of great sayings to use with them! AND YES THE SONG IS STUCK IN MY HEAD—BUT IT IS -17 DEGREES HERE!!!

  37. Every morning I wake up and your posts are the first thing I look at. I am never disappointed! I can’t wait till I can get my hands on new products!!! Petunia in love- priceless! Nice way to end today’s release!

  38. Oh my gosh! I’m just about pulling my hair out with anticipation! They’re all so dang cute and pretty! I can’t wait till release day.

  39. The Petunia in love and XO Squidgy are so darn sweet. <3 BUT….. oh-la-la those Garden Girls are Beautiful. Poppy and Rose. How could anyone decide on just one?

  40. The Tiny Townie Poppy is so cute! I love all the stamps. The colors are all beautiful. The Squishies are so cute. I just bought pinapples and now everytime I see themin the kitchen I say Hi little Squidgies. So funny. I never would have looked at a pineapple before and thought it was as cute as a squidgy. You really have a creative brain. Can’t wait for the release!

  41. Oh My Word!! What great stamps! AND Inspiration!! I LOVE Petunia in Love!! She will be hopping into my basket as soon as she is released!!

  42. It is rainy here today and I have enjoyed watching all the videos! They are so relaxing and I’m learning new techniques! I love all the releases-this is going to be so hard!

  43. Unbelievable…. every time I think these stamps just cannot POSSIBLY get any cuter, you prove me wrong…. I am addicted to the tiny townies, and of course I MUST have Poppy and Rose…. love the samples, too – beautifully colored! And Petunia and XO just scream Valentines Day. So sweet! But my #1 on my must have list is Pina Colada! So stinkin’ adorable!

  44. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Poppy! Mainly because poppies hold sentimental value for me since that was what we called my daughter my entire pregnancy. When we found I was pregnant with her she was the size of a poppy seed. Way more info than anyone needs to know. Lol

  45. Wow, this release is brilliant. I love all the flower townies so sweet and perfect for spring, the squidgies are just great and petunia, I just LOVE all of her stamps and this one has the perfect sentiment to send to friends. I can’t wait to get them.

  46. First off I want to say the design team is amazing and what imaginations. That said, TROPICAL SQUIDGIES.. might be my favorite. However, I love the flower girls and little piglet is so cute. I love so many of each release that I will have to space out my purchases because of my finances. That makes me sooo sad ’cause I am an instant gratification type of gal… Hope I will be able to resist getting them all at once.. Hugs

  47. Another fantastic day of previews! these little Squidgies are just to adorable!! Loving everything !! What fun it’s going to be to create with these little treasures! Bring them to life with color… So many ideas in my head! Wish we lived closer is a perfect one.
    Thanks for all the great release days!
    Judy K

  48. I can’t wait until Monday!!! SQUIDGIES!!! Can’t get enough! Adore them! Whomever came up with the idea for them…….fabulous!

  49. And yet ANOTHER day of splendid new products and amazing cards using them. Inspiration overload? Never, but will need to add another room onto the house for all these luscious goodies. Thanks so much!

  50. I adore all of your new creations. I love your sneek peeks and always look forward to each new surprise. Stampingbella is one of my favorite places for stamps because of your attention to detail and the videos that make it possible for us to understand how to create these images from black and white to beautiful color. We have a ton of fun with the cards we make with your stamps. They always bring a smile to the receiver of those cards, which is the whole point. I look forward to making new purchases in just a few more days. Many thanks for what you do!

  51. OMG that TROPICAL SQUIDGIES stamp is soooo cute! I can’t get over how adorable those two cutie pies are. And that sentiment is perfect!! A must have for my collection lol!

  52. Stopping by to say that I love the new stamps on my way to the blender “If you love piña coladas…”

  53. Gorgeous images! AGAIN!
    But oh my lord that song! Does my head in completely, it is basically about a guy who is going to cheat on his significant other and so is she then it is all like “oh hahaha you were going to cheat on me? SAME, LOLS. Let’s go home :)” GAH!

  54. I LOVE that Petunia’s in love, because I am too! She will make gorgeous cards for all my distant family members.

  55. So many great images. I am horrible at songs and never actually knew that is what the song was saying. LOL. The final line is now stuck in my head.

  56. Ooh these are all so fab!! And all the DT cards have been stunning!! I’ve got all my fingers and toes crossed to win a voucher! Love love love them all!
    Lucy x

  57. Wow!! I am so impressed with all of your new designs, sayings and samples. I have been stamping for many years and it is great to see so many ideas for each stamp. Great blog!

  58. I am truly amazed at how many brilliant stamps you have in this release!!! And I really love all of these Tiny Townie Garden Girls, but I think the poppy and rose are my favourites 🙂

  59. Oh my goodness! I was hoping that maybe, just maybe there would be one or possibly two of this release that I wouldn’t just have to have, but NO..nadda…not…Is there going to be an option to check that orders them all????? LOL! By the way, loving some of this release having those cute sunglasses! Cute! My wallet can’t wait to see what’s coming tomorrow! 🙂

  60. You always have the cutest blog posts and I think I love your stamps better than anyone else’s! They include the cutest little girls EVER and the animals are darling, too! LOVE, LOVE LOVE ’em all in this newest release! Good job!

    Can’t wait to see more!


  61. You are so totally making me smile and that is a very good thing.
    First of all it’s that song. If you ever play rock and roll trivia you want me on your team. I may not know a lot of the artists from the 2000’s but before that, I am golden and yes, I know the words to that song and now I will be singing it in my head all night long! The whole song! Thanks Elaineabella! LOL
    Let’s start with the flower Tiny Townies. I love the striped tights. I think I had some but got a hole in them. The flowers are beautiful especially the yellow one and you know why.
    The cute tropical and XO squidges are to die for. Okay, not literally but you get my meaning. I love them!
    Is that an actual telephone, and not a cell? I thought I was the only one who had 2 of those although one is cordless but the other one we have looks kind of like that. Wow, an honest to goodness phone that doesn’t cut out on you if you aren’t in the right location and works all the time, not just in certain areas where there is cell service. That adorable Chatty Squidgy, kind of like my sisters Chatty Kathie doll, is all smiles because she heard from someone she loves. I love it!
    Last but not least is Petuna and she is smiling too because she is in love. I am too, with all of your stamps! If you could see me now, I am smiling so wide my face might burst! Which ones should I get? I need to make a list! LOL

    1. Forgot to mention that each and every card is special in its own way and if I analyzed why I liked each card I’d be typing until tomorrow. Love them all and love how colorful they all are. I also love how the stamps that are colored are featured prominently and not the embellishments. Sometimes there are so many embellishments on a colored card that I don’t know where to look first and I almost miss the colored, stamped, design.

  62. Those new images are so awesome! Happy to see more flower girls – the rose one is really catching my eye! And those pina colada gals? They’re just too much! Cuteness overload 🙂

  63. Totally awesome, must have the tropical squidgys!!! They are adorable, and Petunia with her heart glasses!! Thanks for all the fun and inspiration!

  64. I’m in love with your flower townies! The faces and the flowers are exquisite! Can’t wait to paint a few for friends and granddaughters!

  65. I love that song too and it’s running through my head as I type (and probably for the rest of the night lol) I have to say the last two will have to be my favorite out of the release since I have friends that I really should be better about sending cards to…and now there are two stamps that would be perfect!!

  66. I ? the little cute Squidgies, so that I ordered the cling stamps “XO Squidgy”. But I’m sadly, because I missing the right hand on the stamp. ?

    Best regards from Germany
    Annett alias “goebie”

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