Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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it’s SNEAKY PEEKY day 3-EE (i had to rhyme no?)- oh and a chance to win!

COMMENTS ARE NOW CLOSED.  WINNERS ANNOUNCED BELOW.  Please email me with what you won in the SUBJECT LINE and your snail mail address!

******************************************************************************************************************************************************WINNAH of BEACHABELLA “CUT IT OUT” DIE AND RUBBER STAMP BUNDLE GOES TO

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Timestamp: 2016-06-25 02:06:11 UTC



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Timestamp: 2016-06-25 02:08:24 UTC



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Timestamp: 2016-06-25 02:09:00 UTC




Hiya sistahs,

In all honesty, each image is a labor of love.  I work very closely with our amazing, talented, beautiful, wonderful, kind, artist, Chrystal… her creativity cannot be beat.. and then you add my INSANITY and we are an amazing combo.  We’ve been working together for years, I think we finish each other’s sentences and finishing touches on images.. you should hear us squeal (well virtual squeals) when we hit the nail on the head and deem an image perfect :)… well at least perfect to us!

And then… when I share the images with our AMAZING, TALENTED, KIND, WONDERFUL, DT and I hear THEM squeal.. then it’s confirmed.. the image is good to go 🙂

Actually I have always kept the releases a “secret” from the DT.. they get their images to work on and then they are JUST as surprised as you are on sneak peek days with the images they didn’t receive.. isn’t that fun and TORTUROUS of moi?

Anyway, that’s the evolution of an image.. it starts with an ideaR.. it goes into sketch mode.. we discuss back and forth.. it becomes inky.. it gets screams, squeals and happy dances.. and then it’s made into RUBBBBBBAHHHHHH.

So for today’s sneaky peeky down memory lane we have….

beachabella v 1.0.. everybody loved beachabella!


and meet Beachabella 2.0!   SCRUMMY I say 🙂


seriously, I CAN’T EVEN.

And now for some samples?

Here’s Lesliebella’s gorgeous card!  LOVE the stripey beach bag!


and the inside 🙂


Here’s Kerribella’s card.. look how she pops on Kraft.. WOWZA!


And Elaineabella’s card?  that background?  I CANNOT and I WILL NOT.  hmph.  LOL


amazing yes?  YES!!!

Now for our next image?  She started off as “PREZZIbella”..  I wanted to sound Italian.. WHILST (I love the word WHILST) playing on the word “prezzie”.. I was SO clever 10 years ago…


Clearly, Bella’s been doing quite well financially and has become EXTREMELY generous… so now she is called GIFTABELLA.. check this sassy one out!


Seriously.. how amazing is this image?  Definitely a must have.  SO useful for every occasion!

And some samples?

Here’s Tracybella’s card


And Elaineabella’s card




And now here’s “LATTEBELLA” 1.0


Lattebella has morphed into.. WAIT FOR IT…… WAIT FOR IT….

don’ttalktomebeforemycoffeeABELLA LOL!  Seriously this is me.. TOTALLY ME.  plus a few pounds ok?  Did you HAVE to make me admit that? LOL


I LOVE HER!!!!!!  and that sentiment for a bestie?  seriously. It cannot get better.  Well it can, but I’m trying to make a point here.

Now for some samples!

Here’s Tracybella’s card


Here’s Sandiebella’s card


Here’s Kerribella’s card


and here’s Elaineabella’s card


I know I know.. you’re all saying STOP WITH THE MADNESS!!!!  But I can’t .. I’m sorry.  I have 18 bellas to share, plus an AMAZING Edna that you will not be able to take your eyes off of and some WOBBLES you cannot resist… SOOOOORRRRRRRRYYYYYYY

You’ll have to bear with this 10-year-older-BELLA. LOL

Mwah to da sistahs who are LOVING da sneak peeks!

Don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance to win one of the stamps with it’s corresponding “Cut it out” die!  WOOHOOO!



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  1. The new Bella’s are total Babe-a-Bella’s!! I LOVE them! And It’s amazing how 10 years will fill a GiftaBellas arms. Kinda like my arms 10 years later, but that’s another story… Wink!

  2. Oh my goodness wow wow wow what a difference!! These are absolutely amazing!!! Love them!!
    Lucy x

  3. I am loving the new bellas, don’t get me wrong, I still love the uptown girls, but these bellas are wonderful!

  4. I finally have almost all of your Uptown Girls & most of the adorable Tiny Townies & a few darling chick stamps & thought my collection was pretty complete – now I get to start all over!!

  5. Oh my gosh, every day I think I have found my favorite new Bella and then you post a new batch!! Today I thought it was GiftaBella but then….CoffeeABella!!! So me! This is a fabulous release, Em!! Thank you for the chance to win!

  6. I am so loving our updated bellas!! Today’s favorite is coffee/tea bella! Of course I love them all….

  7. Fabulous images. I remember being so excited I was when I first discovered the old Bellas. I loved those gals and I like the new ones every bit as much and look forward to the rest of the release.

  8. These are all amazing! Haha! I love the coffee one, my boyfriend is like that in the mornings but with tea – talk to him before his tea and you’re in danger of being growled at 😀 The others are fab too of course, this is such a great collection!

    Tanya xx

  9. I am loving all the new releases. I just wish you still had a distribution outlet in Canada since I get nailed by customs every time I place a large order. Thanks for the chance to win one of the new Bellas.

    1. Hi Kristie,
      I know that carries our stamps 🙂 they are located in Ontario and have super quick shipping!

      1. They don’t carry the dies. I like buying the stamp and die bundles because I don’t like fussy cutting. I will keep checking back to see if they start to carry the matching dies. Until then, I will keep playing Russian roulette with Canada Customs since I love the Tiny Townies, Uptown Girls and now the revamped Bella’s.

      2. I have a quick question. I just had an order arrive and I am missing a stamp and die bundle. Do I have to pay shipping again to have it sent to me?

  10. Oh my goodness! The coffee one speaks to me!!!! Love her! The others are great too, but I NEED the coffeebella. Great updates!

  11. No need to apologize… keep ’em coming!! They’re fabulous!! Love the comparison of then and now!!
    don’ttalktomebeforemycoffeeABELLA…. hahahahaha!! sooo true! : )

  12. Ohhh! Soooo loving allll of these new releases!!! The 2.0 coffee bella is one of my favorites! They are all fantastic! 😀 Keep up the great work!

    Also, if I didn’t mention it before, the DT creations are so gorgeous too! 😀 Nice job!!!!

  13. OMGee! You’re such a tease! I don’t know if I could pick a favorite so far but maybe the the new lattebella! I can’t wait to see the rest of the sneak peeks! xx

  14. Love the coffee Bella, she is like me if I don’t have coffee by ten. Makes me want to pull out my stamps and colour.

  15. LOVE coffeebella – I will have to push retirement a couple of years to keep doing this, but – GOTTA HAVE THEM ALL!!!!

    Love your creativity!

  16. OOOOOHH! CoffeeBella is SO me! I’m looking at today’s blog, as I refill my first cup of coffee!

  17. Cannot get enough of these wonderful Bellas!!! I’m especially smitten with the coffee loving Bella, that is so ME!!!

  18. Wow… such beautiful Bellas! Absolutely adore don’ttalktomebeforemycoffeeabella… did I get that corect?… lol. It’s obvious a lotta work has gone into these… love them!!

  19. WOW……as always the release gets better and better! Love the new BELLA 2.0’s! Thanks for the chance to win!

  20. There she is! Sun-stational!! Beach abella is the first stamp I bought!! Brings back great memories 🙂 love love LOVE this new release – ahMAYzing Dat cards!! TFS ??

  21. I’m loving the Bella’s and have quite the wish list going. Thanks for brightening my days this week with the sneak peaks.

  22. OMGoodness!!! I am just loving this Bella 2.0 version! Must have that coffee! These re-vamps are stunning!

  23. I like the new bellas, but I like the old bellas too. In with the new buft not out with the old.

  24. Seriously love the not before my coffee stamp, but they are all looking better, fabulous, and much more up to date. A few pounds? What? None of us have gained an ounce since HS. Ok well maybe more than we want to admit. Lol

  25. Wow! What a great trio of Bellas! Just love ’em all, but especially love Giftabella. I can imagine using this image for so many happy occasions.

  26. I’ll swear I heard an evil laugh there when you talked about torturing your DT…. EEEK!! Of course……. I’m LOVING these fab new updated Bellas…. but oooh, did I hear there’s another EDNA?? Can’t wait!!!

    Christine x

  27. I am amazed with the 10 year update you have given these lovely ladies and I realized I sure could use a 10 year do over, so please could ya, would ya pretty please? Love your work.

  28. I’m really loving these revamped stamps. I think you guys did a really amazing job with the older stamps you chose to redesign. They are all great and the projects shared are amazing!

  29. I am new to the Stampingbella world….and OMG….I can’t beleive I have missed so much. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these stamps. I must have them all. Your stamps are just so adorable. Keep up the great work!

  30. Still really loving the new Bellas and I think some of day 3 are totally going to be in my stash! These are creatively ahead of so many of the other stamp options out there. I love that let us have fun and be classy at the same time when depicting ourselves and our friends!

  31. Three more wonderful sets. I am so in love with these new sets…with all of the sets. Bring on some more fabulous goodies. Wonderful!!!

  32. OMG STOP!! JUST STOP IT!! The older images are bringing back so many memories but WOW for the new ones!!! I’d be squealing too…oh wait I may have let out a gasp and squeal so high pitched only a dog could hear. LOL!! Keep them coming!!!!! ?

  33. Where do I start? I am in love with all the Bella’s and they aren’t male and I can’t date any of them! LOL
    I love the Beachabella with the florescence sandals in the background & the striped beach bag and the green bathing suit. The colors are amazing!
    The Coffeeabella is not for me but that doesn’t mean I don’t love her.
    The Giftabella is another fave of mine. There are so many ways I would use her for. I love the colors on all the cards and what beautiful work everyone did with the stamps. I hope I can do as much justice when I make my cards.
    I hope I get to win something. I will be sending you a copy of the card I made my dad for Father’s Day. I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to show everyone!

  34. The coffee theme, i have the original stamp, love it and i still use it today:). If i do not win this piece, i will put it into my next order. Love it. Great creations!

  35. Gosh! I’m so excited that I keep checking your store for other stamps that I love and plan to purchase. I have Sophia, Mackenzie, Brynn, Bentley, & Charlotte from the Uptown Girls Collection. Thanks for such amazing Bellas.

  36. OMG Don’ttalktomebeforemycoffeeABELLA is so lovely.
    But i love all of the new Bellas. So great release!!!

  37. I have so missed DA BELLAS!!!!! SO excited for this amped up version!!!! Thanks for bringin’ bellas back!!!!

  38. How in the world did I not know about these beautfiul stamps? I want to find my Bella. They are beautiful, cute & delicate, demure & sassy, elegant, fun, relaxed and so much more. 2 words: Beautiful work!

  39. Each day’s release is even more fun than the day before’s!!! Loving it!!! I use to look just like Beachabella…40 years ago…many pounds back…before having kids…before my butt slid down to my thighs…etc!!!!

  40. Oh my gosh! I love all the new Bella 2.0’s!!! A few years ago I had a subscription to get a new Bella and card kit every month. I hope you do that again. I can’t wait until the 25th.

  41. How could we ever choose just one image, one card??? I Love the softness and freshness of the circa 2016 ladies. Picking two, I would go with the latte card and the wish I Could Be There gift girl card. They are all so beautiful.

  42. if the police come to my door while I’m typing out this reply, I am going to blame you because I was squealing so loud as I saw ‘LatteBella’ I know the neighbors surely phoned to say something was happening over here!!! 😉 she is AMAZING!!! and I must add her to my wish list! I mean NOW! 🙂 the others are quite lovely, but she is something special, indeed.

  43. OH. MY. GOOOOOOOODNESSSSSS!!!! there’s nothing better than this sneaky peaky….these are the BEST! and you’re right the beachbella does pop on the kraft paper! I love them Sweetie, really truly!

  44. I love all of the new stamps but THIS COFFEE SISTA JUST SPEAKS TO MY SOUL!!! I would love to win all of the new stamps but this one it truly worth it’s weight in gold.
    Your updated sista’s are FABULOUS! YAAAAAAAAAAS MissLady, your stamps are the TRUTH! Lol. Love them!!!

  45. How cool! I have all these images!! I love the new ones and can’t wait to get some! You have done a fabulous job! xo

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