Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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it’s SNEAKY PEEKY day 6-EE!! WOOHOO and a chance to win!

COMMENTS ARE NOW CLOSED.  WINNERS ANNOUNCED BELOW.  Please email me with what you won in the SUBJECT LINE and your snail mail address!



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Timestamp: 2016-06-25 01:45:28 UTC



Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

125-KATHY you win!	

Timestamp: 2016-06-25 01:47:28 UTC



Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

106-JANET D you win!	

Timestamp: 2016-06-25 01:49:40 UTC



Hiya sistahs!  I am SO SO SO SO thrilled that you are loving our new Bella 2.0.  I am in love with all of them too.. their faces.. their real arms.. their eyes.. their stance… their TOTAL versatility… I could go on and on.. and if you want more of them, you’ve got to let me know!  But that’s not to say that UPTOWNIES are going anywhere.. they are my favorites too LOL… our TOWNIE collection has much more detail.. lots of spots to color and have fun with.. the Bellas have more of an open space… more place to practice, paper piece and experiment.. they are both completely different and that’s why I love them SO MUCH.  I hope you do too!


So today’s sneak peek are 3 more bella 2.0’s.. CAN YOU BELIEVE I HAVE BEEN KEEPING THESE A SECRET FOR SO LONG?  If I would have told my daughter, she would have posted these 3 months ago LOL  she’s  #notsogoodwithkeepingsecrets LOL  But I kept it in.. it was HORRIBLE!

So now here we are on DAY 6.. are you ready Freddy?

Here is one of my favorites.. ugh I’m a liar.. they all are.. but this one makes me giggle.. shes so happy.  I think it must be a Friday night .. LOL


Here’s WINOBELLA 1.0


she’s happy… she’s giddy knowing that she has wine in hand AND must be sharing it with someone special… but not as giddy and excited as 2.o


NOW SHE’s EXCITED!!! LOL.. I LOVE her.. I love her dress.. I love her pinky in the air, because SHE IS A LADY after all, no?  LOVE.

Now some samples by our AMAZING DT?

Here’s Faye-WJ-abella’s card… SIGH.,  (don’t forget you can click the cards to make them BIGGAH so you can drool a bit more n’k?)


Here’s Stephabella’s card


and Elaineabella’s card


I mean seriously.  I CANNOT.

Now for the next sneak peek we have BARBELLA

Here’s Barbella 1.0.. why does she have droopy barbells? those are the kind I need LOL


And now for barbella 2.0


Can you even?  I can’t

Barbella is of course an amazing image for friends/family/mentors/ who are working out.. trying to lose weight etc.. but it shouldn’t stop there.  With the YOU CAN DO IT sentiment, BARBELLA CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING for ANY OCCASION..  she is just AWESOME.  Did she just run a race and do the treadmill, while applying some makeup and posing?  YUP.  Barbella is PERFECT 🙂

and some DT samples?

Here’s ALICEwertzABELLA’s card.. I just LOVE what she does with WASHI and her layering.. ahem I may need to steal this because I have 487 bins of washi that need to be used.. just sayin’.  Perfect and easy.. LOVE!


Here’s Kerribella’s MASTERY on KRAFT paper!


Here’s Lesliebella’s card


And here’s Elaineabella’s card


Makes me wanna work out… ok well not really.. but I wanna look like that IF I DID decide to work out LOL

and last but not least… after all that working out and wine.. we need some DOWN TIME…

Here’s YOGABELLA 1.0


and here’s 2.0


Love her.. love her lotus.. lover her stance.. love her footsies.. and I LOVE her sentiment…  and that little wee escaped curl on da left.

Hope you love her too!  Again.. this image is not just for the YOGI in your life.. it’s for anyone you feel needs some support… needs to take a deep breath.. a harassed mother (ahem.. not naming any names).. someone having a hard time at work… ANYTHING!  and that’s what I always think before we create an image.. can we use it in more than one way.  And we sure can!


some samples? oui oui?

here’s FAYE-WJ-abella’s card


Danabella’s card


and Elaineabella’s card



Another amazing day I say…

and of COURSE they all have corresponding “CUT IT OUT” dies!! woohooo!

Wanna chance to win them?  Leave a comment on this post or any of the preview post for a chance to win a random set!

MWAH to da sistahs who love da sneak peeks!






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  1. Oh how I LOVE the exercise themes AND the wine bella! 😀 PERFECT! 😀 Always on the lookout for exercise theme images, celebration and inspiring images with great sentiments and these are IT! 😀 FANTASTIC!!!! Keep up the wonderful work! 😀

  2. Whoa!! Kerribella’s BarBella on kraft paper is awesome!! Love all the inspiration with this release…such great sentiments!!

  3. I’m always amazed at the attention to detail in your stamps. But I’m always disappointed because I never notice the little bitty things until you point them out, then I have to go back and look and think, “How did I miss that little bit of cuteness?” Lol

  4. They are all so fun and exciting. The droopy bar bell comment is hilarious and I never noticed that before!

  5. BarBella and YogaBella!! And WinoBella!! Oh girl, these are so great. I’m not a drinker but I KNOW I can find a way to mask her hands to hold balloons or gifts, …. Hmm… Maybe sparklers for the Fourth of July! 🙂

  6. YES! YES! YES! I definitely would like to see more Bella’s. Absolutely LUV all of them. Two more days until I go on my shopping spree, I hope you have plenty in stock……………woohoo!

  7. Wow….I don’t know which one I like better “let’s Celebrate ” or ” you can do it” both look great and I could have so much fun with both ladies

  8. These are all amazing – Winobella is so totally my sister hahahah! I love the other two as well, pretty workout images are super hard to find – not any more though!

    Tanya xx

  9. love the sentiment with the yogabella! so perfect for so many times…. of course who wouldn’t love a wineabella to cheer on any occasion though?! 🙂 thanks for another fun sneak!

  10. I am, again loving the new sets…so darn cute. I also love the different designs…I think it’s amazing how different the same stamp can look in the final card. Love these posts.

  11. WINEO BELLA- perfecto! I love the exercise bella’s too! This release is wonderful! Have loved them all!

  12. Winobella makes me laugh! My late MIL’s nickname was Wino…. she’d have loved it if I’d made her a card with this stamp!

  13. OMGosh another three fab new bella’s! I love them all. So super cute. Okay, I still think I need Latte Bella and Super woman first, lol. But it’s getting harder to decide which ones are my priorties, lol

  14. The more images that I see, the more I want. The DT have done an exceptional job, again today, and have made these images come alive! Beautiful!!!

  15. I work for a winery so WinoBella is an absolute MUST!! She’s amazing!! And I do like the more full arms on the 2.0, but no descrimiation against stick arms. Haha!!


    can these be any better? no…no they can not…


  17. This is my first time commenting because I LOVE the Bellas! I really like the new Bellas but I have a soft spot for the originals in all their “generic-ness”! However, I’d like to add some new Bellas to my stash!

  18. These are just too much!!! I love them!!! Especially the wine and yoga ones! I can’t choose which one is my favorite, they are both too adorable, nice job!!!

  19. I’m having the hardest time trying to decide which girls I just can’t live without. Hope you have a HUGE stock of these beauties because they are going to fly off the shelves for sure!

  20. Another day of yumminess…..Each day I think I know my “favorite”…..each day I realize that I am wrong! Can’t wait ’til Saturday!

  21. Shut up, I can’t breathe right now. You just don’t know how you have touched me with these 2.0 stamps. It is so wonderful to see stamps that are so close to our images and that we can really relate to. If we don’t see ourselves we see someone else in the stamp. This collection is OUTSTANDING and I truly can’t wait for the release, really I can not wait!

  22. I love, love, love them…. I thought my original Bellas were amazing, these have really upped the ante!

  23. I love them all. Love the new Bella’s as it gives me opportunity to color them. Such inspiration, such talent! Can’t wait till tomorrow to see rest of collection.

  24. Love Winobella 2.0! Love her polka dot dress and curly hair (not to mention the inviting beverage in her hand)!

  25. These Bellagals just keep getting cuter and cuter! All the terrific designs the DT creates are wonderful!

  26. I love all the cards and how colorful they all are. The Bellas did a beautiful job. Will I be getting any of these stamps? Probably not. I don’t drink and while I like to celebrate, alcohol is not involved. I do like the stamp though and I can see plenty of uses for it, but not for me.
    I don’t exercise like that so that one is out for me too and neither does anyone I know exercise like that. Who would I send it to?
    I don’t do Yoga and no one I know does Yoga so that one is out for me too. They are really cute stamps though. I do like the sentiments and i wish I could buy them without the stamps.

  27. I am loving all the new releases so far. I would love to see more Bellas in the future. The design team is doing a great job showcasing these beautiful stamps.

  28. No more fussy cutting? YAY! These are all so cute. I love them. What a great release.

    I still think the old ones are so cute too. I love their vintage face. Especially the eyes and mouth.

  29. I LOVE the new bellas. So far my favorite is the barbella! I am holding out hope for a running one (unless I missed it but I don’t think there was a previous version).

  30. Every little detail you point out that you love is also something I love. I bet we all feel that way. You do have awesome stamps – all of them.

  31. Yay!! It keeps getting better! Super job from a super person! Thank you so much for recreating this line. xo

  32. I LOOOoOooOVE them allllllllllll!! So excited for this release 😉 still trying to mop up the drool off of my keyboard ?

  33. So yesterday I kept hopping over to see these new images. LOL!! I was on my phone and waiting to get to a bigger keyboard so I could type my face off. HA HA HA HA!! Well, let’s face it, typing on a phone is a bit inconvenient for bigger messages. ANYWAY, YOU’VE OUTDONE YOURSELF UH-GAIN!!! BUT … I have to say … I FREAKIN LOVE WINOBELLA!!! OMG so stinkin’ cute!!! But again, I love how you’re mentioning what else they can be used for. Brilliant!! And the DT is still kickin’ butt!! Hate to see this week end. LOL!! Hugs!

  34. Winobella is adorable, but Yogabella (I think that’s a magic carpet) is just plain fun. Thanks for the wonderful release — I’ll be back to purchase some of these cuties!

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