Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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it’s SNEAKY peeky DAY 3 Y’ALL… and a chance to win!



Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

191-Tami Mcdaniel YOU WIN!  Please email me ( with subject line: SNEAK PEEK DAY 3 WINNER and I will send you your Voucher!

You’re probably all thinking WTH is this -CANADIAN-furthest-from-southern-you-can-get-chicklet saying Y’ALL for…

I KNEW you were asking yourselves that.  KNEW IT.  I don’t think I have EVAH said the word Y’ALL in my life.. and I have so wanted to.. FOREVAH .. and FINALLY found my opportunity.


Ok fasten your seatbelts with BIG BUCKLES on it… cuz HERE WE GO!

Meet Cowgirl Squidgy

And seriously.. Aside from her amazing ROPE skills  check out the sentiment.  FOR REALS..

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - COWGIRL SQUIDGY RUBBER STAMP

She also has her own “CUT IT OUT” DIE

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - COWGIRL SQUIDGY CUT IT OUT DIE

she will also be sold as a BUNDLE to save 15%!


Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - COWGIRL SQUIDGY RUBBER STAMP + "CUT IT OUT" DIE

Copic Colouring Video:

You can watch Elaineabella colouring the image in the video below or in HD over on YouTube.

A free downloadable Copic Colour Map will be available for this image on purchase, and you can also see the colours used in the video.

Card Samples:


Heres Shelabella’s card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - COWGIRL SQUIDGY RUBBER STAMP . Card by MICHELE BOYER

Here’s Jennybella’s ADORABLE  card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - COWGIRL SQUIDGY RUBBER STAMP . Card by Jenny Bordeaux

and Elaineabella’s card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - COWGIRL SQUIDGY RUBBER STAMP. Card by Elaine Hughes



And with every Cowgirl comes a gentleman COWBOY SQUIDGY with a big buckle and a few stars and some juicy boots, no? And this cowboy has some inspiring words that go with him too of course !

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - COWBOY SQUIDGY RUBBER STAMP

He also has his own “CUT IT OUT” DIE Y’ALL

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - COWBOY SQUIDGY "CUT IT OUT" DIE


He will also be sold as a BUNDLE to save 15%!


Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - COWBOY SQUIDGY RUBBER STAMP + CUT IT OUT DIE

Copic Colouring Video:

You can watch Elaineabella colouring the image in the video below or in HD over on YouTube..

A free downloadable Copic Colour Map will be available for this image on purchase, and you can also see the colours used in the video.

Card Samples:

Here’s Shelabella’s card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - COWBOY SQUIDGY RUBBER STAMP. Card by Michele Boyer

Here’s Jennybella’s COWBOY Squidgy card.  LOVE

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - COWBOY SQUIDGY RUBBER STAMP. Card by JENNY Bordeaux

and Elaineabella’s card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - COWBOY SQUIDGY RUBBER STAMP. Card by Elaine Hughes


of course with EVERY set of  SQUIDGY COWBOY/GIRLS there should be matching cute SQUIDGY CACTI!  I just think they have SUCH personality.. I can’t explaint it LOL.

they also have their very own set of “CUT IT OUT” DIES

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - Squidgy CACTUS rubber stamp

and of course available as a BUNDLE to save a bundle 😉

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - Squidgy CACTUS rubber stamp +CUT IT OUT DIE

Copic Colouring Video:

You can watch Elaineabella colouring the image in the video below or in HD over on YouTube.

A free downloadable Copic Colour Map will be available for this image on purchase, and you can also see the colours used in the video.

Card Samples:

Here’s Shelabella’s stunning card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - SQUIDGY CACTUS. Card by MICHELE BOYER

Here’s Elaineabella’s gorgeous card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - Squidgy CACTUS rubber stamp. Card by Elaine Hughes

and here’s Jennybella’s card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release - Squidgy CACTUS rubber stamp. Card by Jenny Bordeaux

Speaking of CACTI… Everyone needs a set of 5 cacti in their collection no?  And the sentiment?  SO SO TRUE.

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -CACTI rubber stamp

And of course any set of CACTI need a set of “CUT IT OUT” dies no?

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -CACTI "CUT IT OUT" DIES


And of COURSE we are offering them as a bundle too!    If you buy them as a bundle you save a bundle (I know stop making fun of me with my little jingle)

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -CACTI rubber stamp + "CUT IT OUT" dies BUNDLE

Copic Colouring Video:

You can watch Elaineabella colouring the image in the video below or in HD over on YouTube.

A free downloadable Copic Colour Map will be available for this image on purchase, and you can also see the colours used in the video.

Card Samples:

Here’s Elaineabella’s card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -CACTI rubber stamp CARD by ELAINE HUGHES


and Danabella’s card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -CACTI rubber stamp. CARD by DANA WHITE


Next we have one of my FAVORITES.. who am I kidding .. they are ALL my favorite but this one?  I dunno.. It sparks a memory.. something inside of me.

Meet the Squidgy on a journey.  This is a great image for “OH the places you’ll go”.. graduation, someone working on something personal.. achievements.. birthday.. bon voyage.. really anything.,. that’s why I LOVEY her.

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -The SQUIDGY on a JOURNEY RUBBER STAMP

See? am I wrong?  She is just… well… PERFECT.

and of course she comes with her own “CUT IT OUT” DIE

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -The Squidgy on a JOURNEY CUT IT OUT DIE

and of COURSE offered as a bundle… REMEMBER… BUY A BUNDLE … SAVVVVE a bundle

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -The Squidgy on a JOURNEY CUT IT OUT DIE +Rubber stamp BUNDLE

Seriously I CANNOT EVEN.

Copic Colouring Video:

You can watch Elaineabella colouring the image in the video below or in HD over on YouTube.

A free downloadable Copic Colour Map will be available for this image on purchase, and you can also see the colours used in the video.

Card Samples:

here’s Fayeabella’s card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -The Squidgy on a JOURNEY Rubber stamp. Card by Faye Wynn Jones

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -The Squidgy on a JOURNEY Rubber stamp. Card by Paula Williamson

and Elaineabella’s card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -The Squidgy on a JOURNEY Rubber stamp. Card by Elaine Hughes


Here’s another one of my favorites.. I know I know.. I’m not even gonna go there.

Meet SNAIL MAIL SQUIDGY.  I always say there is something VERY special about going to the mailbox and getting a letter or package.. LOVE!  The one on the bottom?  you WILL meet her again tomorrow.. I can’t with her and her arms.  And WHY is that cat there?  Dunno but that’s exactly where she should be no?

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -Snail mail Squidgies rubber stamp

and of course they have their own “CUT IT OUT” dies

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -Snail mail Squidgies "CUT IT OUT" DIE

And a BUNDLE where you save 15%!

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -Snail mail Squidgies rubber stamp + CUT IT OUT DIE BUNDLE


Copic Colouring Video:

You can watch Elaineabella colouring the image in the video below or in HD over on YouTube.

A free downloadable Copic Colour Map will be available for this image on purchase, and you can also see the colours used in the video.

Card Samples:

Here’s Sandiebella’s card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -Snail mail Squidgies rubber stamp. Card by Sandie Dunne

Elaineabella’s card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -Snail mail Squidgies rubber stamp. Card by Elaine Hughes

and Paulabella’s card… UMMMM the CAT!

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -Snail mail Squidgies rubber stamp. Card by Paula Williamson

last for today is our UPSIDE DOWN Squidgy.. She loves to have fun.  Another moment in my childhood.  I don’t think I ever did that.. but I think I always wanted to 😉


Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -UPSIDE DOWN squidgy RUBBER STAMP

look at her little shorts.  CANNOT.

and she has her own “CUT IT OUT” DIES

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -UPSIDE DOWN squidgy "CUT IT OUT" DIE

and you know the SHPIEL… BUY A BUNDLE… SAVE A BUNDLE ;0)

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -UPSIDE DOWN squidgy RUBBER STAMP + CUT IT OUT DIE BUNDLE

Copic Colouring Video:

You can watch Elaineabella colouring the image in the video below or in HD over on YouTube.

A free downloadable Copic Colour Map will be available for this image on purchase, and you can also see the colours used in the video.

Card Samples:

here’s Fayeabella’s SHAKER CARD

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -UPSIDE DOWN squidgy RUBBER STAMP. Card by Faye Wynn Jones

and Elaineabella’s card

Stamping Bella Spring 2017 release -UPSIDE DOWN squidgy RUBBER STAMP. Card by Elaine Hughes



Are you still with me?  hmmmm?  Because there’s a lot more to come sistahs.. We are squeezing a lot into the next few days.. stay tuned!

Leave a comment (at the top near the title of the blog entry) for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to our store!


See you tomorrow!











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  1. “Wanna hang out?” and “Trust your journey” very cute and perfect for my life style… Grandkids!

  2. “Y’all” did an awesome job showcasing the adorable Day 3 stamps!! So exciting and I can’t wait for release day!

  3. Cute as can be! Love the little cowboy – so reminds me of my grandson. The litle girls are adorable also. I am always impressed by how imaginative you are.

  4. another batch of just tooooo cute designs… i’m in love with the girl on the bike…. the cowgirl…. the snail mail…. i could just go on…. too stinkin cute!

  5. Ohhhh… great release day and the design team really knocked it out of the park. So many cute stamps and the Squidgies are adorable!

  6. In love with all these cute stamps coming out. Squidgy hanging upside down is one of my favourites!

  7. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway! Looking forward to seeing the rest of the release. It has all been adorable so far.

  8. I’m HANGIN’ IN …..HOPIN’ to be “roped in” with a WINNER e-mail from ya’ll!
    I’m “trustin’ that a message” will be headed my way as I LOVE “hearing from you”……snail mail, e-mail, or any other way….LET’S CHAT!

  9. I can’t decide which ones I love more, but “enjoy the journey” made my day! Don’t we all remember a day when we were little and we’re going to run away?

  10. I absolutely love these images and sentiments! Everyone’s cards are amazing. I enjoyed see all of the different colours used on the different cards and Elaine’s videos were all amazing!

  11. I have to admit that I have felt intimidated and have shackled myself as a creative spirit for too long. I salivate daily over all the amazing illustrations and stamp kits. Your stamp kits and amazing artists just blow me away. Today, I gave myself permission to acknowledge and tell my story a different way. When I saw “Trust Your Journey,” it was just the perfect sentiment and illustration to embark upon my 21,537th day of life! My creative spirit is alive and well and thank you for the daily lessons and inspiration. I am forever grateful!

  12. “Love hearing from you” is a great and cute stamp
    Ideal for my child that works out of country and so busy can’t call home. Anyway first think I thought of when I saw it.

    Love the cowboy and cowgirls too and the catcus are so cute.
    Tricycle squidly girl too.

  13. Fabulous stamps! The Squidgy’s are adorable! The cacti are the bomb-diggity, because I can never have enough cacti. 🙂

  14. Always love to hear from you. So refreshing!
    The stamps are very inspiring and I just LOVE the bundles with the die cuts! WOW!

  15. Oh, these are too cute!!! Love the ‘want a hang out’ and the little cowboy and cowgirl sets, what cute wedding or anniversary cards these would make for the ‘rustic couple’..!! TOO CUTE!!!!! Thanks for the opportunity!

  16. Squidgy’s…LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, I mean REALLY love!!! You have so much to show and tell with each release; it’s amazing!!

  17. My favs today are “Upside Down Squidgy” (which was totally me as a kid), and “Squidgy on a Journey” (also me as a kid), which will be great for upcoming grad cards! Love them!!!

  18. Love the cactus and sentiments….”Life doesn’t have to be perfect…..”
    and “trust your journey” – so appropriate for my grandkids! Keep up the great designs!

  19. SQUEAL!!! These are all so adorable! I don’t know how you guys can keep getting cuter and cuter with every release. I love them all!

  20. You’re going to make me go back to work yet so I can afford all my “want list”!!! The squidgies are adorable!

  21. The boy and girl cowboy and cowgirl stamps are the cutest stamps ever. The sentiment that goes with the boy cowboy is definitely the truth.

  22. Oooh more fabulousness. I love the squidgies, and especially the Snail Mail (the grumpy one’s expression is hilarious!) Fab samples.

  23. I thought I was being strong for Days 1 and 2, and then comes all the deliciousness of Day 3 and I am a quivering wreck – oh my, those Squidgies!! Sorry for any drool on the blog page ? Love them all, how’s a girl to choose?! Squirrel xx

  24. They just keep getting cuter. I love the mailbox and the cat especially. Can’t wait until these are available to own.

  25. I absolutely adore all these stamps but especially the cowgirl one! I think I love the sentiment just as much as the image (and that’s pretty amazing)!

  26. Omg! OmG! OMg!!! It’s a squidgies,squidgies, squidgies kind of day! Soooo stinkin’ cute. I especially love squidgy hanging out on a limb… I spent half my childhood climbing trees and hang upside down on tree branches. And snail mail and squidgy on a journey are definitely “must-haves, too!

  27. I love your releases and you crack me up! Love the cowboy and cowgirl and especially their sentiments! Your designers are so amazingly talented! Love the examples and love the snail mail. And that calico cat! Amazing!

  28. Another adorable group of stamps! The little cow-kids will be perfect for our family…and the saying on them are so interchangeable! My daughter is such a great roper!!! Also…I am all about snail mail…there is just something about opening the mailbox a getting a letter/card. That stamp will make amazing notecards!!!!

  29. After I lived in Arizona for almost 5 years, I always love seeing cacti shown on stamps! I love both sets that you created featuring them!

  30. Stop it! You are making it way to hard to choose……..I want everything!
    They are all extratriplefabulously cute?

  31. STOP IT! You have made it incredibly hard to decide what to buy…….I want everything!
    They are all extratriplefabulously cute!

  32. Seriously adorable!! Especially LOVE the Squidgys! How cute is that mail one with the pouty face?!?!?!

  33. OMG! Definitely will have to have the Cowboy Squidgy and the Cacti and Wanna Hang Out is delightful! Thanks for the opportunity to win some bucks to help fund my growing wish list!

  34. So pleased to see a boy stamp, and love the look on the little girl at the bottom e- posting a letter stamp – so cute

  35. OMG I love the little kids all of them they are wonderful just what I like to color and make my cards look like

  36. That adorable Squidgy is my granddaughter, and I love cacti with a personality. The little cowboy is definitely my grandson. Love them all!

  37. Love the new stamp and die combos, especially the western themed ones ( the cowgirl and cowboy are so darn cute!). Thanks for sharing card ideas and the chance to win. Gracias!!!

  38. So, so cute!! Really love the Cactus ones as I live in AZ. March 30th is my BD, what are the chances I might win??? fingers crossed.

  39. I love them all, y’all! I’m not in the South either, but what the heck. I especially love that stand alone cactus. I see so many options with that. 🙂

  40. First off the intro had me cracking up I was laughing so hard and the images are so cute absolutely love them

  41. Well Snail mail is a definite comming to live with me and so are a few others cann’t wait to see tomorrows release. 🙂

  42. Gaaa! My budget is blown to smithereens and I have to put most of these on my wishlist!! Love the ‘rope life’ sentiment and the cacti and best of all: Snail Mail Squidgies!!

  43. OMG, Can Squidgy get any CUTIER?? Is that a word? I don’t know but she just squeezes adorbleness !! Now I made that one up, lol. I just love her in all the stamps and all the cards the talented women made. I really love that shaker card. Also, a girl and boy Cowboy, so adorable I love them, who doesn’t love a cowboy. That would be perfect for my hubby, he calls his “man cave” his ” cowboy room ” so I have to have that one. All awesome. Thanks.

  44. Oh the cowboy squidgy! He is my favorite! Also love the little mail gals….too much cuteness in this release. My bank account is in serious jeopardy this month.

  45. Love them all but have plans to get a couple plus other things for now. If I got it all now we wouldn’t be able to buy groceries. Have been getting the backing for stamps from you so I can take some rubber off the wood blocks…love it, saves space!!!!!! Sure could use the gift certificate so I can get more. Love your company.

  46. am not sure if my comment went through. Love them all, will be sending “another’ order tomorrow with some of these too. Sure would love winning.

  47. I’m not sure why, but I love the Cacti? I also love the facial expressions on the Squidgies!!

  48. Cute western theme images!!! The “Trust your journey” Squidgy is one that is tugging at my heart right now too! <3

  49. That little cowboy is ADORABLE!!! There isn’t many little boy stamps out there so i’m really happy the cowboy came out 🙂

  50. Squidgy on a Journey is a perfect image for a moving away card, graduation or heading to college. And snail mail is just downright adorable!

  51. I’m inlove! My daughter is a little cowgirl and would enjoy making a cute card for her. ? this set!!!

  52. Squidgy, Squidgy, Squidgy! My wish list is getting longer and longer! I am going to have to spread out my purchases this time.

  53. Okay, I am a squidgy lover! There, I’ve said it! Oh my gosh! The squidgy that is hanging upside down from a tree? Before I got glasses in grade school and I don’t remember which grade I got them in, I did that on the Monkey Bars. Now they don’t allow Monkey Bars because you could fall and hit your head doing that.
    The cowboy and cowgirl are way to cute! My cousin had a cowgirl outfit when she was little. I never did that I remember.
    Of course the Snail Mail Squidgy is great for all of us card makers. I really, really love to get mail, even if it’s just junk mail. That means someone cares about you. I love that and it looks like the Squidgy’s care for each other, mail and even for their cat. Squidgy love!

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