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it’s SNEAKY PEEKY day 5! and a chance to WINNNN WIN WIN!



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teresa mackenzie says:

I am having difficulties deciding which image is going to be my Christmas Cards.

Timestamp: 2015-08-17 00:47:28 UTC*******




Hiya sistahs!  I am SOOO happy that you loved my PENG (hard G) ees yesterday!  They are so adorable and have a bit of a mischievous nature to them too… not quite as mischievous as our chicks but they are TIER 2 on the MISCHIEF level lol .

Today I would like to introduce “MERRY EVERYTHING”… Now OF COURSE there is a story here too.. I cannot resist an anecdote or 4 when my images are in the spotlight.. I guess it shows how passionate I really am about my stampies… they ARE alive.  I’m telling you they ARE.  At least in my heart they are 🙂 (just humor me n’k?)

Here is MERRY EVERYTHING.. Love this image and I love the sentiment 🙂  I hope you do too.



If you love SNOWMEN.. and if you love PEN-G (hard G)-EES… you will love this image.   I have always also loved snowglobes.. ALWAYS.. And my kidlets have a snowglobe collection.. everywhere my mom travels to.. or we travel to, we try to pick up a snowglobe :).. I know they are tacky.. I remember my grandparents always had these cheesy snowglobes on their shelves and I was mesmerized for hours, shaking them and watching the “snow” fall 🙂  (can you explain how their HELLO MIAMI snowglobe had snow in it?? LOL).. So that’s why this is yet another image that is close to my heart.  Do you see “JACQUES” at the top of the snowglobe?  I am not really sure how he escaped .. and I am not really sure he likes his freedom.  I think he wants “IN” LOL

Here is KERRIBELLA’s card using Merry Everything 🙂


and a closeup 🙂



If you love this image as much as I do, or even not as much as I do LOL and want a chance to win them, please leave a comment below.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE getting comments and read EVERY. SINGLE.  ONE.  I love when you share your memories with me too.. it’s so special and that’s what makes this “SISTAHOOD” what it is 🙂

MWAH to da sistahs who love da SNOWGLOBE and da PEN G (hard G) EES and A SNOWMAN


All images available August 17th!

See you tomorrow!

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  1. I love snowglobes and cannot image anyone ever walking by one without reaching out, picking it up, shaking it and watching the glimmery snow fall down.
    This is such a cute stamp and one that is going on my list for sure!

  2. I was waiting for your new post a whole day (here it is almost evening by now) and I tell you it was worth waiting. Love your snowman and the little penguins. They are soooo adorable.

  3. This is just tooooo cute!!! I live the snowman and all the little pen-gees!! I will definitely be making cards with this cute image!!!
    Love the way you used it on your card too!!!

  4. i am completely in love with your new line of stamps. this one is really adorable. of all the christmas stamps that i have (and they are a lot) i love snowmen and snowflakes. You just can’t go wrong with a snowman and adorable penguins. While i Never want to leave Christ out of Christmas i do love making cards with adorables and keeping the reason for the season in the message. love it!!!

  5. This is so lovely, I am going to enjoy stamping this onto acetate and colouring on the back to make it look like a glass snowglobe. Fun!

  6. La La love the plucky PENG’S and Snowman in the Snowglobe. This will make a really cute Shaker Card too. It’s a must have!!!

  7. PenGees again!!! Yeah…love them…and what a great idea to put this little gang into a snowglobe…funny little escapist…;)

  8. What more could we want. Captured all together a snow-globe, mischievous penguins, super cute snowman and a fantastic sentiment!

  9. Look at JACQUES peeking over, how cute is that 🙂 I Love this new Merry Everything stamp! Adding these cuties inside a snow globe is Fabulous…JACQUES is wanting back in for sure!! Don’t wanna miss out on all the fun.. Such a Perfect image for the Holiday Season! Hugs, Trina

  10. I love the Merry Everything stamp with the penguins and snowman. If I was telling the story I would say the penguins snuck into the globe to keep the snowman company. The penguin on the outside seems he is trying to figure out how to get in and join in the fun.

  11. This is most definitely my favourite one from this release! It’s just perfect, with the globe, with the penguins and the snowman… it’s a truly adorable scene! And the sentiment is just a jaw dropper! I better win this one cause if I don’t, I’m gonna have to buy it!!!

  12. How much I love this? All of my favs – snowmen, penguins and snow globes. I don’t care if they are considered tacky. I love them because they are like little magic worlds. And what a great sentiment. Great new release.

  13. For those of who love seasonal cards but don’t celebrate a specific holiday, this stamp is absolutely perfect. Thank you so much!

  14. Absolutely love this stamp!! This is way too adorable to put in words – love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, love it – did I mention I love it?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I would love to use this stamp on a Christmas card for one of my friends this Christmas. It’s way too cool! 🙂

  15. This has to be my favorite of them all so far. It looks like snow globes I’ve collected over the years, I love snow globes and I get one every Christmas. The sentiment is perfect too. I have to have this stamp! This would be a fabulous Christmas card for me to make and give since everyone knows my love for snow globes. GREAT STAMP!!

  16. What a beautiful sentiment and a wonderful image to go with it! What a fun set of stamps in this release!

  17. I am having a hard time deciding if I like today or yesterday’s better – they are both just so adorable.

  18. Yes I’m with you!!! Love snow domes and it is because I have lovely memories of them from childhood.
    I even started a tradition with my own son. Every Christmas a snow dome was included in his Christmas Stocking. Snow domes of all sizes and descriptions. That was until my son put his foot down and said no more! They just weren’t cool.
    I miss buying a new globe each Christmas but hey I was lucky to do it for 12 years ( I think my son humoured me for the last 2 years).

  19. OMGosh i am in LOVE LOVE LOVE with Merry Everything!!! this will DEFINITELY be a stamp that i’ll be buying!!!

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for feeding my Penguin LOVE!!!

  20. PRE-ORDER Please!!!!!!!! This is just too cute! You are killing me Em! My list (as always!) just keeps growing……I don’t know if I can take any more…..until tomorrow! 🙂

  21. This image is cuter then cute!
    Love the sample cards as well. Never would think to use brown card stock, but your sample artist makes it looks so delish!

    Enjoying this round of previews very much.

    Thank you!

  22. Oh my gosh! How cute is this one? I could use glitter, embossing, crayons, colored pencils, water colors and tons of other things. I also love what it says. Would I love one? Yes please!

  23. Oooh! This stamp is SO adorable! I would love the chance to create with it! And the sentiment is the most wonderful Christmas sentiment I’ve EVER seen on a stamp. I think I would use it FOREVER, as though it was my original idea (even though, unfortunately it wasn’t – it was your brilliance instead) 🙂 Love the penguins and

  24. Just when I think you have reached your highest level of cuteness you come out with these new images. I really love them.

  25. Oh that is so adorable. I can’t wait to start making Christmas cards – my favourite time of year (and of course the stamps are alive 😉 ).

  26. Your killin’ me…..LOVE, LOVE this stamp. My three favorite winter things, snowmen, penguins and snow globes. The sentiment is fantastic! Have to get this stamp. As always, thanks for the chance to win such an awesome stamp!!!!!

  27. Who doesn’t love a snow globe? Yours is super cute. I agree, Jacques wants back in! Would be fun to color.

  28. I have recently discovered your stamps (yes I have been living under a rock!), and I just love all the illustrations. These for the upcoming holidays are just so beautiful!

  29. I just love the stamps you have shown during the 3 former days including today. I really can’t wait until the 17th when they become available. Christmas cards are my favorite ones to make! Thank you for this sneak peek. ?

  30. I love your stamps so much!! These pen-gees are going to be my daughters new favorites I am sure!!! She has a daughter who is two and loves penguins also. Cant wait to make cards and tags and so many other things for my granddaughter!!

  31. Looking at my stamp collection and Holiday ornament selection, I’ve noticed that I have a thing for snowmen. And for penguins. So this image totally makes me smile. It’s mega adorbs!


  32. Oh, what a wonderful story behind the image! Love that you share this with us, it makes the cute image even better (if that is even possible!).

    I remember how fascinated I was with snow globes as a kid. The wonder of this little world in my hands, and the flitter or snow slowly swirling around …

    When I saw this image, I had to think of happy Olaf from Frozen! How he sings and dances and wants to hug everyone and know what summer is like. This little fella here has the PENG (hard G, I know) ees to hug him and keep him warm in winter nights. LOOOOOOOOOVE it!

  33. I also love snowglobes, and this stamp made me squeal with delight. Love PENG(hardG)ees and thisis just the cutes! This is going to be part of my collection for sure!

  34. Awww! This snowman snowglobe with the penguins is precious! Super cute sentiment too! 🙂 Perfect for the holidays of course (and really versatile for other occasions in the winter if you really chose to…<3)

  35. I absolutely love your new and not so new stamps! The Christmas Nacho is too cute for words, I must have him for my cards!!! My list or wants and wishes is getting longer by the day! Awesome ideas!!!

  36. Everyone loves snow globes and this one is just fabulous. The Penquins are absolutely adorable and I love the way you’ve colored them! You are so creative and talented, makes me envious!

  37. I LOVE this!! The snowman and the Penguins are just delish! This reminds me of the first card my girlfriend tried to teach me: a snow globe shaker card…. We still giggle at how it didn’t turn out, and the fact that she stillllll has glitter in her hardwood flooring 🙂

  38. SWOON!! I think tis is my FAVORITE Image from the WHOLE Release!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this and the AMAZING Inspiration!! THANKS SO MUCH for sharing and for the chance to WIN!! Have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

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